This is probably my most FAVORITEIST-IST-IST project that I have done year to date. I think that I should have named my blog “The Worlds Most Impatient Thrift Store Blogger”. I am a get it done kind of gal, what takes most people days takes me hours. (Please don’t call DCFS on my ability to tune my family out and paint….deal?) The biggest reason that I go to the DI (goodwill) daily- yes, I said DAILY, sometimes even twice a day, (Remeber my motto? Stop Judging Me!) is because I have a freakishly freaky obsession with mirrors. No, I am not vain. My obsession isn’t with the reflection its with the frames. I LOVE old ornate mirrors. They are like heroin to my soul. Our story begins at the DI one loverly afternoon about 6 weeks ago. I was looking for something to fix the ugly that was staring me in the face every time I walked in my front door.
I wanted an old mirror. And then it was like the heavens parted and there she was…. It was instant love. I almost loved this mirror more than my husband ( Its a good thing he doesn’t read this…) This is where my obsession began. Every time I saw a mirror I bought it. They all got a healthy dose of Krylon Gloss White Spray Paint. And this is what I came up with…

And this is how much I spent:
Because there is never a stud where you need them I used {Monkey Hooks} on the larger mirrors and they are sweet! I was kind of freaked out at first but I am super impressed. I got a variety pack at Walmart for around $10.00.
Isn’t it just so fun and funky? You can see more info on some of my mirrors{here}and {here}
P.S. If you hate this then I dont know if we can still be friends….Ok I thought about it. We can still be friends but we just won’t talk about the Wall O’ Mirrors. Deal?
P.S.S Yes I know the tiny square one has no mirror. I ordered it today but I couldn’t wait to post this. Remember what I said about being impatient?
i saw a peek of this wall in your post about the “seizure wall” and was wondering if you’d post about what was on it! thanks for sharing 🙂
I heart monkey hooks also *wink
wow, this looks so funky and fun! i love it! so we can be friends, lol.
coming by from FF
Oh I love it all, I wish it was in my house. Way to go!!!
How fun and I am sure it really adds a lot of depth to that area. Totally cool project!
I totally thought I was original in having a mirror wall,lol, LOVE mirrors,especially the really ornate ones, then some paint and voila! Love yours, I made mine white and silver, think I might add more, since I keep finding them at yard sales. Come check mine out..
I really like the collage of mirrors. I’ve been obsessed with collages lately and the mirrors are such a great idea. I really thought I was a spaz because I go in my thrift store so much:) I’m glad I’m not the only one with the Thrifty obsession
Hi, I linked over from House of Smiths. LOVE this wonderful wall! AND I can’t believe how inexpensively you did it! Great job! I love old, funky mirrors too. I spray painted one hot pink.
Warmly, Michelle
I love how this turned out! And for such a great price. Thanks for the inspiration!
love it! I went to our local DI today because of you! I didn’t find anything but a sweet deal on a Romona Quimby book:/ But I did like it! Can’t wait to go back:)
YAY… You posted it! I love it even MORE! I have a funky (I mean bad funky) blank wall that would be FABULOUS with mirrors all over it. Thanks for letting us see. TOTALLY love it! Oh, I went over to little Miss Smiths house and checked out her post there…SO FUN! Congrats:)
Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite
So cute and original. Love it!
Very fun and funky and really thinking outside the box! I love it. I see you are a thrifty kinda gal..well every Friday I have a Garage salen, thrift partay and i would love for you to join us sometime. Also right now I have 60.00 CSN giveaway going on…I would love for you to enter that too. Debbiedoos
oh that is way cool and oh so funky! I love it!
So different!
Great job
Cute idea! Love them all white.
Wow! What a transformation! No more boring wall!
What a NIFTY THRIFTY display…come on over and show it off at my party! Thanks for the intro to monkey hooks!
WOW! I love all the different frames. All at a great price too!
I LOVE your mirror wall!!!!!
I just commented on your yellow end table, then I went to the next tab to see what else I had opened from the linky party, and it was you again! I love this- I need to find me some awesome mirrors.
I have been wanting to do a project like this. Your wall of mirrors is PERFECT. Looks like you got some great deals and now all those mirrors have a good spot in your home. Bravo! Following along now and found your blog thru Tatertots and Jello’s Weekend Wrap Up Party. Pam @ Sallygoodin
I love the wall!!!
WOW! this is so cool! and i cannot believe the prices on some of those mirrors. major props to you 🙂
Wow, love this so much, I am featuring it this week!
