5 Tips To Survive Blog Puberty Like A Champion AKA How To Work Through A Creative Slump.

By Mandi 02/07/2013

A few weeks ago I basically ripped my heart out of my chest (Once Upon A Time style) and showed it to you all in my Blog Puberty post. I am SO glad that I did. Apparently the way that I was feeling is the way that A LOT of us feel from time to time. Whether you have a blog or are just in a slump, here are a few things that helped slap me, shake me, and wake me up again. This was my process.

Blog Puberty Solved

1. Go back and read your blog from the beginning. Yes, it is PAINFULLY obvious that your pictures were horrible,  you were still trying to find your voice, and you have zero comments. BUT you were passionate. THAT is what you need to remember. The passion that made  you start your blog in the first place. The excitement that you had when you couldn’t get your fingers to type fast enough because you had opened the floodgates and your creativity was taking out everything in its path. THAT is what you need to feel again, and you can! And just for fun here is the after picture from the first project I ever posted…

2. Figure out why you are in a slump. Is it stuff going on at home? Have you gained weight from sitting on your computer for hours at a time? Are you comparing yourself to other bloggers? Did you run out of mulah? (These are some of my slumpish reasons, they may or may not be yours.)  Make a list of why you are feeling so awkward. We as women (at least most of the women that I know) want to talk about things over and over and over and don’t necessarily want a solution, we just want validation, we want someone to understand us. Well knock it off. Face it like a man. Figure out why you are comparing yourself, and then STOP IT. Figure out why you have no money (daily thrift store trip much?) and come up with a better solution. And then do it.

3. Get outside your comfort zone. I know,  you are feeling blah. Put on some proverbial pink lipstick and go make new friends! I just got back from ALT and let me tell you,  these people are TALENTED. Now come closer….Let me tell you something else. They are people too. And they just might be feeling the same way that you are.

4. Go find some new blogs and leave wonderful and sincere comments. There are some people that are of the opinion that there is not enough internet to go around. That is complete crap.  Virtually raise your hand if you only read one blog. Now keep your hand up if once you find a great new blog that you connect with, you stop reading the one blog that you previously were obsessed with. I mean, really folks? That DOES NOT happen. Ever.

5. Shut off that DANG computer and make something!!! Like with your hands folks. Set a $10.00 limit and use your creativity to make it amazing!! Want to know what I did with my $10? I bought a cookie and drew on my walls with a Sharpie. And I feel SO much better!!

DIY Wallpaper Tutorial @ Vintage Revivals-1

So these steps are literally the way that I worked through my dark cloud. I finally feel like I am back, and let me tell you how fun it was for a freaky picture loving girl to share these with you.

Blog Puberty Outtakes


Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to vote for VR on the Homies!! They are still going full force and if you love my guts as much as I love yours, I would love it if you clicked over and voted (if you haven’t already!)


Love Your Guts

32 thoughts on “5 Tips To Survive Blog Puberty Like A Champion AKA How To Work Through A Creative Slump.”

  1. This is fabulous, Mandi! You crack me up! I have been reading Vintage Revivals fo-eva and you are such an inspiration! Totally needed to read this! xo bridgett

  2. Thanks for this Mandi! I have been feeling slumpish lately too, and it’s definitely from comparing myself to other bloggers. You inspired me to stop drooling over other blogs and go forth and create! (not babies though, yikes..) I have been debating on attending a free weekly quilting class, and I decided I am going to do it! I’m off to the thrift store later to find fabric for my first quilt.
    Thanks for the proverbial push 🙂
    -Katie, filthymuggle.com

  3. Great post! I’m totally in a blog slump. Not a puberty slump, mind you, more like a learning how to crawl slump. I mean, I have stuff I can post…but…I’m just not loving it and the idea of sitting down to type about something I’m not feeling the gut-love for just isn’t working. I’m totally going to put your tips to good use!

  4. I love your honesty! We all get a in a slump sometimes and I love your advice about spending $10 on a project. I’m a planner and have a hard time actually getting started and finishing a project. Your style is so inspiring!Thank you for sharing!

  5. awesome post – thank you for sharing, I’m going through this now..and continuously planning on how to get out. I’m going to stop planning and start doing 🙂 thanks!

  6. i love this! im going through blog puberty after only a few months of blogging, haha and i keep drudging along, haha but it has lead to some WEIRD posts haha

    i love this blog, im so glad i found you through apartment therapy!!

    meg @ radical possibility

  7. Love it! I need to re-focus. After 4 (yes, FOUR!) blog name changes, I finally have a name that I want to shout, not whisper without confidence (Gemini Vintage!!!! ). Now I just need to get off my duff and follow the rest of your advice.

