A Public Apology

By Mandi 10/14/2010

What you see here on Vintage Revivals is the true me, usually unfiltered and definately not perfect. One of my wonderful followers Rhonda sent me an email and very nicely informed me that I had used the word retarded in my story about being arrested. I just want to let you guys know that it was completely unintentional and I am truly sorry if I offended anyone! That is last thing that I would ever want to do. Who knows I possibly have offended countless crafters with my use of the word crap, but that is because I believe that things are crap, they hold no true value in the grand scheme of things. The only things that matter are the relationships that we build, with our family, with our friends (even people we meet through our blogs 🙂 ) and most importantly the relationship that we build with Christ.

And if that offends you…well there’s not much I can say, except I still love your guts!

20 thoughts on “A Public Apology”

  1. Oh dear, well I read your ‘deepest dearket secrets’ post the other day and had a laugh and didn’t even notice the ‘terrible’ word, lol. Nice of you to apologise I guess, but some people….do they have nothing better to worry about?!

    So hey, you didn’t offend me…and crap is a word I use far too often as well, there is no other word that would work anywhere near as well 😉
    xx Karen

  2. You said crap…
    crapology accepted.

    I’m sorry. I have and do make that mistake. It’s a bad habit I have…coming from the 80’s.

  3. I never noticed that word in your post. .. and to be honest I say it all the time, too. I don’t mean anything by it. I agree with Dixie Mom– it’s coming from being a child of the 80’s.

    I try not to say it now that I know. But truly, someone does always have to be offended. Yeesh.

  4. Since I have a child with special needs I think that word means more to me. My child is called that on a weekly basis at school and I have to dry his tears when he comes home from being called that.
    As far as someone always has to be offended- it’s very true, because if I sit here and say “most christians are hypocrites” it will offend people, but thats OK, it should, thats what makes everyone unique.
    I did not notice it in your post, but thank you for the apology :O)

  5. love the blog, i didn’t notice it in your post but i am one of those who get offended by the use of the word retarded.

    there are some things that people should be offended by hearing… the word retarded is very offensive and as a special olympics/special needs person advocate it greatly offends me to hear and read that word everyday. if you say you don’t mean it that way then in what way do you mean it? usually when people use it, it means “stupid” so in a sense it reflects the way it has been used to label intellectually disabled people for years…

  6. Wow, people need to not get so upset. Not everything is personal. I understand calling someone a ‘retard’ can be hurtful of course but we all know how you meant it and should be able to realize you did not mean it in a harmful way. Breathe.

  7. Using the “R” word is hard for many to drop that grew up it the 80’s. Using the “N” word was also hard for some drop from their vocabulary that used it in the 50’s and 60’s. No one would ever defend Mandi if she dropped the N bomb on her blog. Those that still use either are ignorant, the use of the “r” reader should become as extinct from our vocabulary.

    Thank you for your apology. I was a reader that DID notice the use of the word and was very surprised and sad that use chose to used it. Like a previous comment pointed out, those of us that have special need children or family have ARE sensitive to the word.

    Many of the comments left here have basically said “if you were offended, get over it” or “you did not actually say it to someone so no harm” ect.

    I just want to say to those readers, no matter how much you Love Mandi and her blog she was wrong. She did the admirable thing an apologized. Don’t negate her apology by making those of us that hurt for our children, family, and friends out to be “over sensitive”.

    As for Mandi, still love your guts!

  8. Called out. Sensibly and lovingly apologized. Those who didn’t notice, wouldn’t, and those who did appreciated the apology.

    Moving on Mandi 😉

  9. Youre joking right? I cannot believe people are still offended about that. Their are many other things to be offended by but you were talking about yourself. You weren’t calling someone that. There is a difference.

  10. I didn’t notice it either… although I say stuff like that all the time without meaning to and then I worry that I may have written something someone won’t like… so I totally know where you’re coming from. We all make mistakes! 🙂

  11. My uncle is down syndrome, and I did not take offense in the least. I’m sorry, but those who were offended need to lighten up and not make everything so dramatic. To me and my family, Leroy being “retarded” means he is special, he is a gift to us. My family never taught him that being “retarded” was a bad thing, so he doesn’t take offense to it. He’s proud, in fact. It would have been one thing if you wrote a post about how all people that are retarded should be sent away or something of the like, but you didn’t.

    So in fact, I’m offended by your apology, lol.

  12. I think it’s a Utah thing. It wasn’t until I moved out of Utah that I found people were offended by “retarded”. In Utah it’s equal to “dumb” and “stupid”. I even have a friend who is really close to her down syndrome brother. When he is being dumb she calls him retarded. He knows it’s equal to “dumb” and “stupid” and it’s only used in a light way. He’s only “retarded” when he is being retarded the same way regular people are retarded or dumb.

  13. hey girl:) Thanks for the blog love the other day! You sooo rock! And classy move on the apology:) I tend to use have to catch myself with this word sometimes! Just one of those things if you are not sure if you’ll offend – I gotta error on the side of caution:) Keep up the craftiness!!!! Love YOUR guts.

  14. i did notice the word, but only to think “i bet she gets called out for using it.” and you did. not surprised. even tho you were writing for real, and telling what your thoughts were, someone felt the need to tell you your thoughts weren’t pc enough for them. hmm, i think i agree with the commenter andrea about the apology, altho clearly i understand why you did it. i just feel like as long as you are not saying something maliciously, you should be free to share your uncensored thoughts on your blog, and if someone needs to call you out on your own writing choices, that is a problem with their over sensitivities, not you. keep being real!

  15. It takes a humble person to apologize so pubicly. Sorry!!! I can’t help it, that was bad……seriously though, that was very sweet. My favorite word you have though is “craptastic”. Sometimes no other word will fit.

  16. I have to say as a former SPED teacher and as a long-time advocate and friend to MANY people with disabilities, that is a word that should be extinct from people’s vocabulary. Too many people use it to mean “stupid” and don’t really think about what it can mean and was originally meant for. I am not offended by it since I know most people don’t mean it to be offensive, but at the same time, it is a word that people should use with the utmost caution and in the right context. My niece with disabilities knows she is stupid because she is called that at school weekly. Recently, there has even been a “campaign” to end the “R” word and some people wanting to make a law to outlaw it. I think the law is such a dumb idea, but I do agree that people should be more aware that is not a word to use flippantly. I love ya, Mandi, and think you are great to apologize. This actually will hopefully help those who sometimes use it carelessly to be more careful of the words they use.

  17. Thank you for a gracious apology, and an opportunity to teach and remind us all that words can help and hurt.

    You and your blog are terrific.

  18. Not every person is 100% PC all of the time, and I think calling someone out on something like that is a little extreme. Mandi is obviously not someone who would say something hurtful or meant to offend anyone, so to make a big deal out of it seems crazy. She apologized (though I don’t think an apology was needed!) and handled it with grace.

    Love your guts Mandi!
    And I hope I didn’t offend anyone with the word “crazy” lol

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