A Few Blogs That You Absolutely Need To Know About

By Mandi | 03/19/2014 | 11 Comments

Hello my loves! Great news, I am on mile 22 of this month long marathon. Miranda’s wedding is t minus 9 days and counting and I am EXCITED and a little stressed, but don’t tell her that!!

I have a few blogs that I am currently obsessed with that I feel like I need to shout their amazingness from the rooftops! I always love to know what people are currently reading. Here is my short list.

Up first A Pair and A Spare.

AP&AS is full of really fantastic projects and beautiful photography.



I am pretty in love with this macrame dream catcher that she just did.

how to make a circular macrame wall hanging


Gwen, who just so happens to be one of my favorite people ever, writes the blog The Makerista. You guys. She is just so talented. And gorgeous. Of course.


She is a girl after my own thrifting heart, check out this upcycled thrift store art that she just shared.


I know that most of you know my friend Kelly from Studio DIY (she is part of the quarterly color challenge group) but if you havent popped over to her site, you are missing out.


Every time I am on Kell’s site I am instantly happier. I dont know. It might be the confetti. But whatever it is she shouldnt stop. Or the fact that she has balloons that say Hip Hip Hooray. Plus she is the most delightful person in real life.

DIY Pop-Up Message Balloons


This last blog is one that I am VERY excited to introduce you too… remember a few weeks ago when I posted about Creating With The Stars? Well I am pretty sure that I won the lottery with my partner, or should I say partners? Meet Mallory and Savannah from Classy Clutter.



They are adorable and hilarious and in it to win it!! I mean, when you guys see their project this round you will DIE. It is so good!!!

I am off to finish my taxes and hopefully pump out a few projects to share while I am in the midst of wedding chaos!

But the question remains, what are your favorite reads right now? Leave the URL in the comments so we can all check them out!

Love Your Guts

I Mean, This Just Is Not Something I Can Stand Behind.

By Mandi | 03/13/2014 | 66 Comments

Everything old is new again.   Granted I am only 30 so things like Macramé and Wicker hold a certain fascination because I have never really seen them in action.  That being said.  There are some things that just need to stay dead.   I would like to submit for your consideration design trends that just cant be coming back to greet us…ever.

Exhibit A:  Tole Painting. The sparkly eyes.  The perfect dots from the end of a paint brush.  The speckled finish.  Its just oh so magical.



Exhibit B:  Any type of couch that has fabric that looks like this:



Exhibit C:  The plush pre printed goodness of this carousel horse.  My grandma actually has quite a few of these at our cabin.  My favorite is the majestic gray goose. He is perfectly to scale and very life like.  So while I love this trend because it reminds me of my wonderful grandma so much, I just don’t think it should come back…



Exhibit D:  Art work that includes a pose able teddy bear doing anything human related.  Yes tea party, I am looking at you too.



Exhibit E:  An adobe mountainside village nesting in the folds of Jesus fabric.  Pretty sure that my MIL had this hanging in her house,  with white washed log furniture. 



Exhibit F:  Fabric ruched mirrors.  I will have you know that this fabric was very silky and nice.   And those flowers?  Life.Like.  But it is just a little too rich for my blood.




Exhibit G:  Whatever this thing is.  I mean.  I have no idea.  Is he a rock?  Is he a biscuit?  Is he a dirty snowball?  Its just a little to confusing for me to fully support his return.



Exhibit H:  Bowling Pin people.  I mean.  Maybe.


  PLEASE add your suggestions below.  And also know that this post in written entirely in fun,  if you really love one or all of these things and want them in your house,  do it.  And let me know, I will send you all of the treasures that I can find.  All of them.

Love Your Guts

Leather Wrapped Planters

By Mandi | 03/10/2014 | 14 Comments

I know what you are thinking. “Mandi, put down the leather and slowly back away.”

But I cant! I just cant do it!!

When I started Vintage Revivals I spray painted everything. Everything. Eventually I grew out of it. That might be our only hope with the leather situation. Every time I look at something, I say to myself,  “That would be awesome with leather!”

If you haven’t had the chance at scoring an old couch to skin, you can still do this project! They sell scrap leather at Jo-Ann’s and Michael’s,  or you could find an old coat or bag to cut apart.

Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com


To make these planters you will need obviously something to hold your plant. It could be a jar or vase that you have lying around your house, or a simple terra cotta pot, or even a cottage cheese container. You will also need leather and a hot glue gun.

Each planter is different. To cover the square one I laid out a piece of leather face down and traced the sides on my bowl. Then I rolled it over and lined it up with the line I had just drawn.

Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com-18 (1) copy

Then I marked the other side, rotated and repeated until  I had 4 sides marked. I cut it out and glued it to the bowl. (I found these bowls at Homegoods. They were $5.99 for 4.)  So adorable. So simple.


Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com-10


The little terra cotta pot got a coat of white gloss spray paint.

Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com-7 copy


I added a few triangles and a band around the lip. The design possibilities are endless guys.

Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com-9


The large footed glass jar is one of my faves. I just wrapped a scrap of leather around it and glued it into place. Then I trimmed the excess off of the bottom.

Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com-5


Sometimes projects dont need to be huge to be amazing! I cant wait to show you guys where these little guys are going to be living!!

Leather Wrapped Planters vintagerevivals.com-3


Hope you guys have the best Monday, (despite the fact that it is Daylight Savings. AZ you lucky state you.)

Love Your Guts

In Other News….

By Mandi | 03/07/2014 | 16 Comments

Dudes.  Did you know that today is Friday?!  HOLY CRAP.  What is going on? 

I guess time flies when you are doing a room makeover in 3 days flat.  Who knew!?

I just wanted to pop in with some very fun news!

Vintage Revivals just won the Best DIY Blog award on Better Homes and Gardens!  I was SHOCKED.  Literally gaping mouth dumbfounded. 


I just want to say the hugest thank you ever to everyone that clicked over and voted.  You guys are the most amazing group of friends any girl could ask for!  So do me a favor would ya?  Put your left hand on your right shoulder, and your right hand on your left shoulder and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.  Most realistic internet hug you have ever had?  Good.  And if you want you can check out the list of winners here, and the Top 10 for each category here.

Jamie and I have been working hard making the Vintage Revivals newsletter fabulous, and I think we finally came up with something that you are going to L.O.V.E.

How about a secret tutorial? 

Every week?

With a link that is only available in the newsletter?

Its good, right?!

The tutorials are going to be super simple projects that you can do over the weekend and most of them are going to involve left over project supplies from the things that you see on the main blog!



So if you havent already,  fill in the form below to subscribe!

Newsletters will be going out every Friday morning/afternoon to give you enough time to gather your goods!

Also, because this is totally headline making news.  I found a new favorite snack.   I originally bought Boom Chicka Pop because of the really great packaging, but quickly became a fan.  They recently rolled out a new flavor, Carmel Cheddar, and you guys,  it is my absolute favorite.  The reason I am talking about it?  They were gone when I was at the store on Wednesday.  Now, I dont know what this means, but if you see some you HAVE TO buy it.  It is exactly like the package says “totally fantastical”.

Best Salty-Sweet Snack : Angie's Boom Chicka Pop Caramel and Cheddar Popcorn Mix

Image Source (because I ate all of mine and have a broken heart that I couldn’t find more…)


Hope you guys have the most amazing weekend ever!! 

Love Your Guts

10 Do’s and Don’ts For Selling on Craigslist

By Mandi | 03/03/2014 | 65 Comments

I am a Craigslist Stalker. Not the killing kind mind you. But a stalker none the less.

So for your consideration today, I would like to submit the following Do’s and Don’ts for selling on Craigslist. Also if any of these random Craigslist ads are yours images from the internet are yours, apologies in advance.

Ten Do's and Don'ts for selling on Craigslist

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Selling on Craiglist

1. This will always be first. Don’t WRITE IN ALL CAPS!  It is super annoying.


2. Do use the creative writing class that you took in middle school!

Yes, it is pretty annoying that this ad was listed 3 times, but those are some catchy titles. Especially the 3rd one. Don’t worry,  I clicked it. It was a just a regular memory foam mattress.



3. Do Describe things the way that you would to your best friend.

Let’s just pretend for a minute that you are on the phone with your bff while thrifting. You stumble upon an item,  how would you describe it? Does it have really amazing lines? Does it need a lot of work? Does it just need a good scrub, or does it require a Hazmat suit? When people are buying things from you give them as much detail as possible. It is never fun to show up for your dream chair, only to discover that the back is shredded and it smells like cat pee.

