Meet Mace

By Mandi | 04/01/2014 | 20 Comments

I have a really exciting room reveal on the blog next Tuesday (mark your calendars!) But before I can share it, I need to tell you guys about my amazing niece and the inspiration behind her bedroom makeover.

This is Macie:

She is the cutest thing to happen to our family in like…ever.

Mace excels at everything she does, she is the best big sister to 4 younger siblings and my girls look up to her so much.  She is also the best last minute babysitter a girl could ask for.

Here is what Macie’s room looked like before:

Macie Before

There were a few things that we needed to address.

1.  It was really dark. 

2.  It needed to be a place that her friends would want to hang out.  (Pretty sure that is on the list of every parent that has a teenager…)

Macie Before 2

3.  The carpet.  Now go with me on this,  the carpet is not horrible.  It just isn’t my favorite thing, and it had to stay.

We have been planning on giving her room an overhaul for the last 8 months, but the timing just wasn’t happening.  Insert Sherwin-Williams National Painting Week.  Best motivation ever!

Last year I was assigned the color Pink and was inspired to create Dylan’s Dream Room.

This year my color is Green and I am mighty obsessed with the changes we made.

Sherwin-Williams National Painting Week


Here are a few sneak peeks…

Retro Bohemian Teen Bedroom Makeover

Macie's Bedroom Makeover-95

 Retro Bohemian Teen Bedroom Makeover

There are 14 other bloggers sharing their paint projects next week along with Macie’s room reveal and you guys are going to love the inspiration.  If you want more check out


Love Your Guts




*This post is part of Sherwin-Williams National Painting Week 2014 campaign.  All projects and ideas are 100% Mandilicious.

It’s Wedding Day!!!

By Mandi | 03/28/2014 | 4 Comments

Hooray!!!  Its finally here!!  Miranda’s wedding is happening right.this.second!!

Everything looks so amazing, I can’t wait to show you guys!

Make sure to follow along on Instagram for the day’s festivities! 

Love Your Guts

Simple (and Temporary!) Patterned Planters

By Mandi | 03/27/2014 | 10 Comments

Planter Week continues!


Hey all! It’s Jamie, if you’ve been a part of the Vintage Revival Newsletter we are already besties! If not, it’s not too late, we can totally be best friends over there and get all sorts of inspired.

Ok so Janae (my sister and lovely photographer) and I have decided to become crazy plant ladies. I blame Mandi, she has inspired us with her hanging leather and brass planter, planters covered in leather, and now this whole week of inspiring planters? You’re killing me smalls. Just kidding, I love it.

Our family of planters is growing at a rapid rate and we’ve named them. If you name your plants we are totally kindred spirits and you have to tell me what you’ve named yours!

So since our plants have names and personalities, we wanted to give them some personality that we could change up depending upon the mood.


You know Mandi’s amazing sharpie wall? Did you know they also make water based marker pens? I’m obsessed. They sell them at the craft store for around 4 bucks and I have been going crazy drawing on everything from windows to mirrors to planters.


For this tutorial, we have some clear plastic and glass holders for our plants. This one is Penelope and she wanted some flare to her pot.


Draw on your pattern, name of your plant, make it a gift and write to and from on there, draw yourself on there and make it a selfie, it really doesn’t matter cause you can always wipe it off!


Do you see what I am saying yet? It’s addicting. And kind of a problem. Along with leather, plants, and now, I am completely addicted. You should join me. I would love to see the patterns you guys come up with. I’m in need of some inspiration after drawing everything I can think of.


I also love your guts 😉



Where To Buy Glass Terrariums

By Mandi | 03/26/2014 | 14 Comments

Planter Week continues!


If you have a pulse, you are probably obsessed with the gorgeous glass terrariums that have been all over the interwebs. You know the kind that look like blown glass bubbles? Oh yes. Those lovely baubles.

Glass Hanging Terrerium Planters

One of the most frustrating things about being an impulsive DIYer? Ordering things online. It is like putting the never ending loading circle on a project. just cant handle it.

So I have found a few sources for these drool worthy planters that have them in stock locally!

Glass Hanging Terrerium Planters


The best place that I have found HANDS DOWN is HomeGoods. I mean, of course it is. They have so many fun shapes and sizes, and at the St. George store they have a lot in stock,  I think I buy one or two every time I stop by. All of the planters pictured above are from HomeGoods. They range in price from $6.99 for the extra long tear drop, to $3.99 for the small round one.

Glass Hanging Terrerium Planters


The next store on our list is Joann’s. They have globe planters that are about the size of a cantaloupe. They are a little bit more expensive at $14.99 each, but if you use a coupon you can slash that by 40%.

Glass Hanging Terrerium Planters


Last but not least is Target. They are located in the garden isle (where they have the fake flowers and outdoor birdhouses.)  They seem to have them in spurts and they sell out really quickly.

