11 Home Depot Rugs That Will Change Your Freakin’ Life

By Mandi | 06/08/2017 | 3 Comments

Guys, I’m back, gushing about all things Home Depot. Again. But guess what? Its LITERALLY impossible to not want to share all the crazy amazing things that they have popping up on their site daily. Really I have to physically restrain myself to not instagram them every second. Maybe I should start a finsta just for my Home Depot obsession? (For those that don’t know, a finstagram, or finsta for short, is an Instagram account where you can post whatever you want. No filters, no rules, sharing as much as your little heart desires…you know, the way Instagram used to be before it had to be perfect?)

The more you know ?

But back to the task at hand. Home Depot and their new crazy amazing decor lines. I’ve bookmarked 11 of my favorite rug obsessions and I just can’t keep them to myself anymore!! Want to see?

Dhurries Dark Grey 8 ft. x 10 ft. Area Rug
 $431. This rug has other great colors available!!

Introducing Build Design Live!!

By Mandi | 06/05/2017 | Leave a Comment

Happy Monday!! I am so excited to introduce you guys to an inspiring new site that I’m contributing to called Build Design Live. Its a site full of brand new shows, podcasts, and blog posts all about DIY and Design. You know when you watch a show and you want to see what’s really happening, or how to execute the projects that they are doing?

This. is. that.

New episodes go live every Monday, along with outtakes and how to’s for each one!

You might recognize some familiar faces like Chris Lampton, Andy and Candis, and one of my favorite humans on the planet Rayan.

They’re kicking things off with a $5000 room refresh from one of the designers (hello! how awesome would it be to win that?!!) Enter the giveaway here!

New content is popping up daily and I’ll be sure to give you a heads up when a new Vintage Revivals post goes live!! Head over and check it out!!



The 2017 Hoard Sale Recap!

By Mandi | 06/01/2017 | 4 Comments

Hey guys!! Hope your short week is awesome! We’re in San Diego with the kids and having an absolute blast! We have 2 more days here so if you’ve got some must do/must see/must eat places let me know!!

I can’t believe the hoard sale was just a few weeks ago. It is hands down one of the most stressful and best days of my life. There is so much prep and cleaning and setting up that goes into it. I always worry that I don’t have enough stuff but when everyone starts showing up it all the stress melts away and I am on cloud nine. I LOVE meeting so many of you and look forward to many more events now that we have all of the space at The Merc!!

If you missed it, we’d love to see you next time!!

What a Phase 2 Environmental Looks Like + Our Test Results

By Mandi | 05/26/2017 | 23 Comments

If you read my last post you know we had some extremely serious testing done last week at The Merc. A Phase 2 Environmental Test. Testing that we absolutely should have had done before we bought the building, I didn’t realize the serious implications that not having the testing done could have until it was already too late. My main environmental concern before we bought the building was the underground gas storage tank. After talking to someone at the city and having them tell me that the tank wasn’t there I naively thought that that was enough. I was wrong, and if you ever find yourself in this situation, DO THE TESTING.

A lot of you asked why none of the previous owners had to do the testing and why no one was aware of the potential issues.

Foster Family Playhouses Revealed!

By Mandi | 05/19/2017 | 5 Comments

It’s one of my favorite times of the year!! Sherwin-Williams National Painting Week is upon us and I think this year’s project is my favorite. Sherwin-Williams asked this year if I would pick a cause in my community as the recipient of my National Painting Week project. It could be a charity, a family in need, an organization, really anything or anyone to give a little bit of service to. I thought long and hard about it. I prayed about it. One day after chatting with Cara a light bulb turned on and I knew just what I wanted to do. The organization that I chose is Utah Foster Care. Having a friend go through the foster process has totally opened my eyes to it. I have so much respect for those that open their homes and transform the lives of countless children with their love.

The plan was to impact as many families as we could, so with the help of Utah Foster Care we chose 3 families in Southern Utah and built the world’s cutest playhouses for them.

The Sort Of Terrifying Reason Why We Haven’t Started Construction On The Merc

By Mandi | 05/17/2017 | 27 Comments

When I started out on the journey of The Merc I promised myself that I would check my ego and share all the good and bad of the renovation with you guys. After all, its not all sunshine and rainbows all the time right? Well one of those moments is here (already!?! WTF!?) and as stressful and embarrassing as it is to share I’m baring all.

As I’ve talked about numerous times already, we worked on this thing like crazy before we bought it. We did allllll the tests, and spent alllllll the money so that we knew what we were going into.

All except one. Yep.

Dang it.

This is going there.

A Little Mother’s Day Love ❤️

By Mandi | 05/10/2017 | 3 Comments

This post is in partnership with 1800FLOWERS

For as long as I can remember, on Mother’s Day my mom would give my sisters and I a little Mother’s Day gift. Obviously not cause we were actual mothers (because 6 years old) but because regardless of  where our path in life took us, we would be women and have the capacity to be mothers.

Whether we are a mother, longing to be a mother, or don’t feel like that’s our path in life, we all have mother’s and women in our life that have shaped us and made us who we are. Today I’m sharing a little bit about the moms in my circle that have molded me and a few of their MOM-isms. A MOM-ism is the quirky things that makes your mom, or the community of moms in your life special. Its the things that they do that make them who they are.

Modern Spring Mix