Ok, I know I lost some of you at the swear word that is Sewing. But hang tight. I have a paper bag for you to breath into at all times and I promise that this is the SIMPLEST sewing tutorial you will ever have the pleasure of being inspired by.
First lets determine if you are actually ready to sew a pillow. This is a very important test that everyone should take.

Do you feel like you are ready now?! I feel like I should be wearing a sweat band and jumping around getting people excited about pillow making.
The way that I make envelope pillows is different that most people. Mostly because I like to take shortcuts to save time. That is a good thing…right?
**This is for a standard 19” full form down pillow. If you are using a cotton insert, or something that is sort of flat, you will need to take 1 1/2-2” off of the pillow cover size to “plump” your pillow up a little.
Ok all you sewing-a-phobics are you feeling like this is a doable project? Did anyone need the paper bag?
I make mine the exact same way except I hadn't thought to seam the unsewn (top and bottom) ends. Great idea if you want it to have seams all around!
So simple! Thanks for the step by step! I love pillows so much, can't wait to get started!
xo Sam
DIY Huntress
You are a freaking rockstar. Not only do the pillows look great, but this is a really great tutorial! Are you using photoshop for all of your text and stuff on photos?
Dream Book Design
Your flow chart is genius!
Ok, Smarty. I've never done it this way because I never liked how it just had seams on 2 sides (so i've always cut 3 pieces) but you are a genius with the extra stitching! Get out!
This is exactly how I do mine. So very easy and fast! Love the flow chart. Too funny!
Awesome and hilarious flow chart! 🙂 I'm just getting ready to make new throw pillows for my bed so this week has been perfect timing for me! Thanks for being totes awesome!
Your flow chart is amazing. This looks like a super easy way to put a pillow cover together!
Ladyface Blog
That is freakin AWESOME!! Why didn't I think of that!!!?? Smarty pants fo' sure!
Awesome! Started sewing classes last night so this week of pillow tutorials couldn't have come at a better time, thanks!! 🙂
YES! This is how I sew ALL of my pillows! It's the easiest and I actually love the look of it and it keeps them a little "flopp-ier" <--totes a real word. Great tutorial and amazing graphics. xx
Lauren M
I never really thought it was that hard before, but now I can't imagine ever doing it the old way again. You're brilliant!
This tut is awesome! I sew clothing every day…but I'm sadly lacking in motivation to do any home decor. I have a stack of faded old pillows that have been needing new covers for at least a year. Now, maybe I'll get to it!!
oh gezzz! GTFlipO! What LIndsay said – you are brilliant. I'm still just sitting here going duuhhh, d-deuuewwh… *closing jaw with hand* loved your graphic to byw 😀
Which size of pillow insert is this for?
Not weird at all… I've been sewing mine like this for years!
Wow. Why didn't I think of that? A gazillion trillion times easier than the way I've been doing it for years!
So great! I think these pillow covers are in my near future. I have lots of fabric, and after yesterday's post, I have inserts to hunt for! My pillows are so sad…
Elizabeth @ Real Inspired
Do you ever find surprises from your kids in these pillow covers? I know I would. My daughter likes to hide her brothers' toys and anything important that my husband or I might need or want to use. Seriously, the things I find that she's hid & in the places I've found them… Or, if I put a zipper in one it would become my daughter's purse. Anyways, You've almost convinced me to start making some pretty pillows.
What size pillow is this for?
Mandi! I just LOVE the way you write! It's hilarious! And so much fun to read!
Oh yeah, your tutorial is awesome as well, of course 😉
Love, Midsommarflicka
I'm a big fan of envelope pillows. I don't even hem the back flaps. I just fold them over and sew.
Love that geometric fabric.
I have to give this a try, so awesome to make this myself!
ahhhhh where were you two weeks ago?!?! i made pillows the old fashioned way and now can't switch out my covers. booooooo! oh well, now my guest room will have fancier pillows than my bedroom. only the best for the guests 🙂
Umm what the friggin genius!!!! Love love love this idea!
Great tutorial! I have this amazing decor fabric that I've just had sitting in a corner for like a freaking year. I got it with the intention of sewing cases for the pillows on my couch but I've just never done it. Sheeeesh, I need to get on it! Thanks for the motivation lady!!
That's EXACTLY how I make my pillows! Great minds think alike… You go, girl 🙂
I love your approach to encouraging people! I have included a link to this post in my blog – https://alittlebirdmademe.com/2013/08/16/friday-finds-a-list-of-22-free-patterns-for-cushions-and-a-few-pillowcases/ – do stop by and grab a button to show that you have been featured!
Hi there,
Great tutorial! And, as always, you make everything seem so easy! I've been making my pillow covers this way for years. Would never have occurred to me to sew a narrow seam on the two sides that aren't cut – keeps the crease that way.
I'm guessing your fabric is at least 48" wide.
Take care and all the best. Have a great weekend!
P.S. The flowchart is fabulous and so funny! CM
This is what Mandi says about the size of her pillow. She also gives a link for adjusting for other sizes.
"**This is for a standard 19” full form down pillow. If you are using a cotton insert, or something that is sort of flat, you will need to take 1 1/2-2” off of the pillow cover size to “plump” your pillow up a little."
This is what Mandi says about the size of her pillow. She also gives a link for adjusting for other sizes.
"**This is for a standard 19” full form down pillow. If you are using a cotton insert, or something that is sort of flat, you will need to take 1 1/2-2” off of the pillow cover size to “plump” your pillow up a little."
Love the fabric on these pillow covers! I make all my pillows this way and think it's the best/ simplest, since I'm kind of ADD when it comes to long projects. The covers I made are posted here : https://wp.me/p12tDW-e8 .
Now I will need to find cheap pillow inserts, using your post from yesterday, and make more pillow covers!
I make mine like this too. Super easy! I didn't know there was any other way! Love the questionnaire at the top 😉
I followed your instructions and it worked perfectly!! First time using a sewing machine….not as scary as I thought.
I love flow charts. Love, love, love flow charts. I am a nervous sewer. This post is perfect.
hi mandy
thanks for simple yet awesome DIY pillow cover
but do you have post about making a pillow cover for u shaped pillow
i’ve been looking in internet but couldnt find it
or if you didnt have, can you make one ? 😀
I finally used these instructions and made some pillows! Yay they turned out great! Thanks so much!