The Time We Altered 7 Walls On The Top Floor


 Adrian and I knew from the start that we’d be taking down walls throughout our home to open up the space to make it more functional for our family. Admittedly, I wanted more removed than he did (but I’d also

QUICK! Someone Give Me A Million Dollars!!


If someone walked up to you and gave you a check for a couple million dollars and said its yours to spend on the most burning big idea that you have right this second. You can’t change your mind, or

The Time He Cut His Hand Open & I Broke My Nose


  What up party people? Does anyone still say that or is it just me? Wait, don’t answer that. This is Sarah again from WALDOMIDCENTURY and I’m so grateful that y’all are following along the path of home repair with

Ivie’s Bedroom Makeover Before + Inspo


Poor Ivie’s bedroom. This thing has been a mishmash of incomplete projects for its entire lifespan. It’s never had a proper room makeover + reveal because its never been completely finished. Which is something that she reminds me about on

…Its Like Disneyland for Adults


So this post might seem like its totally out of left field but I just have to share. There is this fine line that we get to walk as a bloggers. I get to do really cool stuff with really

London, Cricut, and Target (Oh My!)


You guys! I have missed your guts! If you dont follow along on instagram then you might not know that I am in London. I know!!!! Its crazy right!? London! After a few long flights and an airport mishap we

DIY Wall Sconce Task Lights & A Target Update!


Happy Friday!!! Let’s get this party started (of course by party I mean the tutorials for Macie’s Boho Bedroom Makeover!)  If you are looking for sources for the items that are in the room check out this post. Up first

Miracle the Mighty Stool


Creating a room design around thrifted and found treasures can be um… a little challenging sometimes. The reoccurring missing link in Cara’s Office makeover was the stool. For the love of everything that is holy we could not find a