DIY Square Dowel Art


The great question surrounding this room makeover is will she or wont she paint the brick. Like I mentioned in my Feel the Fear post, I decided to keep it dark. (It can always be changed up at a later

Geometric Halloween Moon Art


Happy Monday you guys!! I can.not believe that it is almost Halloween. Isn’t it still supposed to be June? Where have the last 5 months gone?! Oh wait. I remember. Holiday decorating is at a minimum at the Gubler household

Taking Color Inspiration Literally


Happy Friday! Quite a few of you have asked about the paint colors in the Retro Diamond Wall project, and I promise I wasn’t ignoring the fact that they were left out, I just thought they needed a post all

Free Geometric Grizzly Art


My loves!! I hope you have enjoyed the Thrifted, Gifted, and Lifted series. It has been a really fun project for me to work on!! Today is sort of the final installment…sort of. I strongly believe that everyone should have

12 Projects To Make From An Old Leather Couch


The leather has been flowing like wine around these parts for the last few months. Ever since the life changing discovery that you can skin a leather couch and save thousands of dollars (and a puffy leather couch from the

Copper Geometric Picture Mats & Hexagon Art


Hey guys!! I have a really fun project for you today, its easy and a show stopper. Win win! All you need is a tired picture frame and mat,  ScotchBlue ™ Painter’s Tape for Delicate Surfaces with Advanced Edge-Lock™ Paint

YAY Wall Art Tutorial


You guys!! Did you see this?! People FREAKING Magazine!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world that this is my life. I am so grateful for YOU, because without your love I would pretty much be writing to

Plywood Pinwheel Art


If I have said it once, I’ve said it 1000 times. Art is hard. Art is either expensive, or so mainstream everyone knows that you bought it at Target. I would LOVE to learn how to paint (sigh, one day

Geode String Art


  So excited for today’s project! I have caught the crystal fever,  not the kind where you become so obsessed that you blow millions on them like our good friends Speidi (did you know that they are still married?!) but