I don’t know. I cant decide but I think “Look What I Found Friday” kind of is restrictive in its title since its just junk you have found. I am thinking this because the most peeps I have had participate are 5, I think that the title needs to be a little more in yo face (say that in a really deep Mr. T voice). You guys are honestly my friends and I want to know what you think so PUH-LEEEZE share! I’m thinkin that most people don’t want to refer to their newly completed project as crap or junk but that’s just how I am so…..
Every once in a while you acquire something that truly is not junk or crap. So this is the reason that I am changing the name next week….look what I got!

No not a house. Its a NEW DOOR, from my friend Bonnie! I bet you guys wish you had friends like that huh? WELL YOU CANT HAVE HER! So she just moved into a beautiful new house and couldn’t take her gorgeous wood door with her. So you-know-who might have shamelessly begged asked once or twice for it. Thanks Bonnie!! I love you!
Now on to the cool crap. So Macho and I are on a really fun budget, I snuck to the DI only once this week but I totally scored!
I have been looking or and old metal bed for Dylan’s room for MONTHS. I hope that this one will work its a little skinny and has hooks for a trundle-ish frame but I am going to have a hard time finding one because if the skinniness. Wish me luck and I cant wait for you guys to see how it ends up!! I am in love with the chippiness of the paint and how its sort of old and sterile looking. Like it could have been used in a hospital or something. Oh and it was $15.00
LOL, I like “Junk…Jealous Much? Friday” and “Crap I Created Friday” 🙂
Would link up but I have nothing to share. Or even a camera at the moment to take a picture if I had found some cool crap … er, junk ~ maybe next week! 🙂
SO JEALOUS that you got Bonnie’s door! I have always loved her door, I didn’t know it was for grabs or I would have totally arm wrestled you for it!!
I think you should keep it as “Look What I Found Friday”. It’s a usual phrase used by people who just found some fabulous junk for a great deal, so I think it’s perfect.
Heres some other ideas, if you’re interested.
“what have you found? friday”
“What did you find? friday”
“fun finds friday” (or is that too many Fs?)
“junk finds friday”
“treasure finds friday”
“hidden treasure friday”
“new junk friday”
If I found stuff I would totally link up.
I found a vintage children’s book that is not in great condition. I plan on framing a few of the pages for my daughter’s tea party room in the works. Also, I wanted to tell you I found a vintage wooden table and chairs that I am going to redo for her tea part room. Any suggestions?
Yeah, I’ve never linked because I don’t do a lot of “finding”… but I do make a lot of “crap” – lol! So… now that I know I can link up the thrifty stuff I make, I’m totally going to. 🙂 Now, I just have to get posting, since my internet wonked out….
Fabulous Finds Friday.
Do it! 🙂
K, so that is SO funny that you just left me a message on my blog, because I just was thinking about you as well! SERIOUSLY! I think we should do a little complaining too 🙂 PLUS, there is no way possible that is it just coincidence that both of our names are Mandy (Mandi)! 🙂 MAN this is ruthless! I wish that they would just pick someone, rather than doing this whole voting thing. It is a little insain to say the least. Even though it is a contest, it doesn’t me we can’t be friends 🙂 I think your stuff is awesome. Good luck to you … BTW … I swear we have met before. I noticed you grew up in SL. Where in SL? Email me 🙂 [email protected]
Oh I like Alissa’s name she suggested, “Hidden Treasure Friday.
I actually like “look what I found Friday” I think it’s cute:) Really! And those bed frames….adorbs. Seriously. I think we are hitting up Goodwill today so hopefully I can link up! Love your guts right back blogging BFF!
Love that door! I would have begged too!
I have a new blog. I took a break from my previous blog after my 4th was born and my oldest was only 3. LOL. And Now I have time to paint, and reupholster, and all that fun stuff so my new blog is all about my new free time. I linked up with my yard sale finds this week!
Love your blog and I voted for you on the Studio 5 contest, good luck!
Just found your blog! I believe I will add my new dresser to your lonely link party 🙂
I tried a link party once before and only had a few, so I know how you feel sista!
I like “Look What I Found Friday”! It’s clever. And very catchy.
Keep it. 🙂
I love love love you, and found you on Studio 5. I voted for you, and then went to see your credenza from Tatertots, and it was you!!! I am so excited! I was wishing I knew your blog address – now I do!!! I am now a follower! I wish we lived closer. I know we would be DI friends 😉 I was on Studio 5 on Tuesday http://www.restlessrisa.blogspot.com showing my felt Halloween advent calendar, when they announced the finalists! I am hoping you win!!! I am putting you on my sidebar! I can’t wait to see what you do next! 🙂 By the way… I am totally looking for a credenza for my family room. The DI has not been delivering lately 🙁 I am going to check tomorrow morning first thing…
Oh I love your crappy junk! That is the exact front door I have been dreaming about. If you ever move and can’t take your door with you I would be willing to take it off your hands. 🙂
LOVE the iron head/footboard! Thanks for sharing.
I have passed an award on to you…come take a look at https://redhenhome.blogspot.com/2010/09/award-for-me.html
Love the door, you are so lucky! And I can’t believe you got that bed for $15, jealous!
Have you by chance painted this bed yet? And put up a tutorial? I have a similar bed I am looking to paint, but have no idea where to begin.