Where to buy terrariums

The plus side is that they come pre-planted with pretty realistic looking succulents. Bonus for those that have a black thumb. The dark dirt is not the greatest, but I have a really simple fix for that happening on the blog tomorrow.

Do you have any other favorite haunts? Or do you have the patience of Job and can wait 4 days for an online order?

Love Your Guts

Orchid Dyed Macramé Planter

By Mandi | 03/25/2014 | 14 Comments

Today is like a double whammy of awesome. First off we are still celebrating Planter Week (check out yesterdays project if you missed it!) and it is the Spring Color Challenge!!! If you are new, the Color Challenge is the funnest of all challenges. 6 bloggers from 6 different genres all combine forces and descend on one color to completely inspire every aspect of your life. Being the spring of 2014 our color was pretty much fated to be purple. Pantone wrote it in our stars.


I am completely and utterly obsessed with Macramé right now. It is really addicting guys. So how about if we are all addicted together? Deal.

One of the biggest things that I hear is that it just looks so hard. To which I will reply,  do you think it was the art form that pretty much defined the 70’s and lived in every household because it was complicated? Nope. It is really really easy. It just looks hard. (2)

To make this planter you will need:

1 package of 3/16’” cotton clothesline. Listen and listen good. You DO NOT want to get this at Lowes. Their clothesline is super wonky and bulgy everywhere that is was folded. The bulges are like cellulite, no matter how much you try and work it out, it just lives on. Home Depot’s is the way to go. (Lowes is on the top, Home Depot is on the bottom.)

How to tie a figure 8 knot

1 Container for your cute little plants. The one I used in this project was a simple $1.99 ramekin from Target. You can’t go wrong with white ceramic and stripes.

1 Container of Purple Rit Dye

1 Container of Fuschia Rit Dye


Start by measuring 5 pieces that are 15 feet each. Find the center of each of the pieces and knot them all together. This is the top of your planter.

Orchid Dyed Macrame Planter DIY

The knots in this planter are very simple figure 8’s. Start by taking 2 pieces that are next to each other and fold it up, cross it under, bring it back over the top and pull it through. Repeat this for all 10 pieces of rope that you have (you will have 5 knots)


Next move down your rope about 8 inches and repeat, but this time take a piece of rope from 2 different knots so that you are creating a net, and not just rows of knots.

Repeat this one more time. You are totally a pro at this point in the game.

Next you are going to tie a square knot underneath each of the figure 8’s. (not a macrame square knot, a boy scout square knot. There is a difference.)

Gather all of your ends together and wrap one piece of rope around them a few times and secure it underneath.

Now is the fun part. Dye!

How to tie a figure 8 knot

I wanted my purple to be more Orchid than Lilac so I mixed 2 different colors of Rit Dye together.

The rope that we are using is cotton so you need to add salt to your dye mixture. All of the mixing instructions are on the bottle.

Let the ends of the planter sit in the dye for 3-5 minutes. The rope will soak up the dye and give it a gradiated ombre  effect. Rinse with cool water and let dry. (1)


Plant it with your favorite little green guys and enjoy your newest addiction!

Orchid Dyed Macrame Planter DIY

Orchid Dyed Macrame Planter DIY


Make sure you go and check out everyone else’s amazing purple projects too! I just cant get over how talented these girls are.

Image Map

Love Your Guts

Slouchy Leather Sling Planter

By Mandi | 03/24/2014 | 21 Comments

I has been quite a while since our last theme week on Vintage Revivals (I think Confessions of a Pillow Addict was the last!)  But you guys, all I want to do is make planters. Like, I am turning to a cat lady, but with succulents. Every time I am at Home Depot I find a few little friends that need to come and live at my house. Sooooooo we are celebrating the hoard with Planter Week!! Every day this week a new planter idea is coming to you live!


Also? The obsession with leather is not letting up anytime soon. So just be on the lookout for an old couch to skin so that you can play along,  or if it makes your significant other less stabby, you can buy small leather pieces at JoAnn’s or Michael’s.

This project is simple simple and looks effortlessly amazing. Like Elsa’s hair, or Snuffulophogus’s eyelashes, or Nate Berkus’s smile. You know. The kind of cool that the rest of us just cant live up to.

Its fine. Acceptance is the first step. But first, lets make these planters and we are one step ahead of where we were before. (Yay for small steps!)


You will need:

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY

  • Leather
  • Grommets
  • Brass ring (can be found at Joann’s for $.89)
  • Rope (Mine is 3/8” clothesline from Home Depot)
  • Container to hold your plant


Start by cutting out your favorite shape. I made a circle, a triangle and a square and I love them all equally.

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY


Mark where you want your grommets to go. I placed the grommet and then sort of spun it back and forth with the heel of my hand to imprint it into the leather.

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY


If you have a leather punch rock it all day. If you dont, you are fine. Just use some scissors and be grateful that the wonk will be covered. Perfection is overrated.

