Happy 1 Year Merc-iversary!!!

By Mandi 09/01/2017

Guys. I can’t believe it. 1 year ago today was the day that I saw the Merc for the first time. I can’t believe that we’ve been on this rollercoaster for a year already! I think that is the most mind boggling thing, we’ve been working on this for so long and it still feels like we’re just getting started! A year ago we had no idea what we were really getting ourselves into. We had dreams of disappearing easements, and tiny budgets (hey Court, remember when we thought we could do the renovation for 100k? ? #children)

The most amazing miracles happened (and are still happening) and I feel like there is a whole unseen army of Merc loving angels pushing this thing along (hopefully they are really good at tiling…)

Mostly though I want to say thank you to YOU. When I started the blog 7 years ago with wild projects like making a rug, and covering a nightstand in tin foil, I had NO IDEA that it would change the entire course of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this community and joining us on this adventure of a lifetime!

1 thought on “Happy 1 Year Merc-iversary!!!”

  1. Oh wow…the tin foil nightstand is how I found you! Maybe through YHL. I didn’t realize I’ve been following you that long!

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