Heeeere’s Vicki!

By Mandi 01/21/2011

So excited right now. This is by far my favorite project that I have done. Its just so fab!
Meet the new and improved Vicki!!

vicki 1

Isnt that the COOLEST thing that you have ever seen? A vintage stereo cabinet refinished and inlain with mirror. Genius! Just a quick reminder of {Miss Vicki} before. She is the awesome stereo cabinet that I bought at the Thrift Store for $50.00.

There were lots of opinions on what to do with her and I totally appreciate everyone’s suggestions! If you are wondering what to do to some furniture that you cant decide on read through the comments,  there are TONS of sweet ideas.
So here is what I did.
Primed her with Kilz Spray Primer

Painted her with the best gray ever. Krylon Classic Gray in Gloss

Glazed her with my PBFF (Painting Best Friend Forev’s) Ralph Lauren Faux Glaze in Black Silk. (You can see the tutorial on that Here)

I had to have the mirrors individually cut. There are 30. Yes 30.

I used Mirror Mastic to attach them. Did you know that most glue will eat away the reflective coating and leave spots where you put it?

I did not want that to happen to dear Vicki,  since I will be buried with her. So I splurged and paid $5.00


FYI the cost of the mirrors was $67.00 which was exceptionally cheap because I have mirror cut there all the time and I am cute. The original quote was $98.00.

Also did you notice I repainted my seizure wall? I will have a tutorial for that next week

vicki 2
vicki 3
vicki 1
So my friends we have a grand total of $112.00 for the lovely lady….not bad, not bad at all.
Linking up to the parties on my right side bar~

53 thoughts on “Heeeere’s Vicki!”

  1. Wow. Wow. It gorg! Love love love the color and mirrors! Where do you get the mirrors cut at? I have yet to find a place by me and I live in a big city {Dallas!} maybe I’m not looking in the right spots??

  2. Mandi, OMG! Vicki looks B-E-A-utiful and love the seizure wall even more now. love the classic gray and yellow combo too .. aawsome

  3. This is fabulous!! I’m drooling. I found a vintage stereo cabinet at Goodwill for $40. I haven’t finished it yet, but you have inspired me!!

  4. Oh My Gosh!!! You are truly amazing! It looks amazing. I wanted to tell you that the table you painted blue looks so dang awesome too. I love the color. Your so talented. I can’t wait to see what else you have done in your home..

  5. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! That’s me screeching with delight!!! You are GENIUS!! But we already knew that, so yea.

    Now I wanna see the entire room! I noticed that cute yellow table in the reflection of Vicki’s mirrors and I want to see the whole shebang!

  6. Three words: Ah. Freaking. Mazing!

    And I have no idea how, but I wasn’t a follower on the blog this whole time! Twitter only. God bless Shelly (House of Smiths) for RT’ing your post!


  7. Vicki looks well…..GREAT!!! The wall looks like a honeycomb. I don’t know why, but everytime I look at it that is what I see a honeycomb wall.

  8. Vicki is a stunner! LOVE her! I would like to find a Vicki of my own someday! Well done. It never ceases to amaze me the crazy creativity that oozes out of you! Keep impressing me! 😉

  9. Vicki looks amazing!!! I was so excited to see what you decided to do. Mirrors!!!! Who knew?! You need your own TV show. I have fallen in love with your blog. Been junking all week….my husband just shakes his head!

  10. Oh My! I’m soooo happy to have found you (via Mustard Seed). What wonderful projects you have! And the stereo! Well, what can I say? It’s just phenomenal. My parents had a similar one for years. I never would’ve dreamed of doing something like this. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Would love for you to drop by and link up to Passion for Paint this weekend.


  11. I guess I’m in the minority… I’m sad you decided to paint Vicki. IMHO she looked better before the paint.
    The mirror was a neat idea though.

  12. I just got a stereo cabinet a lot like this one! Trying to decide what color to paint it also, and how to make room inside it for all of our entertainment mess! Thanks for sharing! Love the mirror idea!!

  13. i love this redo!! gorgeous!! i actually have a question on the stenciling you did on your wall. i love it and wondering how well do you think it would work on textured walls??
    thanks! love your blog!

  14. Did you just measure out the spaces for the mirrors? I know this seems silly, but i just don’t get how you could with the rounded bottoms.

  15. It’s apparently just me, but it’s almost criminal to paint solid walnut and oak. Bad karma!!!

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