Where’s The Color?!

By Mandi | 05/08/2017 | 4 Comments

No this isn’t the internet circa 1930.

Your computer screen is just fine.

Vintage Revivals isn’t broken.

So where’s the color?!!? Would you believe that I gave it away? It’s for a good cause (one that you can also help with!!)

The 2017 Hoard Sale/Meet The Merc Extravaganza!

By Mandi | 05/03/2017 | 16 Comments

ITS HERE!!! Its finally time for another Hoard Sale and guess what!? its at The Merc!!

For those that may be scratching your heads about what a Hoard Sale is, let me give you a little background. Back in the early days of Vintage Revivals I started a yearly yard sale called The Hoard Sale where I sold off loads of my treasures. Its a yard sale in the loosest sense of the term, there is dancing and music and food and SO.MUCH.GOOD.STUFF. I haven’t done it for the last 2 years (pregnancy + baby) but it is happening this year and we are clearing out my storage units!

Where We Really Are In The Merc Reno + Video Tour with Court!

By Mandi | 05/01/2017 | 16 Comments

Hey! Man am I glad to be home. Court and I have been traveling for the last (almost) 2 weeks and are finally back in St. George with all the kiddies and the pup. We spent a week in Salt Lake for SNAP! and volleyball tournaments and then took a quick flight across the country to Atlanta to spend a few days with Home Depot. It was awesome!!

The craziest and most eye opening thing that I learned over the last 2 weeks not hulled up in the in-law’s basement was how far-reaching The Merc is already. 99% of the bloggers that I chatted with at both events wanted to talk about The Merc, which was blowing my mind because everyone’s got a different corner of the internet and I didn’t think that some of those were connected with mine. I am SO grateful for all of you who are following this journey (even if its just to see if its a massive train wreck when its all said and done) Almost everyone that I chatted with had the same questions, so I thought you might have them too!

How far along are you really?

Hands down the biggest one is how far along in the reno we really are. When we closed on The Merc a month ago we closed on the building. Because of a really tight situation with the seller we had to buy the building before we were able to close on our construction loan. The last month that I’ve been sharing updates and back stories The Merc has sat taunting me with zero work being done. IT IS KILLING ME.

*cough *cough Home Depot *cough

You’ll Never Believe Where This Smokin’ Hot Decor is From

By Mandi | 04/28/2017 | 9 Comments

Hey guys!! Are you sitting down? Good. Cause I’m about to blow your freaking mind. When you think of The Home Depot, what comes to mind? Tools? Wood? Plants? Orange smiling faces? Add another thing to that list, HOME DECOR! They just rolled out their new decor line, and you’re not going to believe how terribly good it is.

9 DIY Ways To Make Your House a Home

By Mandi | 04/24/2017 | 6 Comments

Whether you’re a new homeowner, on the hunt, or a current homeowner, we all want our space to feel like us, right? Nothing compares to the sense of relief that comes from feeling like you’re home. But how do you create that feeling?

I have nine tiny fixes any homeowner can tackle that will make a huge difference in your space. Adding plants or a splash of color can completely transform a room without heavy construction. Let’s go.

1. Paint Something

I mean, I know that you’ve probably heard that painting is one of the easiest and quickest ways to update a space, but, you guys, PAINTING IS ONE OF THE QUICKEST AND EASIEST WAYS TO UPDATE A SPACE!

A living room with a white wall and a painted coral line

Utah’s Newest Thrift Store!!

By Mandi | 04/21/2017 | 7 Comments

Hey guys!! Happy Friday, and REALLY happy Friday if you’re in Southern Utah!! The Cedar City Deseret Industries store is opening their new location this weekend and IT.IS.AMAZING!!!

I had a chance last week to get a behind the scenes sneak peek and I’ve got secret insider info that confirms that grand opening weekend is THE BEST time to shop at a thrift store. They hoard all of their best stuff for months and months and put it all out at the same time, all weekend long!

And not only is the store filled with treasures, look at how perfect it looks! Its a utopian thrift store. Categorized by color and size? Stop.

Check out these goods.