Tag: Furniture

Heeeere’s Vicki!


So excited right now. This is by far my favorite project that I have done. Its just so fab! Meet the new and improved Vicki!! Isnt that the COOLEST thing that you have ever seen? A vintage stereo cabinet refinished

Come have breakfast with me!


Over at Sew Dang Cute! Last season of Crafting With The Stars was so fun I begged asked Tam if I could compete again. She said no. (Probably cause she knows that I would win again…) but she did ask me

Look What I Found Friday Faves


Hooray! I am so excited to announce that we had more than 5 people play “Look What I Found Friday!” Super awesome ladies! So here are some of my favorites (though they all were awesome) {The Gag Reflex Inducer From

My Most Expensive Piece of Furniture to Date.


I have been eyeing this lovely lady since she was donated a week and a half ago to my thrift store. Seriously beautiful right? Its an old Victorola stereo cabinet. As if you couldnt tell by the speakers and record

Thrift Shop Glam Feature #1


 We are starting a movement people!  Its called Thrift Shop Glam. Its for all of us DIYers whose junk is too butch and colorful for Shabby Chic, and a little to old and eclectic for Modern. Definition: Thrift Shop:  a

Awesome-fied Desk and Mirrors


I hope that everybody had a chance to go and check out the Crafting With The Stars entries this round. They were in a word INSANE! Every.single.one of them. This was my entry: This is a little desk area in