5 Blogging Lessons Learned In 2012

By Mandi | 01/03/2013 | 35 Comments

Friends! I hope you had a fab holiday season!! I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I started writing my 2012 project wrap up post and wanted to kill myself…so I stopped. I am in Salt Lake right now with my family and so technically I am still on vacay…don’t judge.

Last year I wrote a post about the things I learned in 2011 and it was so great for me to see, written out, things I need to remember. The best thing to get me out of a slump is to write. So that is what we are doing today. I am going to share with you a few of the lessons I learned this year.

1. You never know who is reading your blog. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself, which is fine, but its really easy to forget that there could be ANYONE on the other side of that computer screen. I have a few REALLY amazing things that are in the works because of this little old blog and I am so grateful

2. There is a difference between Pageviews and Influence. The best blogs have a combo of both (think Young House Love or A Beautiful Mess). If you are caught in the  pageview comparison cycle STOP IT. The # of pageviews that you have does not dictate your awesomeness.

3. We have all been in this situation. You come up with some crazy awesome idea for a project and are SO excited about it. You execute said project and tell your friend about it and they say the most dreaded words known to a creative gal…”Oh! I just saw that on Pinterest!” GAH! This exact situation happened to me with my Toilet Paper Roll Stamped Lampshade

Pinterest Quote Vintage Revivals

So here is what I have to say about that. SO WHAT. Just because someone else had a same/similar idea that you had doesn’t devalue your creative process at all. It was still a great idea! I think with the creation of Pinterest our creative world just keeps getting smaller and smaller BUT that doesn’t need to make us feel like our ideas are getting less and less fantastic. They are fantastic!

4. We have all heard a million times to Be Yourself. So many times in fact that we don’t even hear it anymore. But guess what? As amazing as other people are and as much as we want to be like them…we cant. So don’t even attempt it. Hands down my favorite compliment to get from a reader is when they say “You are EXACTLY like you are on your blog.”

5. There is more to life than blogging. (GASP!)  Sometimes you just have to walk away for a minute even if you don’t want to.

I love you all more than you will ever ever know. Thank you for being such fantastic friends!


Love Your Guts, Mandi

That One Time I Screwed Up Christmas.

By Mandi | 12/28/2012 | 30 Comments

This post has nothing to do with DIY. And as easily as I could have screwed Christmas up with my  “Just let me paint behind the tree…No, you dont need to move it…”  BAM! Buzzzzz! Darkness. I did not do that this year. What I did do was much worse.

You all have had a chance to “meet” Court right? He is the best husband in the world. We are quite the pair.


I like to consider myself a thoughtful gift giver. I put a TON of effort into the planning and thinking, and thinking and planning. And sometimes (like last year) it pays off.

Sometimes it doesnt.

Let me plead my case.

Court REPETEDLY says and I quote “All I want in this world is a clean house.”

So being the loving and thoughtful wife I am this is what I gave Court for Christmas:


For those unfamiliar with my girl Zoila she is the housekeeper on Flipping Out and is one of our favorite people in the entire world.

As he unwrapped it I exclaimed “We are getting a cleaning lady!!”

To say he was not happy is a slight understatement.

Apparently Court thought he was getting a gun. (Which I would never buy for him because he is so picky.)  Basically it was a lose/lose situation.


So have you ever had a great gift backfire? Tell me all about it!

Love Your Guts, Mandi

You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! Christmas Photo 2012

By Mandi | 12/26/2012 | 26 Comments

Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope that your holiday is going fantastically!! I am just here for a minute to pop in and make your day. If you have been around for a while you may remember that every year we do a hilarious family photo. (Make sure you check out 2011 and 2010)

This year we went with a Christmas Story theme and it was AWESOME. Literally I have the best family in the entire world.

Please enjoy.

A Christmas Story Picture

I hope you all have a fab rest of 2012 and I will see you in 2013!!

Love Your Guts, Mandi

[mv_create title=”Annual Family Christmas Picture” key=”16″ thumbnail=”https://vintagerevivals.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Final_WT_family_2.jpg” type=”list” layout=”circles”]

What Would YOU Do? Round 1

By Mandi | 12/19/2012 | 18 Comments

Fetchballs I am excited for this post!! You guys are incredible and I cant wait to see what you would do to these pieces!! If you are new or have a horrible memory read this post to see what all of the fuss is about.

What would you do to this thrift store chair

FYI my chair is currently under construction…

Lets get going!

