Called Out

By Mandi 04/05/2011

Sometimes you have friends that are sweet and kind and don’t point out your flaws. And sometimes you have friends like Kimbo. Who leaves comments like this on your blog:

so…I was thinking of you (per the normal routine of my day) and was thinking..hmm…I have never seen your bedroom. Yeah. that’s right. I’m calling you on it. unless i missed it somewhere.>..i want to see!

So you may have noticed that I haven’t shared anything about my master bedroom on this blog.

That’s cause it’s a craphole filled with laundry.

Literally I avoid laundry like the plague.

Oh so you want to see?

Crap I cant believe that I am sharing this. Its worse than my high school prom pictures.

Does someone have a paper bag that I can hyperventilate into?





Do you love how the bed doubles as a hanger holder? It is also where we put clothes that we don’t want on the floor.





Our master bedroom is really big. It has nothing really awesome in it.


Its about to get a makeover of EPIC proportions. Like Vintage Revivals Epicness x 7,000.


54 thoughts on “Called Out”

  1. Um, my bedroom is worse. WAY WORSE. No lie. We don’t even have doors to our room put on yet. And there is NO CLOSET. Yeah. So our clothes stay in our 2 yr. old’s room and when they come into our room they get thrown on the floor, the bed, or the dressers. Can’t wait to see your makeover though. And I love how your tv is mounted on the wall. I’d like to do that with ours one day.

  2. Can’t wait to see the makeover. Rest assured, my master bedroom is a sorry sight too. It never gets spoiled with new furniture or decor. Its sad really. But we have specific plans in mind and have gotta save up to carry them out. Maybe your makeover will give me some new fun ideas. Have at it! 🙂

  3. Yeah at least your bed is made, it seems like the only time I ever do the bed is on the weekends. I usually get pulled out of bed by my toddler. I cant wait to see what awesomeness comes from your makeover!

  4. Oh laundry, I have 2 weeks worth of it in piles by my laundry crying out to me. I can’t wait to see what you do with your room. I’m sure it will be epic.

  5. I’m excited to see it! I need ideas for my room, I just finally hung some sheer curtains on my sliding glass doors so we wouldn’t scare the neighbors! I really want your help with my office!!

  6. It’s gonna be epic! Your bed kinda reminds me of my parents old bed… The King size canopy water bed, complete with mirrors in the canopy… Yeah, I know!!

  7. I think it is a very common thing for us to do. We focus on the rooms that will be seen by visitors and the bedroom gets put on the back burner! We have been in our home for 5 1/2 years and just finished painting the master suite. Looking forward to the re-do!

  8. I have a friend who keeps insisting she needs to come over and see my house. I have put her off every way that I know how. The pretty parts are for the pictures, the other parts not so much! Can’t wait to see what you do MacGyver woman!

  9. Most people will decorate their guest bedroom before their own! I agree with Naja, bedrooms tend to get back-burnered. Mine is painted, but only has 2 pieces of furniture in it!

  10. All I can say is: If Mandi, love your guts, has a room like this, than I feel entirely normal. I thought I was the only person in this world that used their bed for a clothes rack. And didn’t hang up my full size mirror. And stored my crafts & lights on the bedpost. What? I’m not? Phew, that’s a relief!
    Can’t wait to see the before/afters of the most amazing room makeover eva! Cuz I’m pretty sure it will be fantabulous!

  11. I registered for that bedspread when we got married…didn’t get it. But that’s okay because I plan to go a different direction with the bedroom anyway.

    To be honest, your bedroom is not that horrible!

  12. We had the same bed and were guilty of hanging clothes from it as well.

    Can’t wait to see your epic revival of your bedroom! It is going to be fantastic, I just know it is.

  13. WELL its just means that you are normal.. sighhh… love that. We all have that room or drawers or closet we have yet to tackle. However, we know you and you will make it ubber perfecto FAB. love the bed and bedding by the way. winks-jen

  14. Girl, join the club! My master is a hot mess and I have no clue what to do with it! LOL. It is so nice & refreshing to see someone else’s room that way too! Not staged. Practical. I love your little “craphole”! 😉

  15. Hilarious. My bedroom just underwent a makeover this weekend and already looks like yours. I’m relieved. And I have the same bed in my guest room. Are you going to do a craptastically cool transformation of it? Can’t wait to see the makeover!

  16. Looks similar to my room but mine is much smaller and my laundry pile is usually bigger. One corner is filled with stuff I need to pass along/get rid of.

    I love your floors and dresser. =]

  17. Looks like you’re a normal person just like the rest of us. I hate laundry also and my master bedroom is definitely not a place of comfort and rest. We are working on it slowly over here. Can’t wait to see your new master bedroom!

