Madonna and Nate Berkus!!

By Mandi 02/23/2011

So, you guys know how I am not so good at keeping secrets right? I have a doozie to tell you.

I am going on The Nate Berkus Show!


I am flying from little ol’ St. George to New York! Can you believe it? Cause I cant. I leave a week from Monday, and I will totally be blogging everything so that you guys feel like you are there with me!! I am doing the House Proud segment that opens with you at your front door. So you know that I needed something Mandilicious to greet America.

I love my silhouette Madonna. She is seriously amazing. The software is really easy to use and that girl can cut out the teeniest details. So I turned to her in my time of need To make this:


I used the black premium vinyl which is freaking awesome compared to the other stuff I bought when I first met Madonna.


What do you think? Do you love it or does it need to be more exciting?

OH MY GOSH!! I just had the best idea! Leave a comment with your front door greeting for Nate, when the show airs the greeting that I chose will win something AWESOME from New York! How does that sound? I am filming at my house in the next 2 days so it better be snappy!


And make sure if you already haven’t that you enter the Silhouette giveaway for Madonna’s twin sister, cause then we would practically be blood relatives. I also posted a list of the other blogs that are doing the same giveaway this week to up your chances!!


Also since we are talking about giveaways Nate is doing an awesome one from now until March 5. Its called the Nate’s Giveaway-A-Day and its for furniture that they did on the show like as in Nate’s hands actually touched the stuff!! EEEEE! So make sure you go HERE and enter!!


Some of these one-of-kind items include a refinished map chest, a sisal rope mirror, a gold-leafed chandelier, a repurposed door headboard, a coffee table, a replica of a royal tabletop with a custom monogram, and more!

Love Your Guts

58 thoughts on “Madonna and Nate Berkus!!”

  1. This is so exciting! I love your blog and everything you do! I watch Nate every friggin day and I was totally thinking you should do the “House Proud” segment. This is awesome, congrats! Can’t wait to see you on Nate!!!:)

  2. It was only a matter of time before this happened (and I knew it back a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago.) You are totally worthy of being craptastic in front of millions! Live it up GIRL!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, you soooo deserve this! You are freakishly talented at everything and anything that has to do with home decor. If Nare Berkius could come to my home I would hang a sign for him saying, “Hope lives here, now that you came to decorate!” Hee hee. I’m so happy and excited for you. I’m totally crying now cause I think it’s just so great. 🙂

  4. CONGRATULATIOOOOOONS!!!!! 😀 AAAAAH! I was thinking to myself the other day how you SOOO need to be on that show because you’re a billion times better than anyone they’ve ever had on the show! Haha! Good luck good luck good luck!! So excited for you! I will do my best to come up with an award winning welcome sign!

  5. OMG, I am in shock! Congrats!!! I’m so excited to see all your posts about the whole thing. BTW, my husband grew up in St. George. Small world 🙂 We love it there.

  6. AWESOME! You are so freaking talented it was only a matter of time! I hope these tv appearances turn into your own show someday! Make sure to let us know when the show is going to air so we can set our dvrs!

  7. Mandi, That is SO exciting for you and I don’t know of anyone who deserves it more than you. I hate to admit it, but I am a Berkus heathen, having never watched his show (Early Morning Seminary Teacher + Part-Time Worker + Blogger/DIYer + Mom/Wife = NO TV TIME). However, even I know that this is a big, dang deal.

    Best of luck. For the sign I’d say something like “Rhino Crossing” or “Beware of Rhino” or “Welcome, Nate. Signed Vicki, Madonna and Roy.” Knock ’em dead!

  8. A big fat huge YAY!!!!!!

    I will definitely be watching…and telling everyone else to watch, too!! Have a blast in NY!

    You’ll do an amazing job and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  9. How in the world did you land this??!?!??!!! Don’t get me wrong, you TOTALLY deserve to be on his show, I’m just wondering if you entered something or if they sought you out. You always said you’d be famous!!! Congrats, Mandi! I can’t wait to see you on the show. Make sure you let us know when you’re going to air!!!!