Our first dilemma is from Julie, this is what she said:

Hi Mandi,

I bought these huge 1963 Hollywood Regency lamps (sorry they aren’t industrial 🙂 on craigslist. When I brought them home I noticed that even with my high ceilings in the bedroom they were too huge to be placed next to my bed. Then I wanted to paint them and give them to my sister-in-law who has a crazy circus style taste (that’s what I call it) but again they were too huge and covered all her artwork.

Then my daughter wanted them in her room but that would mean that I’d have to paint the gold and turquoise which I don’t really want to do.

After all this I have no clue anymore what to do.


(you can find out more info about them on Julie’s blog!)

Gold and Turquoise Hollywood Regency Lamps

My suggestion? Leave them! Recover the lampshades so they are a little more updated and not dirty and leave the bases how they are! I love the tarnished gold and green! See if you can find (or DIY) short tables to put them on so they are off the ground but not very far. You can also possibly perform lamp surgery to shorten them a little!

Up next is Maria from Our Lake Life.

Hi Mandy,

I could really use your readers help with a design dilemma I’m having with two cane back chairs. I scored these chairs off of craigslist from a guy who was looking to clean out his basement, he even delivered them for free.

I love them, but I’ve had them for a while and exactly how I want to make them over has me a bit stumped. There is so many possibilities that I haven’t jumped in and committed to finishing them yet. I’m not afraid of color but I’m having a hard time deciding on these. I know your readers would offer up some great Mandilicious ideas.

So Mandy will you and your readers help me with some fantastic suggestions for the diamonds in the rough?


My suggestion? How about 3? Take a color from your house that you love but dont use very much and reupholster them in that color of fabric! Leave the wood or paint them white. #2  If they were in my house and I had the patience of a saint I would probably gold or copper leaf the caning and leave the wood frame as is and upholster them in white. #3 Paint them two tone with the caning being a different color than the frame and find an old wool coat or Pendleton blanket and upholster the seats. There are just SO many options…

And last but not least is Jennifer

Hi Mandi!

Love the new series you’re doing! Here is my dilemma.

I love shabby chic, subway art, text, whites, tans, turquoise, sanded edges, mix of old and new, etc. My husband loves modern. Like black, glass, clean lines, etc. Must be the graphic designer in him. So we have the hardest time coming up with things that work for both of us. I did just recently redo our fireplace, which might be the first time we’ve ever agreed on something.


And I’ve shown him your newest project with the shelves, and he’s agreed that it’s a perfect mix of both of us. So that is next on our to do list.

Right now, my problem child is our entertainment area. He has these HUGE speakers, which can’t be covered or disguised with anything since the speakers come out the front and sides. And we bought this center from IKEA forever ago. I just don’t know what to do with it. I hate the color (with our dark brown leather couch, there is just so much dark in the room). I did buy some chunky feet for it, thinking that maybe adding feet would make it look less “I came from IKEA”. My thought are to add a backing to it and paint it cream (I hate seeing the wall and wires through it). But then I’m stumped after that, since he’s so far not budging on color. Maybe add some baskets? I don’t know, I want to make it feel light, which is hard when it’s such a dark spot in our living room.

photo (4)

My suggestion? Put a back on it (you can buy masonite at Lowes and have it cut to the right measurements!) Paint it white or light gray and then paint the insides Emerald except that bottom one with the books, keep that one different.

So my friends, what would YOU do?

Do you have a project that you need a little help with?? Tell us all about it! Send me an email with a few images and the important details and lets get this party started! (Single projects only right now, no room designs please) to vintagerevivalsblog (at) gmail.com with the subject line WWYD Submission.

Love Your Guts, Mandi

My Real Life Story Update 2: Miracles

By Mandi | 12/18/2012 | 26 Comments

Hello Friends! I missed you!! As you may know my computer hard drive literally crashed (off my couch and onto the floor) and so I was forced into taking a blogging break for a few days.

It was such a huge blessing. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the things happening online that sometimes I forget to live my real life. The events this week in CT reminded me just how important real life stuff is.

It has been a year since my last Real Life Story update (can you even believe that!?!) I am grateful that  I am in a spiritual and reflective state of mind today and I want to share with you what recovery has looked like over the last year.

If I has to sum this year up in one word it would be Miracles.

My testimony of my Savior has grown so much. It is hard to put into words the happiness and peace that I feel…but you know I am going to try!!

