Month: May 2015

My Latest Thrift Store Scores!


Holy cow, it’s been a bit since I’ve found anything super amazing at the thrift store. (I am 100% convinced its because I haven’t been going as much. The amount of great scores is directly related to the time you

$15 Simple DIY Shelf (seriously cute!)


You guys know that I love a good shelf build. Lately the obsession has been with floating shelves, but I got the idea the other day for one that I just had to try out!   You’ll need: 1”x2”x8’ board

Watercolor Wonderwall


Hey hey! You guys. I am SO excited today!! After what seems like months, actually it literally was months…I can finally talk about something that I’ve been working on behind the scenes! Have you heard of The Design Network? It

Cedar Fence Post Garden Planters


A few years ago I was pretty in to gardening. In fact I was so into it that I dedicated a huge strip of land on the side of our house to it. It was awesome. Then I started to

Finding Forgiveness


Do you guys ever feel like you just want to talk, heart to heart style? I’ve been struggling lately (hence the lack of posting).  When I’m feeling less than positive my creativity shrivels up and I find myself in this

#colddeadfingers All-Star


Oh man I am itching to score something amazing. Every time I end up at the thrift store (which is admittedly not as frequently as it should be) there is nothin. Every time I jump on Craigslist? Overpriced. I mean,

How To Paint A Laminate Dresser


There are a few tips that you will hear when it comes to thrifting furniture. 1. Check to make sure its sturdy. 2. Give it the smell test. 3. Always buy real wood. Well guess what? As great and fine

Gearing Up for #NPW2015


Last week I showed you an awesome dresser that I scored at the thrift store for $35.  What I failed to mention was not a recent find.  My AMAZING sister Amy just moved into her first apartment and one of

Wooden Disk Hanging Planter + $200 Home Depot Giveaway


After years of regrettable plant killing mistakes, I finally feel like I’ve learned enough to keep them alive (the obvious reward for this situation is to buy more plants!!). Which means…(you know what this means right?) I need more planters.