It's REVEAL Day!!

Mind-blowing $939 Bathroom Makeover

By Mandi | 11/08/2016 | 47 Comments

Hey hey!! Lets talk bathroom renovations.

Doesn’t that just make your stomach drop? Bathroom. Renovations. BLAHHHH! The words Bathroom Renovation strike fear in the hearts of homeowners across the world. I don’t know about you but it just feels like they have to be this HUGE MASSIVE EXPENSIVE undertaking. Just thinking through them feels exhausting (demo, flooring, new cabinetry, tile, faucets, lighting, paint, art, and on and on and on.) I’m here to tell you that having an incredible makeover does not have to cost a million dollars and most of it can be overhauled in a weekend.

Meet the latest Vintage Revivals makeover victim, my mother-in-laws master bathroom.

Nothing fantastic right?

The ULTIMATE Would You Rather? | Home Edition

By Mandi | 10/21/2016 | 95 Comments

Everyone loves a good game of Would You Rather? right?!! (If only to see how strangely morbid the people that you know are.) I was hanging out with my best friend Brem and asking him Would You Rather? questions.

Surprisingly he didn’t answer. Babies just don’t get it.

So of course I thought to ask my other best friends and see what you think!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the ultimate game of Would You Rather? Take a few minutes to answer the questions and next week I’ll share the responses! Also, if you have an awesome Would You Rather? question that is related to Home or DIY, leave it in the comments below, my favorite will win one of my must have tools, a DeWalt Jig Saw!!



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The FREE DIY Tool You Can’t Live Without!!!

By Mandi | 10/17/2016 | 13 Comments

Tell me if you’ve ever found yourself in this situation. You’ve persuaded your adorable husband to tackle a project that mayyybeeee you’ve never done before but 1/2 the internet it telling you it’s totally doable and so you are READY and ENTHUSIASTIC!

Saturday morning you start googling the project for instructions and you know what happens? 9,571 tutorials come up and you’re a little taken aback. But your like “K…thats ok. I’ll find one that seems right.”

You watch video after video of hairy guys in their dark garages try to explain what to do, but either the sound quality is so bad that you can’t understand it, OR the terms that they are using are totally outside of your DIY vocabulary. Either way it doesn’t work and sends you to the next video and on and on and on.


8 hours later….You’ve finally got some idea of what this project needs to look like so you head to the store and get your supplies.

The Craziest 2 Weeks!

By Mandi | 10/14/2016 | 6 Comments

Hey guys! Holy. Its been a minute right? The last 2 weeks have been bananas (hence the radio silence) so I wanted to pop in with a life update!

But first. Can we talk about YOU GUYS. It is HORRIFYING. If you’re unfamiliar or don’t have a teenager consider yourself blessed. is an app and new form of social media where kids sort of lip sync to songs and sound bites. Sounds relatively harmless right? No. literally every single video on it is so cringey. Ivie’s greatest joy in life is to spring one on me and it leave me reeling for 15 minutes because of the sheer amount of secondhand embarrassment. Its physically painful in a way that I’ve never experienced before. Its like watching the worst Dr. Pimple Popper video ever (which is this one BTW) on repeat with zero anonymity for the tweens. Yes, we as teenagers had headgear, perms, and scrunchies. But this is so much worse. I tell Ivie every time she is tempted to post one of these horrific videos that the internet never forgets.

Ok now that I have that off my chest, let talk about the 2 weeks of travels!

I started off in LA filming some video with my friends at Wayfair. It was awesome! We shot 4 videos that should be out in a couple of weeks, I’ll make sure to keep you guys posted! I love the insight that new experiences like this give to the TV world. I’m feeling a resurgence of the show dream, so any type of experience that I can get I’m all over it!


Buh-Bye Boring

Overhauling Aspyn Ovard’s House

By Mandi | 10/02/2016 | 7 Comments

YAY FOR BIG PROJECTS!! I’ve got a major overhaul in the works and I can finally spill the beans on it! I’ve been itching to get my hands on a new project and its happening now! My creativity seems like its coming back (thank goodness) and I am ready to start putting all of the ideas that are spinning around in my head to work!


Dance Magic Dance

The Ultimate Baby Gate

By Mandi | 09/30/2016 | 10 Comments

All you mamas and mamas-to-be listen up!

There is this thing that happens to your house when you’ve got a new baby in your life. Its called EVERYTHING IS DANGEROUS.

When Mr. Brem started crawling around and pulling himself up on things it was like I could hear slasher music every time he got close to anything. There are SO MANY CORNERS! I mean, I knew I needed to get rid of my cacti and other plant friends that lived close to the grasp of the boy wonder but the more mobile he gets the more things are carted off to the storage unit.

Naturally, as the baby proofing gets more severe I become way more educated on what is worth the $$ and what isn’t.


At the top of my list was a baby gate. We don’t have stairs so I didn’t feel the need to DIY a permanent one, I just need to keep the kid contained a little bit better. The problem that I was running into was that like most baby gear, companies think that it has to look like a baby would LOVE it.

Newsflash. Babies don’t care if the gate has cartoon jungle animals on it, but you know who does care?




The Time We Altered 7 Walls On The Top Floor

By Mandi | 09/27/2016 | 10 Comments

What's Happening In Waldo Adrian and I knew from the start that we’d be taking down walls throughout our home to open up the space to make it more functional for our family. Admittedly, I wanted more removed than he did (but I’d also live in a retrofitted airplane hanger if I could), but we knew some had to come out, nonetheless. The bottom floor of our home would have three walls altered, but the top floor, well that thing is a hot mess of old farmhouse tradition and we had to alter 7 walls in total. This is the story of how we did it. Ok, how we’re doing it, because you know that business isn’t finished yet! #reallife