Why Our Framing Bill Keeps Getting Higher and Higher…and Other Budget Updates

By Mandi 08/15/2017

So we’ve come to the conclusion that there is not a single surface in the Merc that is straight. F’real. So many #mercperks.

Our framer had the walls and ceilings in pretty quick (like 4 days!!!) but we keep having him come back for more work. The latest is the ceiling in the kitchen. I was meeting with our AMAZING cabinet guy (can’t wait to tell you all about it!) and we realized that while the new opening into the entryway was level, the ceiling was in fact not, and the whole thing looked a little wonk.

The reality that we keep running into is, if we don’t fix the perks than the whole space is just going to seem off. For instance if we didn’t spend $500 fixing the ceiling than all of our cabinets that we are spending $20k on are going to look completely ridiculous. So we just have to bite the bullet and spend the money. GAH BUDGET WHY DO YOU HAVE TO EXIST!?

Another area that we are facing this issue is the back bedroom.

We are converting this doorway into a window, which didn’t seem like an issue at all, until we uncovered the wall and discovered that there is a massive metal beam holding the concrete block up. BLAHHHHHHH.

The plan is to take out the metal beam (that is hidden behind the white wood beam right on top of the door) and the concrete block so that the window can be the proper height (it will start about 6″ from the ceiling) otherwise its going to be teeny and look so weird.


Oh and we got our concrete bill. We had no idea what we were in for when we started. The cutting alone came in at $5700. Sure…I’ll share my paper hyperventilating bag with you. Deep breaths.

Luckily when our fantastic contractor did our bids he had a few different categories that we were able to creatively move money around it.

Our demo and concrete budgets were allocated like this:

The first 2 columns are the bids and allocated budget. The 3rd column (in blue) is what the actual cost was, and the last column is what we still have available in those categories, so we’re doing alright, but its stressful when you see the numbers come rolling in, because honestly who wants to spend money on concrete cutting!? Tile is WAY funner!! Because we did almost all of the demo ourselves we were able to take that $3k and use it toward the massive cutting bill. Luckily, we still have about $5k in our demo/concrete budget which is good because we had a huge snag with our HVAC system. Not to leave you hanging but it deserves a post all its own.

Sometimes making decisions with all of the #mercperks feels a lot like a 400 lb person sitting on you so you can’t breathe and aggressively tapping your forehead until you can name 5 vegetables that start with the letter K.

Also, I’d love some feedback, because we’re doing video with the reno, I’m still trying to find my groove when it comes to posting on the blog. I feel like there are every day updates that maybe get clumped together and glossed over a little because they don’t have a video with them. Would you guys rather see larger updates like I’ve been doing or do you want the day to day and a video stuck in when its done?





33 thoughts on “Why Our Framing Bill Keeps Getting Higher and Higher…and Other Budget Updates”

  1. omg. you two ? I think that with your movie powers combined you are well rounded. The Merc is looking AWESOME

  2. Would love day-to-day updates… because I’m nosey like that. I’m enjoying this renovation so much and I just can’t get enough.

  3. I am not ‘blog savvy’, but I have been enjoying the regular updates with the written AND video. I am not only enjoying you both, but am loving watching what you’re doing with the Merc, and am learning in the process. Just keep it up, you’re doing great!

  4. I’m just amazed you are sane enuf to do any updates at all!!!

    I’ll take any update whether it’s written or video. Both are awesome, amazing and oh so fun to follow along.

  5. I’m impressed by any updates you manage to get to! But I’m sure glad you take the time to do them. I like the details in the blog and I LOVE the dynamic of you two in the videos! You guys are so honest and open and I love that!
    Keep up what you’re doing now. It’s great!

  6. I’m loving you guys!! You are hilarious and entertaining to watch! I would actually love more day to day stuff in video form because of how fun you both are on camera. when it comes time to start putting paint, tile, cabinets and counter tops in I would love to see alllllllll of that.

  7. Could you please post on IG or something when a video is on youtube. I barely never go there, but I would for sure if I were reminded that you posted a video! Thank you 🙂

  8. I’ll take whatever updates you are able to give considering what major tasks and stress you are balancing! I love reading all the details and the videos are hilarious. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. I’m into all the updates!!! If you can swing it and aren’t too exhausted, I’d love all the day to day updates as well as the super fun and hilarious videos. I just can’t get enough!