Just hopped over from Beyond the Picket Fence! I’m loving what you’ve done here! I have this thing about mirrors! I think I need to go garage sale hunting or thrift store shopping SOON!
Thanks for sharing!
I love this! I love mirrors too and if I didn’t have 3 kids, I would go to DI daily too!
I just found your blog and I have ALWAYS wanted to do a wall of mirrors!!! I thought it would be so cool in my tight stair well as a fun way to add something without going overboard. And I’m so in love with the $6 rectangle near the top left. I need to start looking for mirrors! 🙂 But with my luck, I’d only find cracked frameless mirrors (like the big giant in my garage…).
Isn’t it funny when you go to different thrift stores in your area you see the same people!? I used to think “omg they are so weird don’t they have anything better to do?” but then I realized they are totally saying the same thing about me! Except even worse they’re probably like don’t you need to go home and spend time with your kids or husband?? LOL – we are crazy!!
I can’t even say how much I love this idea. I have a space at the top of my stairs I have been wanting a big mirror and as soon as I seen this I knew that you nailed what I truly wanted without me even realizing it.
I had to hit subscribe immediately without even reading the rest of your blog because anyone that genius – I must read!
Thanks for the inspiration – I will be a goodwill-o-holic until this vision is realized!!!!!!!
Cool wall of mirrors. Great picks and really great arrangement! I’m loving your blog. I’m now following the fun!
Ok, I am new to your blog and you are cracking me up! Did you really say “like heroin to your soul”? That is a mighty big addiction, do they offer 12 step programs for thrifty mirror addictions? lol Yes a great wall indeed! Check out a couple of my goodwill mirrors. and
i am officially creeped out because
1.) my favorite color combo : yellow and grey
2.) I am obsessed with old mirrors and white spray paint (my bf has banned me from using white on my next project-whatever it may be- oh the horror!) and have been working on my wall of mirrors forever. (i’m so impatient i started the wall a few months ago and add on whenever i find a new mirror!)
3.) you can see my love of grey/yellow in my blog (AND my bedroom) and a sneak peek of my premature wall of mirrors here:
i am SO JEALOUS of the really ornate $6 one… i bought a similar one for my wall only it was $50… wahhh
4.) i can’t believe i JUST found your blog! i don’t even know HOW i found it! a click led to a click to another click, but i’m so happy i’m finally a follower
Totally awesome! I’ve got the perfect spot for my wall of mirrors! Thank you so much for sharing!
I was so inspired by your wall, I created my own! I love this idea!! Please come over to my blog and check it out.
Thanks for the inspiration!!
Its Cheri and I am visiting from the CSI. I am enteries number 86, 87, 88 and 89.
I love love love you wall of mirrors.
Cheri from and
such a fun wall of mirrors. LOVE IT! I’m a new follower =)
This is stunning and very inspirational….
Take care,
Whoa, whoa, whoa! How in the hee-haw did I miss this post? You can’t just sneak crap like this by me and then bust it out at the CSI project. 😉 Will you just send me a personal tweet anytime you create something new? mmmkay?
I’ve been going through some of your old blog posts and I am in heaven. I love all your ideas! The teacup clock, amazing! The wall of mirrors to die for! The natural tree art in LV super!
I think you are my new blog crush! I can’t wait to keep reading and seeing what else you have in here!
absolutely LOVE this idea! looks amazing!
I love these mirrors! I’ve been wanting to do something like this in our hallway. So glad I came across your blog. I’m a new follower.
I love all these mirrors! I have always loved mirrors but thought, oh, no, I can’t just use all mirrors; it is too much. Well, guess what? You have changed my mind. I did a collage of mirrors on my denim blue wall in my office and it is so unusual and stunning I love it! I used one large existing mirror and then found 4 other mirrors at Goodwill for a grand total of $16.76. I am hooked on mirrors now and won’t be shy about doing what I like and using them. I like breaking the rules. I don’t want my home to be boring and what is expected. I want unusual, striking, and stunning!
I love this wall. Saw it on the Nate show the other day and jumped right out to spraypaint the mirrors I’ve had sitting in the garage waiting for a home. Thanks for inspiring my entryway…..the space had been blank for a while. I’ll post a shoutout on my blog when I get a few more up.
Oh my gosh, this is the funniest post ever!
Obsessed with mirrors too….Currently searching for a ginormous one for my living room.
Did I mention I love your blog? 🙂
Wow, what a fab idea. I never would have thought of doing a whole wall of mirrors in this way. It looks great!
Mirrors on the wall rock! I love the unique shapes of all of these. Perfect Idea for an empty wall in my house.