
By Mandi 08/11/2010

Last night as I was thinking about what project to post about today I was looking at some of my favorite blogs. All Things Thrifty is one of my favs. Brooke had just posted and I was so excited to see what new project she had come up with. Instead this is what I saw:

On July 22, 2010 two yr old Chase Prince was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a.k.a. ALL). Just like any two year old, Chase is happy and full of energy or, as his parents would say, “bouncing off the walls”. 🙂 The Sunday before being diagnosed, Dani and Ashton had noticed that Chase was extra tired and was asking for naps. Also, he was having pain on his left side. Something just wasn’t right.. On Wednesday Dani had a doctor’s appt. and decided to take Chase in with her. The doctor could feel that his spleen was enlarged and wanted to run some tests. Dani had the car packed up to head to Bear Lake with family. They headed up North as planned and as they got nearer to Salt Lake Dani got the call from the Doc. He said to head to Primary Children’s Hospital so they could run more tests. It wasn’t long after checking into the ER that they admitted him and started him on an IV. By the next morning, they knew that Chase had ALL. They got a bone marrow sample, did a lumbar puncture, put chemotherapy into his CNS and then put in a port. The beginning of a long road ahead began.

You can see the full post{here}

 I live in the same smallish city as Brooke and the doctor that Chase saw is in my family. My little Dylan is about the same age. How trivial the things that we do in life are. So instead of working on some project today I am taking her to the park.

I encourage all of you to do the same. Painting and crafting is wonderful and fun but when it comes down to it children like these are what really matter!

Enjoy your Wednesday,  hug your babies extra tight and please pray for this family!

2 thoughts on “Perspective.”

  1. Great post! I am sad to hear of any child having to suffer through the effects of cancer and cancer treatments. My prayers go out for Chase and his family!
    Thanks for giving us a little perspective!

  2. Such a sad story — but what a great reminder, Mandi. We don’t have any kids yet, but I had the same type of thought yesterday and headed out to visit my grandparents. It’s amazing how busy and wrapped up in our own lives we get and forget the importance of the relationships with those we love. Thanks for such a “thinker” post — much needed! 🙂

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