My Superstar Judges Choosing The Top 5

By Mandi 05/05/2011

Can you even imagine how hard it would be to choose between the top 15 amazing entries?

So you know I had to enlist the help of blogging superheroes; also known as my BBFF’s. These are bloggers that I consider true friends and I am so grateful they are helping me! Love you ladies!

They are each choosing their 5 faves. The 5 entries with the most votes are moving on for YOU to vote the winner!

Go ahead and click their buttons to visit their sites and leave lots of schmoozy comments for them to vote for your fave… You know you want to.

Miss Mustard Seed's Creative Blog

U Create

The Lettered Cottage

Funky Junk Interiors




504 Main

Less Cake{More Frosting}



Really could the top 15 be in better hands? I think not. Make sure you come back tomorrow to see who makes it into the top 5!


15 thoughts on “My Superstar Judges Choosing The Top 5”

  1. A-MAZ-ING! That is a stellar gathering of judges! I am more than a little star-struck that they will all be checking out my submission!

  2. YOWZA!!! OK I was nervous before…now I’m just dry heaving! I’m honored that these ladies are going to be looking at my post…can’t believe it actually!!! :O)

  3. I know you didn’t want it to be a popularity contest but it totally has turned into that with all the voting.

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    Pretty sure that you have no clue what you are talking about. Do you know who has voted for who?
    No, ya dont.

    So please reserve your “popularity contest” comment until you actually know who the top 5 are.

    Love your guts

  5. Thanks for inviting me to help with your EPIC giveaway! Such amazingly terrible rooms to choose from! 😉
    Uh, Anonymous…? I voted for my top five choices for a make-over in the initial voting, (just like everybody else!)and I carefully read the entries for the top 15, and voted (completely based on the rooms… NOT on the people behind the rooms!)
    FYI – I have only read 2 of the blogs prior to this process, but now I will have to follow them all. What wonderful ladies. 🙂

  6. It’s all about who gets the most votes on every level of voting…so it’s not just about this round..the only random part was the five random votes…so, disappointed that it has turned out this way and how you have handeled the whole contest.

  7. Dear Anonymous,
    I would love to hash this out with you but this isnt the right forum. So if you would like to know why I did things the way that I have, you are more than welcome to email me and we can discuss it from there.

    I am sorry to everyone that has had to witness this. This giveaway has been so fun for me to put together and I am doing the very best fair thing that I can!

    Love your guts

  8. OHH I just got so excited when I saw my name up there with so many other talented ladies!! Thanks for letting me guest judge! I know you are going to do AMAZING things! I can’t wait to see who wins and the space you re-do!


  9. The button for All Things Thrifty by Brooke, isn’t working. Just thought you should know so that I can “discover” someone I’m sure is fabulous and we can all pass on the love. 🙂

  10. Mandi, thank you so much for allowing me to represent the SNAP! group as a judge. It’s been fun to participate and to see all the entries.

    It’s sad that your anonymous commenter is being such a Negative Nelly. I can’t speak for the other judges, but I was only familiar with two of your candidates…It certainly wasn’t a popularity contest for me…And, if it was, I think I’d be gunning to have you over at my house 🙂

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