Confessions of a Pillow Addict: Slouchy Scarf to Structured Pillow With One Simple Secret. (This is LIFE Changing!)

By Mandi 08/15/2013

Great fabric is hard to find,  let alone on trend fabric in the colors that you want. Why is that? It is such a frustrating design dilemma that I run into every time I make over a room. The proverbial brick wall in my design life.

By the time the fabric I am dreaming up comes into my reality, I am 9 months over it and already given birth to something else. Its just the way that it is.

And it is stupid.

So like I always do,  I have found a way to take matters into my own hands.

Are you ready for my biggest pillow making secret?! This is life changing.


I dont know why, when everyone else looks at things and sees fashion, I see home decor. Pants? I always think about cutting them apart. Skirts? Poor things dont stand a chance. Its a gift and a curse. And it happens every time I see a scarf.

You can imagine how this puts me into hysterics during my 4x a week Target habit.

I have quite the collection building up.

Scarf to Pillow Tutorial

Do you recognize that stripe scarf from my Headboard Reveal? Its a game changer folks.

Ok. So are you dying to know what the secret is?

Dun dun dun…

Fusible Webbing.

Scarf fabric is typically very light and gauzy. I have tried to work with just the scarf and it is a nightmare. Because there is no weight to it, it is impossible to work with. And it is see through, so if your pillow form has any sort of discoloring from feathers or children (and lets be honest, we can probably add husbands to that list) then your pillow will always look dirty. You need something strong to give it strength and make it pretty.

My go to scarf stabilizer is Duck Cloth. You can get it in a rainbow of colors at Joann’s for $10.99/yd (use a coupon!) All you need is a  piece cut to fit your pillow dimensions (If you are unsure about the cutting dimensions check out this post)

Once your canvas is cut to size, sandwich the fusible webbing between your fabric and your scarf.

There are about a million different types of webbing. The one bit of advice that I have is to not over-think it. You probably dont need anything super thick and heavy duty, especially if you are using Duck Cloth. I gravitate toward the least expensive option (its usually around $2.00 a yard)  You dont  need anything fancy. Just make sure that it is fusible on both sides,  some interfacing only attaches on one side.

How To Make A Pillow From A Scarf

With your iron set on high with no steam, press the entire length of your canvas. Make sure to overlap your ironing sections as you move it down the ironing board so that you don’t get bubbles.

Iron a Scarf to Canvas

Let the fabric cool completely so that the webbing can fully fuse before you start sewing.


Once your fabric is cool, trim off the excess scarf and its time to start sewing!

Neon Skull Fabric

Now for the sewing part…

A Pillow Addicts Guide To Sewing An Awesome Pillow Cover

Neon Scarf Pillow Tutorial

How To Make A Simple Pillow From A Scarf

Neon Skull Pillow From Target Scarf

And because I know you are dying to ask…the octopus,  sheepskin rug,  and wooden cutting board are from Homegoods. The table base, chair, copper vase, books, and art are all thrifted.

I am heading down to Vegas today to hopefully (fingers crossed!) finish Cara’s office. Please start your fasting now, it is going to take a miracle to get it done. The problem? We haven’t seen each other for like 3 weeks,  which means that we have a lot of catching up to do, and that seems to take priority over everything else. You have friends like that too, right?

Tomorrow’s Confession of a Pillow Addict is all about The Chop. So get ready to weigh in,  I am really looking forward to the debate that is bound to happen in the comments. You guys rock my world.

Love Your Guts

45 thoughts on “Confessions of a Pillow Addict: Slouchy Scarf to Structured Pillow With One Simple Secret. (This is LIFE Changing!)”

  1. I know this is about the cushion (which is genius) but… THAT OCTOPUS. I've just realised there's a gaping, octopus-shaped hole in my life. Stupid living-in-the-UK-and-therefore-no-access-to-Homegoods ruining my life. I'm off to ebay. xx

  2. I have the same problem with scarves at Target…they always turn into something else in my mind, but I never knew of the webbing trick w/duck cloth. That opens the door to so many possiblilities! Thanks for the tip!

  3. Oh Mandi… it's like you read my mind today! I have an old shirt that I love the pattern but it's really lightweight material and I've been contemplating how to make it work for a throw pillow. Consider this officially on my to-do list!

  4. ah! this pillow series is amazing! THANK YOU!!!
    the zipper trick blew my mind.
    do you have anything coming up about sewing piping? i have a foot stool that i'm reupholstering & it's begging for a top with piping.
    (also…did you really turn a cutting board into a table with those amazingly thrifted legs?! girl, you are incredible & such an inspiration!)

  5. Darling scarf fabric for this tutorial! I have always crossed my attire and decorating fabrics. When I was in high school I was overly fond of wearing "ugly shirts" aka shirts that looked like they were made from upholstery fabric.

