Thrift Store SCORE!


So. Every once in a while you while you are out thrifting, you find something super rad. Hold on, let me back this story boat up. I have the greatest Mother In Law in the world. She is in my

Introducing: Fearlessly Finding Awesome The Club.


Holy Frijoles! (we have been reading Skippy John Jones at our house…) To say that I was overwhelmed with the response to the question of starting a club would be the understatement of the year! You all are amazing. The

So Ugly It’s Amazing


One of the biggest reasons that I am such a huge thrifter is because you can find crap at the Thrift Store that you would never in your life see anywhere else. Last Saturday I was at our local thrift

Help On Your DIY Quest


So one thing that I love about blogging is that it has such a big family community type feel. Don’t you guys think? Todays post is something that I havent ever tried before so lets see if it will work

Behind The Scenes at Hailee’s


Do you guys want to see what its really like to work with me on an Epic Room Makeover? You can tell Mark is a legit electrician because he never looses his pencil.     Sometimes when you sand a

Hailey’s Living Room Makeover: Part 1


I have the funnest friends in the world. Today you get to meet one of them! This is me and my friend Hailey: Hailey has lived in her house for a while and was sort of stuck in a style

Craigslist Etiquette Is For Suckers.


I am totally a nice person. Like nice to a fault. Normally, when I find something amazing on Craigslist or at the thrift store and its being held for someone I politely ask the seller to call me back if