Tears and Fears

By Mandi 08/18/2014

Dylan, my youngest, started Kindergarten today.

Her biggest concern? That kids will call her a “Laughing Stock”.

D First Day of School


Please excuse the radio silence while I cry, and try to figure out where she learned the term Laughing Stock.

Love Your Guts

20 thoughts on “Tears and Fears”

  1. My youngest (4 years old, practically a newborn!!) had her 2nd day of PreK today. It’s the most horrible thing I’ve ever done. She cries all day and doesn’t eat all day. And she says the teachers are going to be mean to her. Someone posted the Darius Rucker song “It Won’t Be Like This For Long” to my wall. I cried for an hour. Hope your day is waaaay better than ours 🙂

  2. Teach her not to worry about the opinions of people she doesn’t respect. I know that is harder done than said but you can reinforce that with your actions. (Don’t gossip around her) Also, if she is a child with a good sense of humor tell her to own it. Make the other kids laugh and have a good time. (I don’t be be the “class clown”, that’s disruptive) Remind her that when people are mean it is because they feel bad about themselves. Have her talk about her feelings with you so she understands it’s ok to feel sad but that your family will always be there to support her. Best of Luck.

  3. My oldest started junior high today…she was so nervous and all I could do was make her favorite breakfast, give her hugs and prayers and send her out the door. These little ones that rule our lives! They are so scary and wonderful!

  4. Poor thing…I hear you. I have triplets and they started transitional Kindergarten last week and it was a rough start. Such a grown up world their entering. Hope you’re daughter has a great first couple of days so she can let go of her fears.

  5. Dude, my son is going to University in 2 weeks. Shall we have a sit down and cry together?

  6. She is gorgeous!!! My daughter went to a “come and try day” at kindergarten and she must have heard “candygarden” because she keeps talking about all the candy she was going to get and how the teacher was going to be a gingerbread man. She is in for a rude awakening I think!!


  7. My son started kindergarten this year too and at first I couldn’t wait to have the few hours to myself and then I dropped him off at school and came and sat on the couch and cried not knowing what to do with myself. I thought if I had the time I’d actually use it productively yet I find myself sitting there wondering what he’s doing and have yet to finish a single project. I’ve started like 5…

  8. No matter our children’s ages we never stop crying when they leave home–my son finished his dental residency through the army last month just left for Germany–and yes, I cried! There’s a saying I love– “There’s always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in!” Obviously, as mothers we want them to spread their wings and fly–but it’s dang HARD! If anything, we have more empathy for what our mothers have gone through! Here’s to tears and fears and staying strong! Mary http://www.mytributejournal.com

  9. Mine was nervous the first day, too. Now she is starting middle school and cries when school gets out for the summer! I’ll bet Dylan is going to be great!!!!

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