New Concrete and Unearthing The OG Brick!!

By Mandi | 08/01/2017 | 11 Comments

Hello my dears! Man have I got so much to tell you about the Merc!

Last Friday all of the concrete was poured in our massive gaping trenches! What used to look like this:

A Homer bucket for scale. I mean, those are ankle breaking deep folks.

The Hunt for the Perfect Front Door

By Mandi | 07/28/2017 | 45 Comments

Dudes! We’re renovating our dream house, an old mercantile store build in 1928! Follow along from the beginning here!

Hey hey!! Man have I missed you guys! Court and I have been traveling the last week and 1/2 and are finally home and settled. Progress at the Merc rolled on while we were gone. All of the giant boulders from the concrete cutting were hauled away, the plumbing was put down and today the concrete was poured to fill the trenches and the back bedroom! I was honestly terrified that I was going to get back and the framing would be done. I know its weird to worry about too much progress happening but I didn’t want to miss anything!

I just got info from my contractor that the first of many design decisions is due and I’d love your help! We need to decide on our front doors (3 to be exact!) I’ve scoured the internet trying to find inspiration and I know you design geniuses have got some opinions so lets get into it!

Here’s a little refresher on what we’ve got happening.

The Merc currently looks like this:

Why I Love My Sherwin-Williams Store + The Merc Workshop Makeover

By Mandi | 07/20/2017 | 21 Comments

This project is in partnership with Sherwin-Williams

Do you guys have those people in your life that you call when you have a question? Instead of spending time Googling and researching you just ask them cause you know that the info that they are giving is always right? That person in my life (at least when it comes to paint) is Sam, the manager of my local Sherwin-Williams store.

The Merc Renovation: Day 2+3

Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo

By Mandi | 07/17/2017 | 21 Comments

Did I mention this post would be about demo? ? Guys we’ve been eat, sleep, and breathing sheetrock dust around these parts! The Merc renovation is in full swing and things seem (in my opinion) to be moving really quickly!

So hows it going!? Honestly I’m exhausted. Physical labor for 10+ hours a day is no joke but in the southern Utah heat it is freakin’ brutal, I don’t know how I haven’t lost 15 lbs. cause I’ve definitely sweated out that much.

We’ve already had some fun discoveries. The concrete cutters have been here for the last 3 days. Its so funny, when we told our friends that we were having the concrete cut professionally a few of them were like “oh no, its totally a DIY job. You could have saved so much money by renting the cutter and doing it yourself.” We were feeling a little like maybe that would have been a better choice until we saw THIS…

MASSIVE Letter Board Sale!!

By Mandi | 07/14/2017 | Leave a Comment

Happy Friday! In honor of summer, back to school, and just general happiness we’re celebrating with a killer letter board sale!

Buy a black letter board and get a colored letter set for free!! Any color you want! FOR FREE!! We’re rocking a very limited quantity (especially of the blush and blue) so get on it!! Just use the coupon code FREECOLOR at check out!!

Have a great weekend, we’re starting Day 4 of demo at the Merc #fun. (Check out our daily vlogs here!!)



The Merc Renovation: Day 1

The Merc Renovation HAS BEGUN!!!

By Mandi | 07/12/2017 | 13 Comments

Is this even real? I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. You guys we FINALLY started renovations on the Merc yesterday! Pinch me, slap me, tickle my butt, cause this thing is happening and its the greatest day of my liiiiiiife!!

As we embark on this wild adventure, I am being hyper vigilant about sharing everything. I know that loads of people would love to restore an old building but for whatever reason can’t do it. So here is me, standing proxy for all of you, cause we’re doing this thing together! (Since we’re in this together can I borrow $20k?) This means, even when I’m dead exhausted and write things like tickle my butt I’m here sharing it all.

Metal Siding That Looks Like Real Wood!!

By Mandi | 07/11/2017 | 6 Comments

Hands down the most requested info about my in-laws house is where they sourced the wood-look siding. Its crazy good, even standing right underneath it you’d swear it was wood.

So here are all the details!