LWIFF Faves, SLC peeps and Winner!


Dudes. I have the worst headache ever. So if this makes no sense its becasue I am typing it with my eyes closed. Raise your virtual hand if you live in the Salt Lake Area! I am sure most of

Look What I Found Friday Faves


Hooray! I am so excited to announce that we had more than 5 people play “Look What I Found Friday!” Super awesome ladies! So here are some of my favorites (though they all were awesome) {The Gag Reflex Inducer From

Thrift Shop Glam Feature #1


 We are starting a movement people!  Its called Thrift Shop Glam. Its for all of us DIYers whose junk is too butch and colorful for Shabby Chic, and a little to old and eclectic for Modern. Definition: Thrift Shop:  a

Crafting With The Stars!


Holla! I am so excited to share with you guys the news that I am one of the 12 contestants on Crafting With The Stars! My Star is Becca from{Blue Cricket Design}! I will post more about it later today

Look What I Found Friday


Has anyone else in this world had problems uploading to blogger today? I am ready to hurt this flippin computer SO BAD! Enough anger. On a lighter note, I am thinking of changing the name of “Look What I Found

Heads Up So. Utah!


Hey all my southern utah gals! I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! While I was at the DI today they had a TON of cabinent doors donated. Probably 30 or so. I have had a bunch

Look What I Found Friday


Hello all! I am so excited today for a few reasons… 1. I have 235 followers right this second! Hooray!! 2. I made it a whole 6 days without going thrifting. This is HUGE for me (as many of you