  8. I have thoroughly enjoyed this and the previous blog puberty post. I was in a funk too- not feeling creative and like I couldn’t spend a fortune to be creative. So, I challenged myself to start a weekly series called the $5 – 5 minute project – ’cause seriously that’s all the time and money I have to spend right now. That simple act has helped me overcome my funk. Plus it gives me a good excuse to raid the Target Dollard spot each week 😉

    This was my first little $5 – 5 minute project (also using a Sharpie 😉 https://theweekendhomemaker.com/getwellmug

  9. Just started reading your blog and just started (another) one of my own. Thanks for sharing, I’ll keep this in mind when I get into that dreadful slump, as I know I have before.

  10. I’m not going through blog puberty, thank God, but we have all been there for sure! The thing you mentioned about going back through your blog from the beginning is a step that ever single blogger should do! I went to BlogHer ’12 and one tip I learned was if you’re in a posting slump, go back through your posts and use your old content to now make a VIDEO about that post. It’s one way to generate ideas. I’m going to do just that! Plus, it’s fun to see where you started.

    The thing that most resonated with me is your part about PASSION. You hit the nail on the head! We are passionate bloggers looking to be heard, looking to stand out, and when we do through slumps, it’s the passion that will carry us through 🙂

    Great post!

    Thrift Diving

  11. I know we haven’t met in person but I was wondering who the girl was in the first pic…then I realized it was you as I continued reading. Duh. I have 2 similar chairs (never want to break up a pair, right?) that are similar to your chair. Great size isn’t it? {hugs} Tara

  12. I so have a blog crush on you! Is that weird? Your voice is my voice although I haven’t had the guts to use it (completely) on my blog. I’m still new I suppose. I’ll get there. Thanks for being so witty!

  13. Mandi you rock! This post touched me deep, but perhaps not for reason you might expect. I am a brand new blogger (just started 5 weeks ago) and am far from in a slump. I actually have a zillion ideas and my problem is actually finding the time to write, and post (I also have a full time job with the government). But this part of your post got me: “it is PAINFULLY obvious that your pictures were horrible, you were still trying to find your voice, and you have zero comments. BUT you were passionate.” This is so me!!! My pics suck as the only time I can take them is when the girls are in bed at night, so they are all dark and taken in a rush; I keep switching back and forth in terms of my “voice” (funny giggly one day; serious and factual the next); and after 12ish posts, I have 6 comments, three of them being my replies. Haha! I feel like no one is reading my blog but that’s ok… I do have passion and lots to say! You inspire me girl and I love you! By the way, my living room wall is about to receive the “Sharpie Wallpaper” treatment this weekend!!! Can’t wait to post about it…

  14. Guess what? You are the “new” blog for me! I found you through the “guess who this blogger was” challenge thing and I haven’t stopped reading your blog since. My husband said he likes your style the most of all the other blogs I’ve said “hey honey, look at this!” 🙂

  15. I SO needed that! I have been kind of stuck lately. I think part of it may be that everyone at my house has been sick so I haven’t left the house in what feels like WEEKS. I need a serious shopping spree at the dollar store and DI. Thanks for the pep talk!

  16. I love your guts, Mandi! I love your blog and read it religiously. I want to enter your contest but was feeling overwhelmed. I need to just do it!! Keep it up girl. I love a self challenge, ANYDAY!! -Wendy

  17. Thanks for the kick in the pants. I’ve been blogging for over a year and just posted # 105. It is a life and crafting, thrifting blog, but very little crafting. Hope to have a sewing entry tomorrow. I’ve been in a funk for a l.o.n.g. time, Thanks for your honesty and the way you present it. Love the specs, btw 🙂

  18. This is such an amazing post! I was feeling so uncreative lately and wasn’t sure what else I could post on my DIY blog. This has put some inspiration back in my bones. Thank you!!

    DIY Huntress

  19. I’m so happy you made it through! Haha! The blog puberty posts were some of my faves! For what it’s worth, I never thought you were in the awkward stage, but I can relate to the feeling a slump! I need to get outside of my comfort zone again! Thanks for inspiring me, as always! xo

  20. “We as women (at least most of the women that I know) want to talk about things over and over and over and don’t necessarily want a solution, we just want validation, we want someone to understand us. Well knock it off. Face it like a man. Figure out why you are comparing yourself, and then STOP IT.”

    I could not have said it any better. This is the story of my life!

    I absolutely adore your blog! You’ve inspired me, not just today, but over and over again!!

    Keep your chin up!

  21. “We as women (at least most of the women that I know) want to talk about things over and over and over and don’t necessarily want a solution, we just want validation, we want someone to understand us. Well knock it off. Face it like a man. Figure out why you are comparing yourself, and then STOP IT.”

    This is the story of my life. I could not have said it better!

    I absolutely adore your blog. You’ve inspired me, not just today, but many times over! 🙂

  22. This was so timely… even though it was written ages ago. So glad I stumbled on it, every time I actually create something, it opens the floodgates!

  23. I love it when people come together and share opinions, great blog, keep it up.

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