In January Court and I were called to be church service Missionaries in the Addiction Recovery Program. This basically means that we have 1-2 meetings a week that we are in charge of. We also go around on 5th Sundays and speak in wards about the ARP (if you are in St. George and want more info on that you can email me!)  I am so grateful for this calling, it has changed my life.

The amazing thing about the Atonement is that is has the power to take away all of our pain. Not just the pain of sin but the pain of other’s sins, the pain of things that are out of our control. I cant remember all of those awful things that I felt for so many years. I can remember a few details of the events but most are hazy and there is no pain attached to them. When I look at Court the things that I used to see when I looked at him are completely gone. That is such a miracle in and of itself. Being at our meetings and seeing people come in and go out I am reminded of how it felt to be where they are.

“This is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.
“And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is
my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard
my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me” (Alma 29:9–10).

2 years ago when we found ourselves in an LDS 12 step meeting the most important thing that we felt was love. The love of the missionaries and the love of our Savior. Its amazing being on the missionary side of the love. It is a miracle that we have been blessed with. I see those that come in with my physical eyes, they are broken and lost and hopeless, just as we were. But then I feel this overwhelming love for them and I just want to hug them and tell them that THEY CAN CHANGE.

And change they do. If you have ever wondered if people REALLY change like REEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLYYY change? I testify to you that they do. I have seen it in my husband, I have seen it in myself, and I have seen it in countless others. The secret is that we dont experience a change of heart once, it is a daily choice to choose Him.

It is so easy to think that we/or someone we love are beyond gone. But you are not. They are not. I love this quote by Elder Holland:

“I do not know who in this vast audience today may need to hear the message of forgiveness inherent in this parable, but however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.”

My testimony today is one of miracles. Life is hard. Addiction is an all consuming darkness that changes people. But the good news is that Christ is an all consuming light that changes them MORE.

There is so much darkness in this world. There is tragedy after tragedy worldwide, nationwide and in our own homes. I find peace knowing the reason that this life is hard. In The Book of Ether the story of Jared and his family is shared. For those unfamiliar with this story I will give you the readers digest version. Jared and his family lived at the time of Babel, when the languages were confounded by God. Because of the faith of the brother of Jared they and their families were spared. They were told that they were to be taken to a promised land and were instructed by God on how to build a barge. This was more like a modern day submarine than a boat but there was no way to steer it. They travelled in these ships 100% dependant on the Lord to take them to their final destination.

5 And it came to pass that the Lord God caused that there should be a furious wind blow upon the face of the waters, towards the promised land; and thus they were tossed upon the waves of the sea before the wind.

8 And it came to pass that the wind did never cease to blow towards the promised land while they were upon the waters; and thus they were driven forth before the wind.

When we are in the midst of the furious winds it can be terrifying and frustrating,  but where would we be if we gently bobbed along? No where near our destination or our true potential. The Lord knows that without the winds we cannot become who we are supposed to be. So he lets the winds blow BUT just like in verse 8 says,  If we have faith enough to get in the boat, the winds will never cease to blow us to the promised land.

if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give theeexperience, and shall be for thy good. (D&C 122:7)

Court’s addiction is one of the biggest blessing of my life. I am grateful every single day that I hung in there because people can change, the key is they have to want to. With that ok from them, the Savior will step in and make  impossible things possible. He will change our very nature.

Christ says “Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.” –C.S. Lewis

For those who are unable to attend a LDS 12 Step meeting (or you are curious what happens there) you can find some incredible podcasts here.

If you are interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints you can find tons of information on mormon.org and I would be SO happy to send you a Book of Mormon!

Love Your Guts, Mandi

Easy Duct Tape Garland

By Mandi | 12/10/2012 | 17 Comments

Its FINALLY beginning to look like Christmas at the Gublers!!! Hoorah! I am so excited to show you guys what I have been up to the last few days!! So remember my DIY Industrial Shelves? I have a secret. It didn’t end there…I made one huge one on the opposite side of the room to take the place of the mantel that I gave up when I threw out the Faux Fireplace. So those non mantle dwellers listen up, you can have a GREAT place to merrify your house too!

Hot Pink Christmas

Fun right?!! So today we are going to talk about the garland. I LOVE a good red and white Christmas, but for some reason I just cant make it happen in my house…so this year we are going with lots of colors (my favorite of which is Hot Pink.)   Do you do this too? I sure hope so!!

