Room Reveal Tag: The Merc

Help Me Design The Merc’s Exterior Lights!!


As you know from last week’s post, the exterior is HAPPENING. We did our part getting the brick whipped into original shape and the stucco guys are hopefully going to start working on the rest! Now comes the fun decision

Your Merc Questions ANSWERED!


Happy Wednesday! As I was lying in bed at 3am responding to DMs on Instagram, I had 2 thoughts. 1. GO BACK TO BED. And 2. You should do a Q&A post to bring everyone up to speed. Here are

Guys, I’m Exhausted.


Real talk time. I sat down to write today’s post about the latest video that I just put up but I quite literally cannot find the words to form a coherent sentence. So instead you get a behind the curtains

The Bathroom Fixture Choice That Surprised Even Me


Hey hey!! Guys are you ready to start talking about fun design stuff?! Sheesh, I’ve been writing this post for a month but my attention keeps getting diverted to things like drywall and framing. BUT NO MORE! Lets talk about

The Gloriously Interesting World of Insulation


Hey guys!! Happy Monday!! Today we’re diving into the world of insulation. YAYYYYYY. I should preface this by saying that up until this point in time all I knew about insulation is from when I was hallucinating from heat stroke

Our New Front Door!


After the last month of working around the plaster where the front door is, we finally took it down and dun dun dun dun dun duuuuuuuuun! We have a front door! Well, almost. We have a hole for a front

Horizontal Slatted Fence + My FAVORITE DIY App


Hey guys!! While things in the Merc are cruising, things outside the Merc are getting done as well (can you tell we’ve been starved for projects for the past 9 months?!)

Happy 1 Year Merc-iversary!!!


Guys. I can’t believe it. 1 year ago today was the day that I saw the Merc for the first time. I can’t believe that we’ve been on this rollercoaster for a year already! I think that is the most