
By Mandi 11/22/2010

hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that out trip home from Salt Lake didn’t go as planned. We hit a really bad storm outside of Beaver and rolled our Explorer. We are all 100% fine! Now we are hanging at the Quality Inn in Beaver after the super hero ambulance drivers came and picked us up! I know that Heavenly Father was watching over us and that is why we are all alright There have been a few other people on the road today that have not been so fortunate. Kiss you husband and babies and be grateful for all of your blessings!

Ps I am not sure if the lamp survived….so we just might have to adjust the giveaway! We will find out tomorrow and I will let you know!

37 thoughts on “Grateful!”

  1. oh my goodness Mandy – so happy to hear that you are all alright but holy heck that must have been so scary!

    Hope you all get a good nights rest for what is sure to be an eventful day tomorrow trying to get home!


  2. so glad you guys are ok- the lamp should be the furthest of your concerns right now, silly girl! it is truly times like those when you know God is watching you, and when you realize you have everything that really matters in your family and friends.

  3. Oh no! That pass after Beaver can be horrible in the bad weather. Hope you are all okay especially dealing with getting home tommorrow and getting a car, insurance etc…! So scary!

  4. OH MY GOSH!


    I thought my dad was being a tad overboard when he told you to be careful on your drive home! I just can’t get over this! I’m sorry. I’m so glad you guys are okay.

  5. I am so sorry to hear that! I saw you on studio 5 the other day and instantly fell in love with your blog. I actually live in Beaver and heard about the accident so I am soooo glad you are all OK. Driving through Beaver gets really ugly when it storms. Hope the rest of your trip home goes qickly and smoothly.

  6. WOW — Yes, Thank God that you and your family are alright. What a terrifying experience you must have had. I am so grateful that you are all doing well. I’ll go upstairs right now and kiss my husband. Great advice!

  7. Oh my gosh. I’m so glad to hear you are safe. My brother-in-law, sister and their 3 girls were headed up that way from here today. It took them 8 hours…they just got home. They saw so many accidents and said that southbound was closed tonight at Beaver. They also said they saw an upside down white explorer in the median. I hope it wasn’t yours. I’m so glad you are safe.

  8. Oh no! That is so scary- I hate driving in bad weather. Hate it!! I’m so glad you’re all ok, and hope you’re staying put for Thanksgiving. Be safe girlie!!

  9. Wow, so scary! I am actually in St. George right now staying the night at my brother’s because the pass at Beaver was closed! This crappy crappy weather. So glad that you guys are okay though!

  10. Just going to throw my wishes in with everyone else! Glad everyone is okay! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for the precious gift of life, it’s something that we take for granted, but can be so fleeting!

  11. Holy Crap! That’s terrifying! Glad you’re all ok. And dealing with car crash/insurance junk…sucks! Good luck with that.

  12. Some people will do anything for a few days away! Just kidding. Glad your vehicle took the brunt of the damage and that everyone is safe.

  13. That is not fair. You totally should have been driven by angels to safety. I’m so glad you and the kids and hubs are ok. SOrry about the car. It can be replaced. Your life and health can not. Crying for you right now!

  14. SHUT UP! Girl…SERIOUSLY, what would I do without my Mandi. I’m SO glad you are okay. I count my blessings everyday. Thanks for reminding me to remember to count you in them too. Love ya sista! Oh, I’m so behind on all your posts…I haven’t been on my blog forever! I’m reading them oldest to newest and I just entered for the lamp giveaway. Count me out. Who needs a lamp when you have a fabulous bloggy blog sista like you.


  15. Oh I have driven I-15 in snow more times that I can count. Beaver is the worst. So so so glad you are all OK. Be sure to schedule a massage when you do finally get to SLC. Hope your holiday goes far better from here on out.

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