4. Do include a picture!

You guys. Honestly. Do people thing that they are going to sell something described as Brown Sofa? I never understand the “pictures available upon request” line either. It would be so much easier to upload it once, than to text it to 27 people individually. Right?

This listing is awesome. The pictures are clear, you know what you are getting when you call:



5. Do take the time to make something presentable.

Presentable doesn’t always mean staged beautifully. Of course if you are selling a desk, clear all of the papers off of it. If you are selling a couch, think about moving the pillows so that we can see it. Anytime something is covered up it makes me suspicious that you are hiding something horrible underneath.



6. Do list things that you think people may not want.

I came across an ad for this center sectional piece. I mean, yes by itself it is not a good idea, but what if someone is looking for that EXACT thing?! Craigslist scores are made up of love stories like this!


7. Don’t Overprice Things!

Don’t think that because your 17 year old puffy sofa is worth $100 less than what it was when you bought it.  When you are figuring out the price ask yourself this simple question. How much would YOU pay for it? I love finding deals, so I tend to price my items lower because deal karma is the best kind.



8. Do leave your contact info!

ARGH is there anything more frustrating than not being able to contact someone when they are selling something you want? It is THE most important Do on the list.

9. Do Make Some Money!!

What would you do in this situation?

You have listed a table for $100. You get a call from a lady that wants it, but wont be able to come and look at it until the next day. Right after you hang up with her you get a phone call from a crazy lady named Mandi (hypothetically of course,  not all Mandi’s are crazy.) that is in love with the table. You tell her someone is interested in it but they wont be coming to pick it up until the next day. Mandi says that she will pay you $125 and pick it up right then. What would you do??

You are selling your piece for profit. If you have a better offer, that is solid,  TAKE IT. Who knows if lady #1 is actually going to come and get it. Of course you can be courteous and let her know asap. The saying one in the hand is better than 2 in the bush describes Craigslist selling PERFECTLY.

Don’t be a Craigslist Sucker!


10. Don’t Be Scared of Negotiations.

If you are set on a price don’t waver, but if you are itching to get something moved out,  don’t be nervous to negotiate with the seller! Negotiations are my favorite,  so if I show up at your front door be ready!

Do you guys have any other tips to add? Leave them in the comments and we will all love you forever!


WE DID IT!! (and a Thank You Photoshoot….)

By Mandi | 02/28/2014 | 65 Comments

You guys!!!! YOU GUYS!!! I am pinching myself over and over! We won the Apartment Therapy Homie for Best Home Project DIY Blog!!


I am so excited I don’t even know myself right now!!

I have to give the hugest thank you in the world to every single person that voted and shared and cheered us on. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!

It was so humbling, inspiring,  exciting, and every other word in the English language for something so dang incredible to have happened. It was wonderful to see how everyone rallied together to push it through.

You guys, we did it!!

For those that are new to Vintage Revivals, welcome to the family!! We are a crazy bunch, but we are glad to have ya!

The bridesmaid photoshoot was a last minute idea, and honestly I am so relieved that you guys put up with my weirdness.

So the best way that I could think of to show you how INCREDIBLY grateful for your support is of course, another one. Dont worry, the awesome DIY starts back up on Monday. But for today, we are going to a wedding…

Always A Bridesmaid-13

Always A Bridesmaid-2-3

Always A Bridesmaid-14

Always A Bridesmaid-15

Always A Bridesmaid-10-2

Always A Bridesmaid-5-3

Always A Bridesmaid-7-2


All joking aside, I really do love and appreciate every one of you!!

Love Your Guts

Always A Bridesmaid…

By Mandi | 02/26/2014 | 67 Comments

You know how sometimes I post embarrassing pictures of myself to get a point across? (Blog Puberty anyone?)  This is one of those posts. Awwww yeah.

Do you ever have your mind set on something and no matter what you do, or how bad you want it, it is just out of your control? Co-dependants like me hate that kind of stuff.

The Homies on Apartment Therapy are keeeeeelling me.

Did you know that this is my 3rd time being in the finals? Third. Yes, I know, that is amazing. But do you know what else it is? It’s a little bit embarrassing. Like, I just cant seal the deal?

