Tag: sewing

Sewing Room Scraps Bedding


Thanks to everyone who voted for my project this week! I am extremely excited,  humbled,  and baffled all at the same time! DISCLAIMER:  If you are one of those “sewers” that pins and measures and junk YOU WILL HATE ME.

Jacru Giveaway!


  One of my real life BF’s (yes I do have REAL friends…) Jamie makes the cutest stuff. This is Jamie! Dont you love her already??!?!?! Shes flipping awesome! (I made her send me this picture,  she resisted but finally

The Lucy Pillow


Disclaimer:  If you are one of those “sew-ers” that measures and pins and is precise YOU WILL HATE ME.  You will possibly want to murder me in my sleep. Just sayin’ Yesterday I was feeling like a bit of a