Month: July 2011

Look What I Found Friday: Chair Edition


Yay! I am SOOO excited to do LWIFF today!! Its been a loooong time since the last one and I have accumulated a ton of crap. Mostly chairs. My husband is not so excited about it but, whatev to him.

Roman Numeral Wall Art


I think I have gotten more emails about this tutorial (or lack thereof) than anything else lately. I originally did this project when I was getting ready for The Nate Show but when I was putting it together I was

Craigslist Etiquette Is For Suckers.


I am totally a nice person. Like nice to a fault. Normally, when I find something amazing on Craigslist or at the thrift store and its being held for someone I politely ask the seller to call me back if

How I Fixed a Broken Cane Chair


So broken cane chairs are super easy to find while thrifting right? Do you want to learn how to take an old broken chair and update it into something modern and amazing?   Lots of times I will see a

Epic Room Makeover Unveiling!


What a busy busy week. For those of you who started reading Vintage Revivals since the Epic Room Makeover announcement lets do a quick recap. I came up with the idea to have a giveaway contest sponsored by products that

Epic Room Makeover Update #2


Exhausted. That’s all. Ok fine I will give you more info. The room is coming along epically! You guys are going to DIE at the awesomeness. The painting is done.   The shopping is done. This is Jessica’s find…she is