  10. Love following your updates!! Your videos are cute too, and I love seeing you and hubby joking thru what would cause most couples to divorce. However, as my free time is often in bed in the middle of the night or waiting in a room full of people, I can’t watch the videos very often and really prefer the written updates. Thank you for sharing your amazing project!

  11. Mandy–I say this from a place of love, but OH MY HELL. You’ve never seen Back to the Future? Or Goonies? I’m with Cort on this one, you were robbed. It’s not going to be the same as watching those movies as when you were a kid (esp. Goonies) but please have some family movie nights and catch up on the classics.

    Also, so exciting watching the progress! I’m really excited for you guys and love these updates and watching it all take shape. I’m still pumped you guys found the sign…

    1. ? I KNOW! I actually have seen goonies, just not as a kid. But I honestly have never seen Back to the Future. Its embarrassing.

  12. He was definitely channeling some Chanticleer vibes is that pose! But you also need to watch the back to the future trilogy!
    Maybe the next #mercperk could be a movie night with it projected on a giant drywalled wall ???

  13. Love your movie choices – I’m totally in your boat!

    In other comment news, and not comparing at all, but just as an example how Anna White does her videos is really awesome. She posts a video every Monday morning of the previous week’s work progress. I think there is less pressure to make a video every day and it’s enough content to be considered an update. But if you want to do every day – you do you girl! We love you! Some super exciting things going on between you, Anna, and John and Sherry’s beach house. ? I love it all!

  14. I am loving the video updates, I’m not quite u Tube savvy (it hates me) so I always catch them in the blog, is that cheating? Can’t believe how quickly it’s coming together for you guys, I’ll always be excited to see what’s going on so do whatever is easier for you guys.

  15. Love your updates! Your videos are so entertaining. But I’m dying to see your design choices…tile, cabinets, flooring, lighting!!!!
    Pretty please oh please with sugar on top, can you give us a lil’ sneak peek?!?!

  16. I just wanna see allllll the updates it’s so exciting when I see one posted!! But you do you, I can’t imagine how stressful and busy you are with this massive project!

  17. I love reading and seeing pictures mostly. The videos are hard to find the time to sit down and watch, but I can come back and read bits and pieces all day long 🙂

  18. I’m an office lunch break reader, so I don’t watch the videos at all. Would love any more written that you want to give 🙂

  19. Your last comment? About a 400 lb person sitting on you and aggressively tapping your forehead until you can come up with 5 vegetables that start with the letter K? DYING LAUGHING. (And also feeling a flutter of anxiety because I can only think of “kale.”)

  20. Oh this gives me anxiety! But you’re right- the time to fix it is now. Its so fun seeing it come together! The Merc is going to be amazing!

  21. More day-to-day updates because I can’t get enough of this! The videos are awesome too (I never watch videos but I love yours) but I’d love more posts even if they don’t have videos.

  22. I love the day to day updates, can’t get enough of seeing what you are doing. Gives me something to look forward to 🙂 Loving your videos!! You guys put a smile on my face.

  23. I expect at least one video per day. If something really exciting happens, make it two videos! They can be 5 seconds long, I don’t care, I just wanna see updates (because I’m impatient and love living vicariously). xx

  24. I love to follow along, so I don’t need complete super-long posts to be happy. And while I usually don’t watch videos because I’d rather read, in your case I’ve watched and enjoyed them all. If you feel like you can share more of what’s going on by doing shorter posts plus videos instead of large written posts plus videos, then I’m all for it. It would probably keep the pressure off a little as well, since what’s happening won’t pile up so much that it feels like a huge task to tackle every time.

    I enjoy seeing everything evolve, and what solutions you come up with. Seeing you and Court interact on video also is a lot of fun.

  25. I would love to see the day to day posts, but I am a bit bias because I can’t view the videos where I read your blog (at work, during lunch). Some day I will remember to log on at home and watch all the videos you’ve done!

  26. Mandi – Every time I see the word framer my brain turns it into farmer. I think, why does Mandi have a FARMER coming to the Merc? [must be the Wisconsin in me!] HA! Love love LOVING every single post and video!

  27. OMG, I could watch you two all day! Love these videos and I’m loving the progress on the Merc.


  28. You two are adorable and hysterical and I would never have known that as much as is conveyed through videos. However, having said that, you are going through a very time consuming renovation and I am grateful for any type of content you take the time to share.

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