Aghhh. (that was me grunting.) I am so sick with the flu I feel like my face is going to explode from the pressure.
So anyways, Happy New Year everyone! I can not even believe what a whirlwind this year has been for me. When I started my blog at the end of July I had no idea that I would love it as much as I do. So THANK YOU! for all of your kind words and encouragement!!
Did you guys get some rocking junk from Santy? The present that I was most excited about was from my in-laws….to my husband….its a miter saw. I think that I am more happy about it than anything. I did get a new laptop, which has brought my laziness to a whole new level.
So what does the ol’ bloggy hold for 2011?
Once I get my christmas crap down I am repainting my living room! Buh bye {seizure wall}. I will miss you.

Also I am excited to get Vicki moved in out of the garage. And *possibly* painted….I still cant decide. SO not like me.
My sewing/craft room (which is the armpit of my house) needs to have the ceiling edged out and furniture refinished….
I am itching to do this to a chandy for my entryway from {Playing Sublimely}
My bedroom needs major awesomefication. I pretty much am in a coffin over this bedding from {KoJo}
And both bathrooms.
I am in lust majorly after some board and batten and HAVE to find somewhere to put it.
So thats what I am hoping to have completed in the next few months. So hopefully you will stick it out with this sick chick through 2011!
Love you guys!!
I can’t wait to see all your projects! Happy New Year!
Good luck with all those ideas! I hope you get feeling better. Enjoy that laptop in your snuggy bed for today.
Thanks so much for the shout out. You have serious gumption! 🙂
I’m making my 2011 To Do List as well… #1 is “actually manage my life well” hahaha! We’ll see. 🙂
Okay so I am really excited to see what you will be doing in 2011. But I absolutely need to know what tree clip art you used in your oldest daughter’s room. I have been looking through tree images on google and can’t find any like yours. Please if you have time let me know.
Feel better! And happy new year!
Feel better. I’m with you girl, sitting here blowing my nose every two seconds.
AND I got the flu shot. GEEZE!
I love how ambitious that list sounds, and knowing you that’ll only last you through maybe March. Can’t wait to see it all! 😉
Oh have fun with your miter saw – I am sooo jealous! I am excited to follow you as you tackle on some AWESOME projects this new year!
Feel better soon! 😉
Jealous of your miter saw! I need a decent one. . . sigh.
You have got HUGE things planned soon. So awesome.
So I’ve been thinking about that family (was it Shmitt?)– any word?
I haven’t seen you around on Twitter and wanted to stop by to check on you. So sorry to hear you’ve been sick :(. No fun. And wowsers girl, you have a lot of projects all planned out for 2011! Looking forward to seeing more from you. Get better. Rest up. And no playing with that miter saw while on cold meds!
seizure wall? ohmygosh too too funny!
can’t wait to see all your projects! <3
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
Yo Mandi! Just stopping by to see my old CWTS bud and I’m just impressed as ever. What success you have had! What fab projects you have been doing (love the trees and I’m totally a control freak about my kids’ rooms too). And what great plans you have for this year. I can’t wait to see it all. I also read “your life story” section and I just want to say that I feel uplifted by your strength and faith. You are even more amazing than I knew. And now I just want to say, that I love YOUR guts.
I’m with you…I have a lot of things on the list…but wondering if they will get done…and then how many times they will get redone:)
Hope you have a great year! Can’t wait to see what’s to come:)
Totally laughing at your comment about the coffin bedding….Good luck tackling all of your projects. Can’t wait to see the finished products…
Take care,
Thanks for the post, I think I was going through withdrawls 🙂 I am excited to see your new ideas and see what I can do too. As for the head/sinus pressure, a zyrtec and a few ibuprofen is what usually does the trick for me. Happy New Year!!!
Hey I love the bedding you posted. Where can you find it?
[email protected]
Mandi! I love your post for the new year! that bedding is so beautiful. I have been reading your blog for a few months now and I just want you to know that you are inspirational and I love your ideas! you actually have really inspired me to put myself out there and give things a try! I just started a new blog and just featured the anthro teacup lamp that you did, take a look if you have time. Any advice you have would be awesome as I am just a beginner 🙂
Thankyou so much for all the lovely things that you post on your blog! happy 2011
Mandi! Depending on how you paint/ makeover Vicki….you may be able to reuse that bedding! Bahahahahahaha
Love YOUR guts, chic!
I love the last picture with the molding. I was going to do that in one of my rooms but it ended up being a buttload more than I thought. So let me us all know if you find a creative cheaper solution that still looks great! Cant wait
OH POO! Sorry your feeling yucky! Can’t wait to see all your awesome projects:) Happy NEw year!