Let’s Just Have a Therapy Sesh About It


Yesterday I was talking on the phone with Jamie per the norm and I was telling her that I am in a dark creative-less life sucking hole right now. (What a fun and uplifting way to start a post yeah?!

Behind The Scenes of a Shoot


You know when you see a beautifully styled picture on your favorite blog or in a magazine and you look at it and you are like “Yeah, but HOW?” I feel like I do that all. the. time. (Emily Henderson

Paint Paint Paint


Hey guys!! Ashy’s room is in full chaotic makeover mode as we speak (its fine….do you want to bring me some chocolate? Because that would be lovely.)  We talked about the fun retro diamond wall treatment last week, but I

Taking Color Inspiration Literally


Happy Friday! Quite a few of you have asked about the paint colors in the Retro Diamond Wall project, and I promise I wasn’t ignoring the fact that they were left out, I just thought they needed a post all

The Nugget: Prepping for Paint and Movin’ Lights


Dudes! We are overhauling a 1972 Bell Travel Trailer! Follow the entire series from the beginning here! When we left off last week, we had just made some major repairs…in the form of new walls. The next step was prepping

Using Windows Live Writer on a Mac


Non-bloggers beware, your eyes might glaze over during this post (or if you are totally not interested come back tomorrow, I am sharing a few cool thrifting finds from the weekend!). For bloggers who are caught in the turmoil of

10 Do’s and Don’ts For Selling on Craigslist


I am a Craigslist Stalker. Not the killing kind mind you. But a stalker none the less. So for your consideration today, I would like to submit the following Do’s and Don’ts for selling on Craigslist. Also if any of

Pinterest and The Pacman Problem


* This is a really long post, so it will be truncated about 1/2 way down! xo I am feeling a little bit of apprehension about writing this post. I feel like I might be walking into a lion’s den