    I just love fabric and kind of resent the "rules" for what they can be used for so I do absolutely love this project!

  6. I hate to write a second less-than-happy comment in 10 minutes but I have to correct you-interfacing and fusible web are not the same thing. Interfacing can be fusible or sew-in and provides stability to fabric. It comes in different weights as you mentioned. Fusible web is purely an adhesive product meant to fuse two fabrics. Your scarf trick however is GENIUS – great way to get fun and different patterns.

  7. This is amazing!!! I've been searching everywhere for this imaginary fabric I have in my head to reupholster my office chair! Do you think this trick would be durable enough for something along those lines?

  8. I would have never thought to use a scarf to make a pillow. What a good idea! I find that cute fabric that actually feels good is super hard to come by, so this idea is genius! Mind=blown.

    Ladyface Blog

  9. I thought the day I figured out how to use a cloth place mat to make a pillow (WAY before Pinterest existed mind you) I was a freaking genius, but this…man you're good!

  10. Mandi. You are my hero. I have some many scarves that are past their prime but I don't want to let go of. Now they can have a new life on my couch! Thanks so much for sharing. You are officially ranked with the blogging goddesses!

  11. Awesome tip…but what I NEED to know is the name of the font that you keep using and where I can find it. I really dig that font and want to use it for a project.

  12. S H U T T H E F R O N T D O O R ! ! !
    Are you kidding me Mandi? This is GENIUS!!! I struggle so much with fabric too! It is SO hard to find anything modern. I always look at curtains, napkins, table cloths to chop up into pillows and have had some success. But scarves? You can ALWAYS find an awesome scarf! Love it! Thank you so much! This really is a life changer!

  13. I'm with the octopus lovers. [Insert legit compliment about pillow here… it's fab.] But BACK TO THE OCTOPUS!! Amazing… All Homegoods are not created equal clearly. 😉
    Charlotte @ Ciburbanity

  14. HI Mandy: Thanks for the ideas. I take skirts that might not fit anymore and turn them into pillows. Textiles for fashion are so much more exciting than the fabrics at my local fabric store! And an old skirt has just enough fabric for a super pillow. Thanks for your blog… great ideas, good humor and you're always smiling! Thanks.

  15. I have never used fusible webbing before but I definitely have some scarves & extra fabric around that I need to try it! Seems I'm always on a pillow kick, so easy to switch them out for a completely different feel in the room! I just shared an Ikea hack, no sew removable pillow case how-to on my blog –

  16. Love my space is right. Interface and fusible webbing are two different things. Keeping in mind you can inadvertantly fuse your scarf to your ironing board if you've got the wrong thing! Don't ask me how I know.

    Too bad you never said this out loud. I think this is many seamstress' trick for flimsy fabrics!

    Keep in mind it this is how one makes a t-shirt or handkerchief quilt. Fusible Interfacing! For the latter, just make certain the glue won't eventually damage or stain the fabric. I'm not sure if they finally make archival interfacing! [LOL].

    If you use a scarf with fringe, you can keep it on for a decorative edge on the pillow. Use one end as the front, the other as the back….

  17. I wouldn't use it for a chair but that is just my opinion. The sheerness of a scarf would probably snag easily when sitting on it. Perfect for a pillow though.

  18. I love the octopus too. Wonder if tjmaxx has it. We don't have the larger home goods store here. I just recently used fusible interfacing for the first time. It is great and using it for lightweight fabric to make pillows is a wonderful idea.

  19. Such a great tip and I am quite fond of the octopus myself. Maybe it's because I have the exact same one from HomeGoods (except my guy has a broken tentacle that I figured could be partially hidden in a grouping)! Love, love, LOVE all the great things you are creating and I can't wait to see that kitchen!!!!!!

  20. DO you think this would work to take a sheer curtain to a thicker looking/feeling curtain? And does the Duck Cloth come in other colors? (I'm looking for a lux fabric/curtain in a deep green- and only found sheers. Thinking of adding backer to make them what I want)

  21. Thanks so much! And what perfect timing… I was at a flea market today scooping up lovely 1.00 hankies and then pondering their beauty all laid out on my table at home and soo found myself wondering about the best method to beef them up a bit for sewing projects. Yay!

  22. Thanks so much! And what perfect timing… I was at a flea market today scooping up lovely 1.00 hankies and then pondering their beauty all laid out on my table at home and soo found myself wondering about the best method to beef them up a bit for sewing projects. Yay!

  23. I’m 76 yrs old and still love to sew! I loved your tip to find cheap but good new pillow forms! I’m an avid Home Goods fan –I’m headed there today! Thanks also for the simplicity of your envelope pillow cover . I’ll be using that very soon. Thanks Mandi Becky F

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