  18. I agree with Lois…looks like you’re normal like the rest of us! I {hate} laundry – I’d rather buy new clothes than do laundray (and I have been known to do that)!

    Handsome does the laundry at our house…and I STILL have trouble getting my laundry put away.

    Love your blog…I read it every day! Loved your Nate Berkus visit!!!


  19. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha {breath}
    hahahahahahahahahahaahahahah. I love it. all the way. hangers especially! I can’t wait to see the makeover. I will anxiously check my bloglovin until you post! girl I love YOUR GUTS! so much I would fry them up and eat them.

  20. Seriously, Blogging has helped my room to look like that less often. If I want to do a fashion post and use my mirror, I at least have to make the bed. Oh yeah, and I have to move the pile of clothes out of sight too. Then I figure, if I am moving it I should put it in the right place. So once you do your Mandi AWESOMENESS to your bedroom, you are going to find that you have to “pick up (if only temporarily) to share the goods with the world. I for one can’t wait!!!

  21. So funny. My best friend reads my blog and says she thinks it’s hilarious because all the blog readers have no idea that I probably have glitter projects strewn all over my messy kitchen and my laundry is piled on my bed. I can’t wait to see what you do with your bedroom.

  22. Umm….I’m super DUPER excited!!!! I secretly think that’s part of the reason my husband made me get rid of the canopy bed…b/c I was CONSTANTLY hanging my laundry on it, lol! You’re not alone girl1

  23. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING IT REAL!!! Sorry to shout, but I for one have beaten myself up DAILY on the state of my home, even though I suspected that not everyone has theirs “photo ready” every moment of the day.
    Can’t wait to see what’s next…

  24. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in my Master Bedroom neglect/disgustingness. At least parts of your floor are visible–that’s rare at my house. Thanks for sharing!

  25. awesome – laundry exists in the real world and it’s nice to see that I’m not the only one with an aversion to getting it done.

    on that note, the washer just beeped… I suppose it wouldn’t kill me to throw the clothes in the dryer…

    but just in case – I’ll take my cell phone so I can call from under the piles.

  26. Um… are you kidding? All that hullabaloo for THAT?!?!? That’s it?! Puleeeeez! If you saw our master, you would realize why I’m laughing incredulously that you thought you had a problem… LOL!! Thanks for keeping it real, but you’re gonna hafta do a lot better (or worse?) before I feel better about my mess! =)

  27. Mandi, I think I am the exact opposite of you. I love the way my bedroom is decorated and all the laundry is put away. But my bedroom is the only room in the house that looks good. The rest of my house looks like crap and I think the laundry room threw up on my couch. So look at the bright side…you can close your door and your guests will imagine that your bedroom is as beautiful as the rest of your house! Sadly, for the same effect in my house, the guests will have to stay on the porch 🙁

  28. My bedroom is the one room in my house that is sacred and NO ONE ever sees but us… therefor it is a mishmash of styles including furniture from my sister’s (who is 37)nursery and decor that doesn’t quite exactly match…. it’s my next project too

  29. I’m having major flashbacks to our apartment days. You and Ashley had a mountain of clothes of epic proportions! You know how I know we’re meant to be buds? I have the same bedding! I had such plans to design an awesome room around it, but have never done a thing besides buy a cool brown throw pillow to add to it. Can’t wait to see your transformation!

  30. I am so thankful No one wants to see my bedroom. Yours is beautiful in comparrison. My crafting supplies and desk are in there. I have those plastic bin things with drawers stacked two units high ( I left the rollers off so I could stack then)as well as the bedroom stuff. I also am anxious to see the transformation of your bedroom. Love your bed. Best Wishes!

  31. Another reason we were meant to be BFF’s. Laundry is my ARCH NEMESIS. Always has been. Always will be. Though your room is *so* NOT bad. I was excited until I saw the pics. Then I thought- ‘What in the world? This girl doesn’t know what laundry piled everywhere looks like.’ Anyway- love ya. xo, Mique
    P.s. Are you doing an EPIC giveaway by chance? hmmmm…….

  32. MANDI. If you get rid of that comforter in the redo I will buy it from you. Im not kidding. We only have one comforter that we put duvet covers on and we only have 2 of those. it is no bueno~ Can’t wait to see it!

  33. I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s bedroom doubles as the laundry room. (why is laundry so horrific to do?) I have the same comforter as you and I’m in a rut as how I should decorate our room. SOOO……can you get on it so I can see what you do so I can do the same?? (mockery is the most sincere form of flattery right)

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