Want To Be In The Merc’s Time-Capsule!??


Its pretty early around these parts, 4:03 am to be exact but I just woke up with a very distinct impression that I need to put together a time-capsule for the Merc and you guys need to be part of

The Time Our Kitchen Almost Killed Us


  So here’s the thing about describing your remodel after major parts of it have already transpired — as we’ve been working we didn’t exactly take photos to show how painful each step was so we could document it for folks later on.

The Time He Cut His Hand Open & I Broke My Nose


  What up party people? Does anyone still say that or is it just me? Wait, don’t answer that. This is Sarah again from WALDOMIDCENTURY and I’m so grateful that y’all are following along the path of home repair with

What’s Happening In Waldo: The Intro


Have I got a treat for you guys. The internet brings the coolest people into your life. 5 years ago I “met” Sarah. She was a writer for Apartment Therapy and I was a very eager DIYer. We became fast

The All New Vintage Revivals Shop!


Picture me post marathon, hands on my knees breathing like a crazy person with my face pale, sweaty and flarey nostrils. THAT is how I feel right now (without the actual exercise portion of course.) It has been a year

Tour the HGTV Dream Home!


Heyyyyyya! How is everybody?! Last week the Bremlin and I were down right lucky. We had the chance to fly our cute butts (well, his is cute…mine not so much) to Florida to tour the 2016 HGTV Dream Home with

Jimmy Fallon Tight Pants Pup Costume


You guys!!!! We have laughed about this for days and I am DYING to share with you the costumes that we made for our 2 Boston’s Wallace and Gertie. (If you are unfamiliar with Tight Pants, you will most definitely

New Family Member Alert!


Happy Monday friends!!  We spent a great weekend in Salt Lake for a wedding and an adoption, of sorts. For those that don’t know, we have a 1 1/2 year old Boston Terrier named Wallace that we LOVE.  He is

It’s Like 63 In Blog Years


Today is the official 4th birthday of Vintage Revivals. I am having a hard time coming up with the next sentence because that just seems so utterly insane to me. I mean, HOW? I have learned so many invaluable lessons