The phrase “Always a bridesmaid and never the bride” comes to mind.

So in a Hail Mary effort, I thought it would be sort of fun to don the most fantastic bridesmaid dresses that I could find, just to show you guys how severely I want to win the award for Best DIY Blog.

You catch more flies with honey,  hopefully the same is true for catching more votes with dresses that smell like my grandma’s closet. Please enjoy.

Always A Bridesmaid-12

Always A Bridesmaid-2-2

Always A Bridesmaid-5-2

Always A Bridesmaid-4-2

I mean, I have a healthy relationship with public embarrassment, it’s fine. In all reality, I know that this is a contest for amazing DIY bloggers, not people who post stupid pictures of themselves on the internet. (The hashtag #selfie would kill everyone if that was the case)  So lets have a look back at some of the awesome DIY that happens up in here.

Right now my all time fave is the project that I posted yesterday. An upcycled leather couch into a sling bench.

DIY Upcycled Leather Couch to Safari Sling Chair vintagerevivals

Here are a few of my favorite before and afters:


Dylan’s Dream Room (as seen in this months HGTV Magazine!)

Dylan Before[2]

Honeycomb Hexagon Wall @ Vintage Revivals-2


Maskcara’s Office Overhaul


Blue Velvet Settee  Maskcara Office Makeover vintagerevivals.com


Living Room Makeover:


Living Room Makeover @ Vintage Revivals


Epic Room Makeover Giveaway Winner:  (this is the giveaway that I do every year for one lucky reader! Who knows, it might be you this year!!)

Epic Room Makeover Giveaway Contest 2012 Vintage Revivals



And a few of my favorite DIY’s:

Bulldog Corkboard Mural

Bulldog Wall Art Childrens Art Center


Hanging Teardrop Planter

DIY Geometric Brass and Leather Hanging Planter vintagerevivals.com


Geometric Himmeli Wreath

Geometric Wreath Tutorial vintagerevivals


West Elm Rug Knock Off
Conduit Pipe Table

West Elm Knock Off Rug Tutorial vintagerevivals.com


Faking it till you make it is not something that I have ever been good at (I am just too awkward to be cool) but that is one of the things that I think is so special about Vintage Revivals. 4 years ago I was just a stay at home mom, who was decor paralyzed because of fear and the lack of funds. I think a lot of people can relate to that.

I think that the projects that are on Vintage Revivals are ideas that you dont find anywhere else. Imagination and the willing-to-try-anything fearlessness is what breathes life into it. The best part is that I do all of the failing and can teach you guys the easiest way to do something (lucky ducks!)

(Cue sappy music)

For me, winning the Homies is not about a popularity contest, or about making my blog bigger to make more money,  or about the title.

It is about being able to reach people that might not find VR any other way. It is about empowering someone who was where I was. And teaching you guys, that while its not always pretty, that creating a home that you love, is ALWAYS worth it. It is like a giant pat on the back from the people that love what you do.

The term DIY is used to describe about a million different things. But for me it means that I have the guts to take something horrendous and transform it. It means that I dont have to do what a catalog or a magazine tell me I need to do because it is SO on trend. It gives me freedom to let me be me. And VR gives me the chance to pass that along to you guys.

And after writing all of that, I dont even care about the Homies anymore, I just want a group hug!!

You guys, I know it is annoying to vote for something, really, I am human with an internet connection and FB. I get it. It is lame and stupid, and I wish that there was another non cheating way.

But there isnt.

I need you man! If you think that VR is the best DIY blog in the blogosphere, (or at least in the Finals for the Homies) now is the time to share!!

So what do you say? Will you take 2 minutes out of your day and do it?

(this is the part where I stop talking and you say yes.)

Also not to push the subject too much, but I might kiss you on the mouth if you shared the link with your friends.

Of course, only if you want to take our friendship to the next level. Your call.


Click Here to vote!!

The polls close TONIGHT at 12 pm EST.  Which means we have 9 hours to make this happen. You are allowed to vote once per person. Duplicate votes will be removed!

In closing I would like to leave you with this gem. I think I found a new profile picture ya’ll!

Always A Bridesmaid vintagerevivals.scom


Love Your Guts





Psst! I found all of the dresses at Butterfields Antiques on St. George Blvd. She has the most beautiful vintage clothing I have ever seen!