because $1 at a time pays the bills

What’s Happening In Waldo: How To Make Cees Not Bees At Your Next Garage Sale

By Mandi | 08/19/2016 | 5 Comments


Hey everyone! Sarah here! This past week, even though we had an office and hallway that are in desperate need of paint, a dryer that needs to have a gas line run and shelves in our laundry room installed, we had to attend to some basic needs first. Bills. Man, can you just imagine how great life would be if we didn’t have bills? I’m not even talking about rollin’ in a Lambo (that’s still cool right?), I’m just talking about buying the expensive shampoo at the store instead of the least-obnoxious-smelling bottom-dollar variety (that I’m sure my hairdresser will yell at me later for using). I’m a simple lady.

If only shrink rays were a thing.

The Mini Nugget (You Have Got To See This Thing!!)

By Mandi | 08/12/2016 | 14 Comments

A little while ago I got an alert that I was tagged in a photo on Instagram, so I clicked over and was totally caught by surprise when I saw this:


Look closer. Did you catch that its not the real Nugget?I know that celebrities have people draw pictures of them all the time and tag them on insta, but that is not my life. But The Nugget? The Nugget is more famous than I’ll ever hope to be, and rightly so.

Emily used The Nugget as inspiration for a school project and made a mini version (its like 5” tall!!) Are you dying?! I’m DYING! Look at all the detail!


(and we almost killed each other because of it)

The Time Our Kitchen Almost Killed Us

By Mandi | 08/11/2016 | 11 Comments



So here’s the thing about describing your remodel after major parts of it have already transpired — as we’ve been working we didn’t exactly take photos to show how painful each step was so we could document it for folks later on. Having taken a step back from writing for daily online content, it’s been nice to not have to photograph my dinner before I can eat it or clean my living room strictly so I can take a picture of it for a post or write up. So I’ve documented it, but not DOCUMENTED IT.

The worlds cutest baby is back...

Sweet Baby Boy

By Mandi | 08/10/2016 | 35 Comments

You guys. I just can’t take it anymore! This baby is the greatest thing that happened since canned paint.

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Also, rain. Lots of rain.

The Time He Cut His Hand Open & I Broke My Nose

By Mandi | 08/03/2016 | 14 Comments


What's Happening In Waldo

What up party people? Does anyone still say that or is it just me? Wait, don’t answer that. This is Sarah again from WALDOMIDCENTURY and I’m so grateful that y’all are following along the path of home repair with us up here in Wisconsin. If you missed the first few posts, check out the first, second and third ones here. Now, let’s get down to business shall we?

They say titles of posts should be entertaining and real. They should be attention grabbing and honest so they strike a chord with folks and allow them to identify with the writer before you ever begin. With this in mind, I had a hard time choosing between what’s above and the alternate version, “The Time The Neighbors Across The Street Pulled Out Lawn Chairs and Snacks and Watched Us For Two Hours Like We’re an Episode of Family Comedy T.V.” But somehow, it just didn’t roll off the tongue as well, but it’s equally true. This week I’d like to chat a bit about the lessons that we learn in life the hard way like: touching a hot burner or thinking you can leave the house without a bra on just to run to the store for a few things, because it won’t matter you won’t see anyone you know (wrong. so very. very. wrong. you’ll see all the people. ALL THE PEOPLE!). For us, one of the hardest lessons we’ve ever learned took place quite literally one year ago yesterday — aww, the anniversary of when we should have known better to install windows on a limited time schedule and on a day that’s expecting rain and major thunderstorms.

I just love the smell of a fresh blog design in the morning, don't you?

Check out the ALL NEW Vintage Revivals!!

By Mandi | 08/03/2016 | 27 Comments

Ladies and gentleman, I am thrilled to show you the all new Vintage Revivals site!! Cue the confetti, balloons, and marching band!

This little corner of the internet has changed almost as much as my living room over the last 6 years. When I started blogging it was in no way/shape/form like it is now. There wasn’t a million e-courses to teach you what to do, you just made it up as you went.

And there have been some hurrrrrrdles.


And some bad fashion choices.



Why did I use that picture?! I look like I’m going to bite you.