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY


Place your grommets. (I did use a grommet tool for this, but you can find some that go on with a small tool that you hammer into place.)

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY


Pull out your ring and rope. Measure your rope twice the length that you want if you are going to double it up (see the finished picture below)

Find the center point of the rope and place it under the ring, then feed the rope through the loop and tighten

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY

You will do this for as many grommets as you have placed in your leather.

Tie a knot right above the point that you want your leather to sit. Put on the leather, and tie a knot right underneath it to keep it in place.

Upcycled Leather Sling Planter DIY


You can leave your strings hanging straight down, or knot them together like I did.

Hanging Leather Sling Planter Tutorial


To make a planter that has a single rope I recommend using a shape that can have an even number of grommets. That way you can knot it on the underside of the leather and loop it through the hanging ring and back down to the other side of the planter. Ya dig?

Hanging Leather Sling Planter Tutorial


The actual planters can be big or small, gorg or super ug, and it will still look amazing. The planter that is holding the mint plant is just a basic glass cylinder that was.not.cute. So I made the leather square a lot bigger to hide it. It just so happens to be my favorite one. Its just too much slouchy perfection to handle.

Hanging Leather Sling Planter Tutorial

Hanging Leather Sling Planter Tutorial

Upcycled Hanging Leather Sling Planter Tutorial vintagerevivals

Can you just imaging how cute these would be hanging in a kitchen window or from your favorite sunny corner?

Tomorrow I am turning you all into Macra-Mavens. I promise you guys. Macramé is the way. You’ll want to do it all day. Hey hey hey. Remember sometimes I am a little freak-ay?

And now I am done.

Oh wait, I am NOT done! Round 1 for Creating with the Stars is live and team #ClassyRevivals is in it to win it! So head on over and vote for your favorite project. Voting is anonymous so I cant tell you which one is Mallory and Savannah’s, but I can tell you that I am so beyond obsessed with it I almost dont even know myself. When I saw their final pictures I almost started to cry. It is just so good!! So go and vote for your fave!

Also still not done. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still in shock over the support for the Target situation. I have a call set up with them this week and I will keep you guys updated! I am really looking forward to talking with them (and a little nervous!)

Ok now I am really done. Remember I love you the most!

Love Your Guts

Remember That One Time Target Copied Me?

By Mandi | 03/21/2014 | 167 Comments


I just had someone from Target reach out to me. Thank you everyone for your support and love, it means the world to me! You guys have no idea. Really.


I almost am at a loss for words writing this post. So lets just start off with my favorite way shall we?


Yesterday afternoon I was working like a mad woman finishing up a few projects before I head out of town. Out of the blue I started receiving this HUGE influx of emails and messages and tags on Social Media. They were all saying the same thing. Target is copying you!

I was like WHAT? And clicked over to see this image running on all of their social media channels and as ads on Facebook:


I mean. Wow. Right?

If you are new to Vintage Revivals, you may have missed my daughter Dylan’s bedroom. Which looks like this:

Rainbow HoneyComb Wall Little Girls Room Makeover @ Vintage Revivals-2

I mean, granted I dont have a cool GIF or anything, (lets be honest…no one wanted to see what that room looked like while it was coming together, it was not a pretty sight.) But that is 100% Vintage Revivals. Down to the white floors and striped rug.

So here is the thing.

I love what I do. And I create content so that people are inspired by it.

I also LOVE Target. Like 4x a week love. So I’m hoping what yesterday’s post on @Targetstyle’s instagram means, is that they’re as much a fan of mine as I am of theirs. I think they are an incredibly forward thinking retailer in terms of working with bloggers and giving them a fantastic platform to share their ideas.

I appreciate the outburst of love and support, and while I’m overwhelmed with everyone’s encouragement,  it’s nice to know that brands like @Targetstyle are paying homage to us DIY-ers out there. Its the best feeling in the world to know that so many people have my back! (Double fist pound. Explode it.)

Target Copy

Here is what I have to say to my future besties at Target,

The fact that you saw something on Vintage Revivals that inspired your image is the highest form of flattery, but now big red bullseye, let’s turn this into something bigger! I’m asking you to attribute your image to me, and bring me on board! I love doing what I do and I would love to do it with you! This awesome room makeover is just one of many, and I have meeeellions of ideas that I would love to collaborate with you on.

Bloggers are huge supporters of Target, myself included. Please don’t leave this unfriendly taste in our mouths. You understand more than most the power behind creative people. I want to shop at your store. I want to inspire my readers with treasures from Target because I love finding inspiration there. I want to show the world that they can take something from Threshold and create magic with it. Target I love you, but we need to do this the right way.

So will you guys help me get their attention? Share this post, tag them like crazy, lets show them the excitement and power behind Fearless DIY! Lets make something amazing come from this lemon, are you up for it?!

Love Your Guts