  10. ommmggg! GOOOO YOU!!! DANG! and i didn’t think you could get any cooler- you go and prove me wrong!

    forget the silhouette, i just wanna be practically blood relatives… ok but throwing in the silhouette would be pretty sweet…

    Have fun! I bet you’ll be a regular guest there!! I CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH!

  11. YIPEE!! I’m so excited for you. You are gonna be amazing! And Nate is gonna be like, “you wanna be besties?” And you can be like, “maybe. I’ll have to think about it.”

    So..if no one comes up with a better sign…can I have a prize? {tee hee}

    Love you!

  12. Yayyyy! Congratulations! Have an awesome time! I wish I had cool greeting. I guess, that’s my greeting:

    I wish this was a greeting cool enough for Nate Berkus!

  13. Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you! I have never seen Nate, but I have heard about him from others, I’m going to have to turn my t.v. on and find out about this guy that gets all you ladies so excited.

    Ok What about: Welcome Back Nate…you have been in my living room for years. (or months or whatever)

    (I’m so good at snazzy ideas)

  14. Shut the freakin’ back door…that’s craptastic! Seriously…what you say is what you are…you’re a designing movie star!
    And you get to stand next to hot Nate? Bonus with a cherry on top! You go girl.

  15. OH MY GOSH!!!! I love Nate and I love you!! Have fun in New York and I’ll be so watching…WOW, really the Nate show?!?! Soak up the moment girl, you deserve it. 😉

  16. Ticee let me in on your little secret today! I was just thinking the other day that you would be on Nate! That is AWESOME! You have climbed so fast!
    Anyways I think I should win the prize since its my old door greeting him! hehe! That’s fair right?! Plus you have never let me win anything yet and I’ve been there since the very beginning!
    I like your sign but you should somehow include Roy, Maddona, ect. as the rest of your fan club presidency!
    Now you are never going to have time for me. :[ You are too famous!

  17. My mom and I recently discovered Nate and we both love him! My mom wants to adopt him. Creepy, right? I know.

    Congrats on going on the Nate Burkis show! Have fun! My mom always comments on how he looks like he enjoys hugs so much, so, give him a big huge hug and tell us if he gives good hugs or not! (Then I can tell my mom I “Know” someone who went on the Nate Burkis show and hugged him and he’s a great hugger and yadda yadda yadda…)

  18. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it! I love the Nate Show. I even have my DH watching with me on DVR.

    here’s my idea for your sign.
    From glum to GLAM (and a little touch of Nate)


  19. i just found your blog this week. reading makes me want to throw away my house and start ALL OVER (thanks for that…not!). thanks for sharing your talents with us! im addicted to reading already!

  20. you are Definitely deserving of it!!
    your sign should say:

    the NATE BERKUS show
    remote studio
    est. 2011

    Can’t wait to watch it!

  21. TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES! That way I can live vicariously through you:) I’m SO excited for you! SOOOOO FUN! We are doing GREAT! WE finally just got over months of being nasty sick! I’ve been shaking my groove thing quite a bit and working out hard! BUSY STUFF! I wish there were 10 more of me so I could do it all:) I REALLY need to come see you! As for the sign…Nate rocks THIS house! Or, Nate rocks MY house!

    STUPID I KNOW! Good luck girlie! I’ll be whoot whooting you:)

  22. Im sooo jealous…I Luv Nate!!! Ive been walking around my house for a couple months trying to figure out which of my many “design delimas” would earn me a trip to his show and maybe I’d even get to meet him! Your sign is awesome and the first thing that comes to mind for me was “I < Nate”!

  23. Yay! Congratulations! I can’t wait to watch. By the way I love the, “President of the Nate Berkus fan club lives here”!

  24. I watched as soon as I got home from work. I didn’t know you were going to be on yesterday, so it was an awesome surprise! I yelled to my husband “Mandi is on Nate today”. He had no idea what I was talking about, but it didn’t matter. He knows that I have some bloggers that I follow (aka stalk) and you are very high on that list. You did a great job and I was so impressed how Nate encouraged you to turn this into a business. You definitely have a strong design aesthetic and would do so well. Loved how he suggested helping women in shelters learn some of your ideas so they could help you grow your business. That is a win-win idea!

    Best of luck and I look forward to seeing your pretty blue eyes and beautiful smile on tv again soon! Way to go!


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