Basic DIY: How To Make A Rug With A Paperclip


Alternate Title:  Your new name is (insert first name until after the first syllable and then add Gyver to it.)  You are caught in the biggest design dilemma of your life. With no way out. You have to save an

So…I Skinned A Couch.


I have been known to do a crazy DIY here and there. Remember when I made an actual rug? Good times. Any who. After I got the green monster painted, and had my curtains up, I temporarily hung my headboard,

Wood Shim Stamped Curtains


I love when you are mindlessly wandering around the hardware store and you see something that triggers an idea that turns into an awesome project. Enter the Wood Shim Stamped Curtains. Obviously I needed curtains in my bedroom (because they

Tufted Picture Frame Headboard DIY


One of my favorite projects in Dylan’s Bedroom is her headboard. The original plan was to use the head and footboard that we were using before (because its fantastic). The problem was, that against the hexagon wall it made your