Winner Winner!

By Mandi 08/25/2010

The suspense is excruciating right? My Internet is down so I am postig this from my phone. So it’s not as fun and dramatic as I would like….

Entry # 18 was chosen by and that means that…

Jfo you are the winner you lucky girl! To you she is jfo, to me she is Jessica one of my college roomies! Now we have an excuse to get together! I was talking to my neighbor and she said “that seems rigged, you should just choose me”. Ha ha ha love it!

The winner of the knobbies is The Brinkerhoffs!

Congrats ladies just send me your email!

3 thoughts on “Winner Winner!”

  1. Oh, I am so hating you right now, Miss J FO! Kidding! I AM totally jealous, though. Congrats!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  2. Oh my goodness I have never won anything in my life and although I didnt win the AMAZING mirror I am so thrilled to have won the knobbies! Sorry it took so long to reply… if they only had wifi in Lake Powell I would have sent a message sooner!
    [email protected]

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