Want To Know What You Missed?

By Mandi 06/02/2011

Ms. Fabulous All Things Thrifty and I had our first ever Girls Night on Tuesday.

It. Was. So. Much. FUN!!!!


Seriously I know that you are jealous that I got to meet all of these awesome ladies. They were SOOOO fun and cute.

We had some fun giveaways with gift cards to Swig, and Durangos courtesy of my sexy husband, and Home Depot. We had some of our favorite cans of spray paint from Krylon and as hard as it was I gave away this AWESOME frame! Cute Jessie won it!


One of the funnest parts was the cute shirts that April, Summer and Celeste made.

GNO 013

Apparently I make that face a lot in pictures. Hmmm I will have to work on that.

Here are some close ups of the cute tโ€™s

GNO 009

GNO 010

GNO 011

How fun is that?

Here are the girls fronts in case you want to know how cute they are:


(From the left) April, Summer, Brooke, Celeste, and me Mandilicious Oh and ps I am NOT preggo and my boobs are NOT that big IRL. Trust me.

Check out these other cute ladies

GNO 005

GNO 004

GNO 006

and that is pretty much all of the pictures that I took. I am SO LAME!

I wish you guys could have all been there to hang and laugh and plan awesome YouTube videos with us and to be able to meet in real life each of these amazing women. They are SO talented, and FUNNY, and unique and I am so lucky to consider them my friends!

Oh and thanks Brooke for the pics I jacked off your facebook!

Love Your Guts

10 thoughts on “Want To Know What You Missed?”

  1. awesome… I posted the only pic I took yesterday but… well, I might have to just toss in a link for those people who want to see actual photos of PEOPLE…

    oh wait, I lied… I did take one other, but I have plans for that… bwah-hah-hah (that’s my wicked laugh… I know, it needs work)

    Totally had fun, that is a crowd of wild and crazy girls ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Gah that looks so fun!! I also noticed that the left side of the table picture is mostly black, and the other side is all stripey! I assume that was by chance? Too funny. Looks like a blast. If I didn’t live 5 hours away, I would be there in a heartbeat!

  3. Yay!!!! I haven’t stopped smiling for the last two days. I absolutely loved everything about that night. When do we get to do it again???

  4. It was sooo much fun! I can’t wait for the next GNO!! And winning that AmAzInG frame was the best! Thanks so much Mandi and Brooke for an awesomely fun night!

  5. Thanks to you and Brooke for making time for us gals! It was such a good time and it was awesome to meet other gals with great talents too.

  6. jealousy makes me feel yuky.

    and grumpy.

    I will say, though, that it makes me happy that you all are cool enough to make a success of something like this.
    …i guess.

  7. Not fair!!! How come all the cool people live in Utah? I’ll just live vicariously I guess. Until I get cool. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the energy you guys create!

  8. I tried so hard to come, but I had an interview that day and well…finding a job is alot more important than this, at least that’s according to the Hubs! PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE have another one soon!!! I don’t like being left out!! It looks like it was alot of fun!

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