Geometric Brass Planter Stop Motion Tutorial!


Hello!! We are trying out a little something new today I would LOVE your feedback! You get 10 Vintage Revivals points for spotting this little guy at the end of Ivie’s bed in her Room Makeover! Its the little things

The All New Vintage Revivals Shop!


Picture me post marathon, hands on my knees breathing like a crazy person with my face pale, sweaty and flarey nostrils. THAT is how I feel right now (without the actual exercise portion of course.) It has been a year

Facilitating a Group Hug + Giveaway!


Hey everybody! A few days ago I was feeling massively emotional. Like you know when you know you’re acting crazy, but you just cant stop…anyone else ever have this?  I’m pretty sure that both of my neighbors know when I’m

Baby Boy Nursery Shopping & Sources


You guys make this pregnant girl cry!! Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments on the baby’s room. It was such a labor of love (no pun intended) and I cant wait to start sharing the tutorials!

Baby Boy Nursery Reveal!!


I am SO excited to finally show you the baby’s nursery! Venturing into boy territory is a whole new world and the nursery was kind of my first run at it. The hands down best part though is how involved

Pinners Conference 2015!


Oh man!! Its time for one of my FAVORITE events of the year! Pinner’s Conference (insert happy dancing, which is not adorable right now because of my very large and in charge belly). Pinner’s is an annual conference held in

10 Hacks for Decorating Your Apartment


Alert Alert! Fun post ahead!! I’ve teamed up with to help all of you cute renters with your apartment decorating needs!   Lets get right to it shall we? Hack #1 | Create a statement wall with 100% removable

5 Lessons To Master for DIY Success


Hey hey!! First things first. I am DYING over Scandal. What is happening!?! Jake?! Rowan?! That guy that Olivia is dating?! Ahhh! Tell me I am not alone in this! Now onto the important stuff. While I was pulling together

Mandilicious Christmas: Himmeli Gift Topper


You guys are in for a treat today. You’ve adequately stocked up on Cocktail straws from your wreath making I hope? Today we are making a gift topper AND trying out a new video format! (so let me know what

12 Projects To Make From An Old Leather Couch


The leather has been flowing like wine around these parts for the last few months. Ever since the life changing discovery that you can skin a leather couch and save thousands of dollars (and a puffy leather couch from the