Color Blocked Family Silhouette Art with Scotch Duct Tape

By Mandi | 08/07/2012 | 22 Comments

I am SO excited with how todays project turned out!! I am not huge into family signs and stuff in my décor. But I am not heartless and I DO love my fam (most of the time….) so I thought this project was perfect!

Family Silhouette Art with Scotch Colors

This project is seriously simple.

First things first you need your hand silhouette. Sit in front of a window and hold your hands up. Make sure your camera is focused on your hands and not outside.


Then in your favorite photo editing program increase the contrast and exposure until you have a defined shape. (It does not need to be perfectly black and white!)

Ivie's Hands

Print it out and you are done!

The supplies you need to finish the project are:

Scotch Colors Duct Tape (there are 26 colors and patterns so pretty much you will find something you love!!)

Wax Paper

Razor Blade (Exacto Knife)

Cutting Mat

Scotch Duct Tape Project

Lay your Scotch Colors out slightly overlapping on a piece of wax paper (you are essentially making a big sticker).

Position your silhouette so that it is centered and secure it with a piece of tape so it doesn’t shift with your cutting mat underneath.


Use your exacto knife to cut along the edges of your image. Fill in the spots that are too bright (like the back of my hands)


I used foam core to make the center “box”. You can use a piece of wood, or basically anything you have on hand.

Wrap it with your Duct Tape to cover, slightly overlapping. I love the textural stripes that it adds.

Duct Tape Art

Then put your heart silhouette on and attach it to the back of your frame.

Heart Art

Seriously easy right?!!

Heart Silhouette Pictures

I think that Dylan’s is my fave (it’s the blue and pink one). She was trying SO hard to make a heart.

Love Silhouette Art

And just so you can see how easy the process is I made a video! (My college BFF is the artist in the song, if you want more info about Lyndy you can check her out here!)


Scotch has the funnest quiz on their site (you guys know how much I love those things!!)  Click over and find out your Scotch style and the Duct Tape colors and patterns that are perfect for you! Scotch_Duct_Tape_LogoLove  Your  Guts,  Mandi

I have teamed up with Scotch to show some unique uses for their line of Duct Tape. The project idea and opinions expressed are 1000% Mandilicious.

The DIY Gene Runs Deep In This Family

By Mandi | 08/06/2012 | 12 Comments

How much do you think genetics play into our lifestyles? The more DIYish I get the more I see it around me. And this weekend my eyes were opened to just how creative my family is.

This is our cabinCabin 2012 246

It was built by my grandparents and their kids over the course of, well, the last 35 years.

To me the cabin is the happiest place on earth. When I was younger my family didn’t go on vacay to Disneyland we went to the cabin. There are so many wonderful memories that I have there, things like certain rocks and faces in the quakie trees throw me back to my eight year old self.

Quakie Face

But back to the DIY aspect.

Every single log that make up the walls was a fallen tree that my grandpa found and was hauled in from the forest. Can you imagine the vision that they had? Literally everything in the cabin was DIYed.

Cabin 2012 241

When we were up there I saw things in a new light. The light of the creator.

Quite a few of you have asked about my moccasins that make an appearance now and then in my tutorials. When my Grandpa was alive he would make a pair for us every year for our birthdays. He was beyond talented and I am going to learn how to bead myself so that I can make some for my girls. When I announced that I was bringing Southwest back I told you a little about the love that my Grandpa created in us for all things Native American. This was my childhood.

Cabin Living Room

Cabin 2012 152

Cabin 2012 151

Cabin 2012 138

Cabin 2012 182

Beaded Purse

Grandpa Rowland's Hat



And if you have ever come to the Rowland’s cabin you are guaranteed to spend an extra 15 minutes in the outhouse reading all of the thoughts and quotes on the walls.

Cabin 2012 215

I am so grateful that figuring things out along the way was instilled in me from my first memories. And my favorite quote written on the bathroom wall is from my Grandpa. It says “I may not be fast, but I am sloppy.” I think I might make that my new motto.

Love  Your  Guts,  Mandi

You Are Not Going To Believe This.

By Mandi | 08/01/2012 | 24 Comments

Remember a few months ago I found this awesome dresser at the DI?

Drexel Parallel Mid Century Dresser

I bought it for $50 (down from $100) and because it was stamped on the back I googled it. And found it on Ebay for $900.


Well guess what.

Monday I was at the DI again and you are not going to believe what I found.

The highboy version of this dresser for $65.00.

I was in such a rush to get out of town that I didn’t snap a picture of it, but can you even believe that?

Love  You  Guts,  Mandi

25 Years Ago This Would Have Been On Your Pinterest Boards.

By Mandi | 07/30/2012 | 40 Comments

So you know when you are walking down the isle of your fave thrift store (its especially fun when you are with someone) and cant help but say “OH.MY.GOSH.” and not in a good way?

I think that 25 years from now people will be saying that about our creative crafts that are viral on Pinterest.

This gorgeous fan is something that us DIYers would have eaten up back in the day.


And the rosettes? Amazing.


Did I mention that it is made out of plastic forks?


Pretty freakin genius.

What is the worst craft you have found thrifting?

Love  Your  Guts,  Mandi

Venn Diagram Pillow

By Mandi | 07/27/2012 | 27 Comments

I love quick and easy projects (goodness know I don’t do that kind nearly enough.)

This post is all about embracing your inner artist.

Painting on fabric is nothing new, in fact I have done it quite a few times and I am sure you can find thousands of pins with tips and tricks. The problem that comes up again and again is that the paint is stiff. Even with fabric paint (which is significantly less stiff) the paint still sits on the surface of your fabric.

Venn Diagram Pillow

But never fear, Decoart is here!

They just launched a brand new product called Ink Effects and it is completely different from any other fabric paint I have ever used.

Ink Effects

The process is totally different too.

Start by painting your design on a piece of white printer paper. The thicker your paint the more vivid the color will be.

How To Use Fabric Paint

Let your painting dry for 45 minutes.

Once it is dry put it face down on your fabric and iron it on.

Ink effects works MUCH better with synthetic fabric like Polyester  than it does on Cotton. The pigment is absorbed better so the color is deeper.

After you have ironed your design (the longer you apply heat the deeper the color) peel back your paper and enjoy!

Venn Diagram Painting

I love how bright these little circles are in the sea of white.

Ink Effects Pillow

Venn Diagram Pillow

Love  Your  Guts,  Mandi

Embracing My Inner Granny and A Project Peek

By Mandi | 07/23/2012 | 18 Comments

The longer I thrift the more I appreciate unique one-of-a-kindish pieces. The more I embrace the décor of decades past for the sheer quality of the items, and the more my house turns into my Grandparents.

I mean,  lets run down the list shall we?

Crazy colored velour chair?

Check. I have an entire couch.

Aztec Chevron Rug

Stereo cabinets?

Check. Have you met Vicki?

Mid Century Modern Credenza

Random tchockies that are really strange/awesome?



ScotchBlue Striped Desk

Thrift Store Finds

OOOH OOOH how about Bob Ross Happy Trees painting?

Done and done.

Easy Thrift Store Art

And the reason for this post, the thing that pushed me over into full Grannydom…

Garishly bright floral drapery?

Oh yes. We are SO going there.

Though I am not using it for drapes….

Retro Floral Fabric


BUT if I ever post about one of these you have my permission for a full intervention.

Love  Your  Guts,  Mandi