Geometric Brass Planter Stop Motion Tutorial!


Hello!! We are trying out a little something new today I would LOVE your feedback! You get 10 Vintage Revivals points for spotting this little guy at the end of Ivie’s bed in her Room Makeover! Its the little things

Ivie’s Bedroom Makeover Reveal!!


Its my favorite of all blogging days! Its Room Reveal day!!! YEAH! If you’ve been following along all month then you are totally aware of what is going on here. If you’re a newb then welcome and lets get you

V Plank Wall | Bathroom Update


Hey hey!! If you are just tuning in, welcome to the Rock What Ya Got Budget Bathroom Makeover Extravaganza! Ok maybe the word extravaganza is a little strong, but guys, this is exciting stuff! I’m overhauling our boring builder-grade bathroom

Tip Tuesday: The Secret to Caulking


Oh hello! We’re launching a new video series today that I hope you’ll love! Tip Tuesday!! Every Tuesday I’ll be posting a bitesize video with a tip to make your DIY lovin’ life easier! Up first, the secret to caulking.

6 Lessons for Taping a Wall Pattern Like A Pro


We are in the throws of Ivie’s room makeover and the FrogTape Paintover Challenge and I wanted to pop in with some tips that will SERIOUSLY take your pattern painting to the next level. Painting wall patterns is sort of

Rockin’ The Penny Tile Leftovers | Bathroom Update


Hey!! If you’re just tuning in, you’re in for an adventure. We are completely overhauling our builder boring beige bathroom (say that 10x fast!) on a small budget using stuff that we already have. The Rock What Ya Got bathroom

Ivie’s Bedroom Makeover Before + Inspo


Poor Ivie’s bedroom. This thing has been a mishmash of incomplete projects for its entire lifespan. It’s never had a proper room makeover + reveal because its never been completely finished. Which is something that she reminds me about on

DIY Simple Boho Hanging Planter


Its SPRING!! Do you know what that means?! Besides cleaning (we’ll get to that in a second!) it means that there are a whole new slew of plants at Home Depot! I don’t know about you, but I’d adopt a