I’m Not Here Today….Cause I’m @ Ucreate!!!

By Mandi 12/14/2010

I am pretty much the luckiest girl in the world today. I am guest posting over at {Ucreate} Insane right?!?!

U Create

Here are some pics of the ol’ project that I have been working on all week.


 So go and see the {full tutorial

And while you are there, make sure you tell Kari “Hi” cause she is just about the nicest, cutest thing ever.


6 thoughts on “I’m Not Here Today….Cause I’m @ Ucreate!!!”

  1. Holy crap! Did you just do this? Is this a new project? Amazing! I love it.

    Okay I am totally serious: I need a house tour. A HOUSE TOUR. Can you give me a house tour post? Pretty puhlease?

  2. 1. Hi, hello.. hey there.

    2. Why don’t I know you? You’re awesome.

    3. I totally blame you for not going to bed tonight because I’m catching up on your past posts.


  3. Mandi-thank you so much for coming over to my blog. You have some of the best ideas. After reading about your older daughter’s room I am on the hunt to borrow a projector. I love the trees. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

  4. Mandi, I am a new follower and think that you are such a great creative, fun person. Loving your blog. Come check out my blog…I think we are two peas in a pod though I’m much older. Terry

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