Rock What Ya Got || 1

By Mandi 01/28/2014

Let me start off this post with the hugest apology ever!  Last week was a crazy one full of traveling, and hanging out with my favorite friends, and massive sicknesses.  So please please forgive the radio silence,  you guys know what its like when life just takes over, right?  

It is time for the first ever Rock What Ya Got Party!  If you remember we chatted about it here.  If you are new,  let me explain.

Rock What Ya Got

Whenever I bring a new treasure home Court just looks at me and says โ€œWhere are you going to put that?โ€  And then I happily float into the garage and add it to the treasures that are taking up my half.  (Ok it is more like two thirds.  But who is measuring?)

The problem in this situation is that I have treasures that I have long forgotten about.  And who can forget the ever present โ€œBut I cant get rid of that, I might use it!โ€ excuse?

So here is what we are going to do.  It is a fun thing I like to call MOTIVATION!  Once a month we are going to have a Rock What Ya Got party.  You can play along on Vintage Revivals by linking up a blog post,  or on instagram using the #rockwhatyagotparty hashtag.

Here is the other deal.  This link up is for new projects only.  I get it,  you are excited about that dresser that you painted last June and still want everyone to see it.  But this is not that.  We are doing NEW projects.  New.  Like sparkly newborn baby new.  Yes?  The whole point is to do something new.  How about if I throw one more NEW in there for effect?  New.

So here are a few things you need to know about our fun new club:

The Rock What Ya Got party will be opening today, and will be open for one week.

Feel free to link up any type of project, as long as it is using something that you already had at home.  (You can obviously buy a few supplies to work your magic)  The project has to be (say it with me!) NEW!

I will be sharing some of my favorites every month on my social media channels and in the Vintage Revivals newsletter!

Not to mention all of the other happy applause from other Rock What Ya Gotters.

Here is my Rock What You Got project for this month,  you can see the full tutorial here.

Rock What Ya Got_edited-1

Now it is time to show yours off!



Love Your Guts

27 thoughts on “Rock What Ya Got || 1”

  1. Hey Mandi! Awesome link party!!!! Just fyi – it may be my browser (Chrome) but the link party thumbnails are so big the ones on the right are getting cut off by 2/3’s – just wanted to let you know!

  2. Here is possibly a super dumb question. I have my instagram set to private, but if I add the #rockwhatyagot tag, will you be able to see it or do I have to make my insatgram public?

      1. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚ I mostly use my Instagram to share pics of my 2 little yahoos with close friends, not sure if I want to make my account public. Could I put a pic on your Facebook or is that a huge pain in your patooty? (totally understand if not) Sorry for all the questions.

  3. So… I’ve been on a valentine making tear. I used some paper I already had and my brain… which thankfully I already had.

    I hope it fits the party OK!

    I’m all over rockin’ whats I gottin’… or something like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Love this party! Pretty much all of my projects are rocking what I’ve got…and still the list of projects left to do goes on. Oh, and I linked a project from last year – I hope that is ok. Just kidding – definitely got the ‘new’ message! My project is hot off the presses!

  5. HI Mandi! You rock girl! Thanks so much for hosting this party. I am new to blogging and this really motivated and inspired me. I can’t wait for the next one. Have a wonderful end of your weekend!

  6. Just posted my Chalkboard Clip Board project over at and on Instagram. #RockWhatYaGot! Love this!

  7. Is this still going to be a once a month thing because I haven’t seen any more posts about it?

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