Room Reveal Tag: The Merc

History of The Santa Clara Merc


Guys. I have so much info to tell you I feel like I’m jumping from subject to subject. I know yesterday I said that today’s post was going to lay out all of the hurdles that we had to deal

What Court Really Thought When He Saw The Merc


AHHHH! YOU GUYS!! I cant even begin to tell you how overwhelmed with goodness I am after all of your wonderful, sweet, encouraging comments yesterday! I love that so many of you have stories about The Merc and I promise

Our New House…MEET THE MERC!


YOU GUYS!!!! Are you ready to finally meet our new house?! Oh man ALIVE does it feel good to say that. I can’t stop smiling, I’m a dang fool in love. This post is exactly 171 days in the making.