Duct Tape Garland Tutorial

I am still on my southwesty tribal kick and so triangles (though not your typical holiday décor) are right up my alley. To make this simple garland you need 3 things.

Scotch Duct Tape

Tissue Paper


Scotch Duct Tape Project

If you are looking for white duct tape FYI its by the silver and not in the millions of colors and patterned Scotch Duct Tape. (I may or may not have figured this out after tracking down an employee to help me….)

Cut small squares off of your roll and cut them in 1/2 diagonally (making a triangle). Also cut a little bit larger squares out of your tissue paper and cut them diagonally. You want to make sure that they are bigger than your duct tape triangles! This is SUCH an easy project my daughters loved helping me do it!

Stick them to your string (my string was left over from my String Art project) I found it was easier to stick them right to the table (don’t push too hard!) that way you can line them up nice and straight.

Easy Duct Tape Project Garland

Then just flip them around and stick your tissue paper triangles on the backside. They don’t have to be perfect, in fact that is sort of the fun handmade quality of them!!

Duct Tape Projects How To Make Garland


Now if that wasn’t simple enough this next garland tutorial is 1000x easier!

All you need is:

Scotch Duct Tape

Silver Cellophane Tissue Paper (I found mine at Target in their Christmas section)


Cut your cellophane into strips the width of your duct tape. Speed demon trick is  to keep it folded out of the package and use a rotary cutter to cut the pieces.

Lay out your duct tape sticky side up on a flat surface

Make sure your cellophane is lined up over your duct tape and carefully put it down

Duct Tape Garland

Fold your duct tape in 1/2 with the silver side in and cut lots and lots of cute little fringes.

Unfold it and give it a little twist!

These projects will literally cost you pennies and they look so FUN!

Holiday Duct Tape Garland

Duct Tape Christmas Garland

Silver and White Duct Tape Garland

Duct Tape Garland Tutorial


Merry sign tutorial coming tomorrow!!


For more great holiday décor ideas check out Scotch Duct Tape’s Pinterest Page!duct tape, scotch, scotch duct tape


Love Your Guts, Mandi

This post is a collaboration with Scotch Colors and Patterns Duct Tape. To see more creative projects, visit www.ScotchDuctTape.com.

What Would You Do? A New Series on Vintage Revivals

By Mandi | 12/07/2012 | 51 Comments

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (That was angels singing if you couldn’t tell.)   I have been rolling around this idea for a bit and I feel like I am FINALLY ready to share it with you guys!

As far as I can tell there are 2 problems that are frequently brought to my attention. 1. You guys are TALENTED. Lets be honest I am not the only one that likes to decorate, you guys are SO amazing it blows my mind. The problem? It needs to be shouted from the rooftops! And 2. Sometimes you run out of inspiration or just plain don’t know what to do with your latest thrift store score, dollar store find or those end tables from your Great Grandma Ida.

We are solving BOTH of those problems today with a brand new series called What Would YOU Do?

Here is how its going to work. Most Wednesdays (I say most because I don’t want to over commit myself toooo much.)  I am going to share a find with you. It may be mine for the first little while but eventually I REALLY want you guys to submit your design dilemmas for this incredible ocean of décor savvy mamas for inspiration!

I want it to be SUPER interactive and fun (because decorating shouldn’t be stressful! Well…not TOO stressful.)

Then as the projects are completed I will post updates so everyone can see the killer before and after’s! Its like Fun-a-polooza!

So I will go first.

What would you do to this thrift store chair

I scored this amazing vintage industrial rolling chair for $6.00 last night at the DI. I am loving all things industrial right now and I loved how it was still a little girlish (its perfect home is in Ivie’s room!)   I have a few ideas for this cute thing but I want to hear what YOU would do to it! Share your ideas in the comments below and if you have overhauled something similar leave a link in the comments so we can all hop over and be inspired!! I will show you the transformation next Wednesday!!

Do you have a project that you need a little help with?? Tell us all about it! Send me an email with a few images and the important details and lets get this party started! (Single projects only right now, no room designs please) to vintagerevivalsblog (at) gmail.com with the subject line WWYD Submission.

Hooray! I cant wait to read these ideas!!!! Aaaaaannnnnnddddd GO!

ps. if you want a behind the scenes as its going down preview of my thrifty treasures make sure to follow me on Instagram (@vintagerevivals)  I ALWAYS share what I am hunting!

Love Your Guts, Mandi