27 thoughts on “The Nate Show In Pics”

  1. GIIIIIRRRRLLLL….I LOVE your boots. They are so dang cute! Check my legs if they go missing:)
    I’m do excited to see the show too. WOOO HOOO!

    Jennie {Cinnaberry Suite}

  2. Mandi! You are SO STINKIN’ CUTE! Ahhhh, I love your blog and your humor! But guess what…I am in college at BYU-I and pretty much don’t have DVR or anything to record the show…do you know if it will be online or if there is some other way to watch?

  3. You were fantastic on the show! I watched it live and now from my DVR…I love those mirrors…many, many years ago I made one but used Comet to rub off the backing and added several wedding pictures to it and gave it as a Christmas gift for my parents and in-laws…

  4. I just saw the show! I was dissapointed you didnt get to talk more but it was my first time watching the Nate Berkus show, maybe thats how he always is. Love the projects!! Miss DI and the warm weather and cant wait to start more projects this summer.

  5. Mandi!!
    I just saw you on the show, got your blog from Nate’s website, and HOLY FRIG girl, you are a woman after my own heart. You are totally my long lost soul sister. I’m LOVING your fabulousness and your witty writing style.
    I am a FRUGAL mama and a DIY’er who JUST started blogging a couple months ago as a way to take back my life/home/style from depression and anxiety. It’s working!
    My best friend Laura and I are MAD thrifters… We hit up the flea markets and thrift stores on a regular basis and since we have super vintage-chic style with shoestring budgets, we work it out.
    I am madly in love with your Vintage Revivals and I can’t wait to read what you’ve got coming. Keep it up Mama, you’re fantastic!!
    Much love,
    Amber 🙂

  6. I watched you on Nate and LOVE what you’ve done to your house! I’m in the process of buying a brand new house but want a vintage, fun, crafty, creative, quirky, ME home and you have really inspired me to go with some of the wonderful, yet crazy ideas I have in my head. Thank you so much!! I look forward to browsing through your blog and following with anything new you post.

  7. Ahh!! I came home sick from work today and was channel surfing and then i saw your lamp and i start freaking out to my husband “OMGOMG THATS MY BLOG LADY!!!!” Cute Stuff! Great Job!! Sad i missed the first part.. maybe i can find it online later.. but atleast i gotta see some!!

  8. holy cow, you’re a star! Just want you to know that you and your “thrift shop glam” movement have helped me realize I don’t have to wait until I am rich to like my house!

  9. Miss Mandi America! You were tOtAlLy aWsOmE on Nate’s show! “You done us proud here in UT”! haha!Fun to see you, we recorded and will show you off! Teri

  10. Ok, I’m sitting here watching the Nate Show on my DVR with my baby boy that won’t sleep, went to Nate’s site to get more info on your style (because I LOVE IT), and was so happy to find a link to your blog! Your home is absolutely stunning, I’m your newest follower 🙂

  11. Thanks to a snow day in MN, I got to watch your show!!! (That’s right, YOUR show… Nate can have it back tomorrow!) You did awesome, hoping this gets you to the next level.

    Off to DIY with snow out the window… hopefully it lets up soon, I have rugs and tape to buy!!!

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