The Merc Reno Series Episode 2!!

By Mandi | 03/05/2018 | 17 Comments

I couldn’t be more excited or proud to show you guys all of the hard work that went into episode 2 of our video series with Home Depot!

It’s so crazy to see how far it’s come!! ???

Check it out below!!

Buh-Bye Easement!! Meet Phase 3 of The Merc Reno, The Granary!!

By Mandi | 02/16/2018 | 51 Comments

We’ve kind of been keeping a secret. I literally can’t believe that I am sitting here typing these words, we figured out a solution for the weird property lines and easement at the Merc!! If you remember (you can read alllll about the nitty gritty details about property lines here and the easement here) the property lines at the Merc are sort of a nightmare. The easement was almost a deal breaker for us. In fact I had sort of forgotten how distressing it was until I went back and read those posts. I’m so glad that we didn’t let it stop us!We had a chance to buy a portion of our neighbors property and jumped! I’m not going to lie, its stressful draining our bank account for the second time in a year, and it’s changing our phase 2 timeline a little but it was an opportunity that we just felt really strongly about and took the leap.

For reference, This upside-down L is our property, the Merc is in the top left corner of the yellow section.

The Front Door Saga: Part 2

By Mandi | 02/14/2018 | 3 Comments

Oh hey! So um, this is awkward. Remember when I shared my Front Door Part 1 post? No? That’s cause it was 2 months ago!!!

Sheesh guys, that’s crazy!

So since it’s been a while, lets recap (or you can read the full post here)

I found my dream doors on pinterest, couldn’t find them anywhere for purchase, had them bid out, cried a few tears because they were $9000, found some pretty ok doors at an antique store, started to make some customizations on them. And now it’s now.

We removed the giant vent panel on the bottom of the doors and added a cross piece to separate it into 2 panels. This added more character and upped the vintage vibe.

Crowdsourced Inspiration To Claw your Way Out of a Creative Slump

By Mandi | 02/13/2018 | 9 Comments

Hey guys!!

If you follow my stories on Instagram  you know yesterday I asked where everyone finds inspiration to ignite a fire in their heart. If you don’t follow my stories, I hate to be the one to deliver this bad news, but you’re totally missing out, its where all the good stuff is happening. This reno is kicking my bum a little and Instastories is where all the real time updates are happening, so check it out!

Back to the topic t hand. I’m in this weird sort of place. A reno like the Merc has been my ultimate dream goal for years and now that we’re rounding out Phase 1 and getting ready to move in, I’m feeling sort of like I need a new HUGE dream and some inspiring words to get the big goals flowing.

Stucco Round 2 + Finding The Perfect White!

By Mandi | 01/31/2018 | 15 Comments

Hey hey!! Guys, if youre not following the Merc reno along on my Insta/Instastories DO IT!! I need your opinions in real time and it’s kind of fun to see what crazy things pop up during the course of the day!. Follow here!

Ok are you ready to chat about our stucco?! It’s FINALLY done! We were hoping it would be done in October…then November…but apparently Santa moonlights as a stucco guy cause it didn’t happen until December. But its finished and I LOVE IT.

Just a refresher, this is what the Merc looked like when we bought it: