Tag: Furniture

Look What I Found Friday: Chair Edition


Yay! I am SOOO excited to do LWIFF today!! Its been a loooong time since the last one and I have accumulated a ton of crap. Mostly chairs. My husband is not so excited about it but, whatev to him.

Are You A Dirty Glazer?


Hey Friends!! So the question of the day is Are YOU a Dirty Glazer? Or are you a Clean Glazer? Of course by Glazer I am talking about the way that you glaze furniture. I am hands down a dirty

Look What I Found Friday


Been forevs since we partied huh? I cant wait to show you guys all of the stuff I have hoarded over the last month or so! Get ready cause here it comes! This freaking awesome $14.00 cupboard is getting some

Upcycled Mirror Front Dresser Tutorial


Freak. Did you guys forget why you read Vintage Revivals? You know that part about Epic Projects? Well guess what? I have an EPIC Project!! It all started with this lovely dresser that I found on Craigslist. My awesome MIL

Once Upon A Time….


There was a girl who had a blog. The girl spray painted everything in sight and was always coming up with epic projects. Then the girl started a contest that used all of her “allotted blogging time”. The girls was

Look What I Found Friday: Hoarders Edition


Hey everyone! I am so sorry about the linky disappearing last LWIFF. I sent an email to Linky Tools to see if I upgraded my subscription if it would restore it and never heard back. Anyway for some other reasons

Look What I Found Friday Faves


EEEEEP! I can not believe that we had 66 links in our {Look What I Found Friday} party. You guys are such rockstars!! So here are some of my faves, go and check out their blogs and make some new

Look What I Found Friday Party Time!


Ok so I have decided to make LWIFF a bi monthly party, hope everyone is ok with that! When I was at the DI (Utah’s version of Goodwill) on Wednesday,  I was walking my route and I noticed they had a