Did You Know Today Was Friday?


Did you know today was Friday?? Cause I didn’t. I mean I did as in like for my daughters class Christmas party, but for some reason I didn’t connect that it was time for…. Look What I Found Friday!! Gosh

My Most Expensive Piece of Furniture to Date.


I have been eyeing this lovely lady since she was donated a week and a half ago to my thrift store. Seriously beautiful right? Its an old Victorola stereo cabinet. As if you couldnt tell by the speakers and record

How To Perfectly Stripe Your Walls.


Here is a tutorial on how to perfectly stripe your walls….Vintage Revivals Style. I have been wanting to do this post FOREVER. Like before “Crafting With The Stars” but I couldn’t because um….the voting was anonymous. So here you go

DIY Faux Fireplace


   WE ARE THE CRAFTING WITH THE STARS SEASON 1 CHAMPIONS! I just need to start this post with a BIG FAT THANK YOU! First of all to {Tam @ Sew Dang Cute Crafts} for coming up with the ingenious

Sewing Room Scraps Bedding


Thanks to everyone who voted for my project this week! I am extremely excited,  humbled,  and baffled all at the same time! DISCLAIMER:  If you are one of those “sewers” that pins and measures and junk YOU WILL HATE ME.

Teacup Clock


This has been the longest project of my life. I have been working on it off and on since april. It just wasn’t ever right. Do you brilliant minds ever have stuff like this?  But finally it got done. I

Giveaway Day!


Ok so technically it still is Monday so I didnt break my promise. It was just postponed by an emergency dentist visit. I am SO SO SO excited!   So here are the rules. There are 3 entries per person #1.

Bringing The Outdoors In…On Your Wall


I have yet to post a complete picture of my living room. I thought that I would post about the individual projects first and then do a post about everything collectively. So you’ve seen my yellow {end table} and my

Seizure Wall…. {Not REALLY}


So as I was checking out some of my favorite bloggitys today one of my favs Brooke @ all things thrifty was talking about making your own wall stencils. I have been meaning to post this so today is as