DIY Wood and Brass Hanging Hoop Pendant Lights


You guys, this tutorial is an easy one! Get excited for amazing lighting!! This little hang out corner of Macie’s Bedroom was just itching for a really great statement light. Keeping with the laid back boho theme of the room

Geometric Himmeli Heart Tutorial


You guys are in for a treat today. I am pretty sure that I have had 4 people guest post on Vintage Revivals in its entire existence. What can I say. I am a control freak. Sometimes there are just

Always A Bridesmaid…


You know how sometimes I post embarrassing pictures of myself to get a point across? (Blog Puberty anyone?)  This is one of those posts. Awwww yeah. Do you ever have your mind set on something and no matter what you

Home Decor Trend Predictions 2014


Happy Monday!!  I thought it would be fun to take out my crystal-ish ball and take a peek into the future of home decor trends for 2014!   Ultra White Walls.  With design becoming so mainstream and accessible because of pinterest

Its A White White DIY Christmas!


HAPPY DECEMBER!!! The holidays are my favorite time of the year and they are heeeeeeere! I have been itching to show you guys my Christmas decorations for this year because 1. They are so good. & 2. They are SO

Lighted Book Page Garland


So you know how craftiness with old book pages is H.U.G.E. right now? I love all of the wreaths and ornaments that people are busting out. I am not one to copy someones idea or a  trend exactly. While I