Weekend Plans & A Few Labor Day Decor Picks!!

By Mandi 08/29/2014

Hi guys!!   Labor day weekend is upon us (holy cow where has the entire summer gone?!!).

We are having a massive girls weekend at the Gubler residence.  My sister Amy is staying with us for a few weeks (it is the best thing of my whole life, she is forbidden from ever leaving).  We took a quick jaunt to Cara’s house and Amy got her very own Maskcara makeover.  I will make sure to let you know when the full reveal is on Cara’s blog, but here is sneak peek with little Gertie Girl.


The fun doesn’t stop there.  Jamie, who you all know and love has also taken up residence and we have some major projects happening while she is here too.  At least that is the plan,  so far all we have managed to do is eat every yummy thing that crosses our path.  But we will get there.  She has also promised to do a behind the scenes/real life at Mandi’s house in next week’s newsletter,  so you might want to sign up if you are itching to know how things REALLY are at Vintage Revivals…or not, if secondhand embarrassment is not  your thing.  (form is in the sidebar, make sure it is the newsletter that you are signing up for, not the email subscription!)

Because everyone loves celebrating the end of summer, here are lots of fun sales happening!  Here are a few of my favorite things! (a few of the links are affiliate, just a heads up!)

Check out RugsUSA for 80% off  this is the best sale that they run the entire year.  The overdyed purple rug that I used in the BHG shoot is on sale for $61.50.  And they have about a million colors.

DIY Magazine Vintage Revivals


Wallpaper Direct for 15% off everything.  My current fave is the white brick wallpaper that I am using for some of my small project shots

Mid Century Hanging Light


15% off everything at Furbish Studio!  I am really loving this rug:


And this pillow needs to live in The Nugget.  I can feel it.



Target has up to 25% off select home decor,  like this mid century coffee table (sooo good!!)


This entryway bench by Blue Dot for Target is freaking amazing.  Don’t need an entryway bench?  Picture it at the end of your bed!


Remember the Herbal Essence commercials where the girls were screaming “Yes! Yes! Yes!”?  That is how I feel about this barstool




I hope you guys have a great Labor Day weekend!   See you on the flip side with a fun giveaway that has a lot of somethings to do with this project.

Love Your Guts

23 thoughts on “Weekend Plans & A Few Labor Day Decor Picks!!”

  1. what does the purple rug feel like? it says it’s 100% polyamide….no idea what that is or feels like haha

    1. It is a little synthetic feeling, like I wouldn’t rub my face on it for fun, but underfoot it is great!

      1. Did you keep the rug? Does it look super fake? Thanks for you help=)

      2. I love the rug! It has a really great color that sort of changes in the lighting and it is really easy to clean (which I love!)

    1. It has a little bit of surface texture, but not brick like texture. More like the texture that you would find on bricks. If that makes sense.

  2. Every time you post a pic of Amy I think she looks like Elizabeth Montgomery from Bewitched and Nicole Kidman had a baby 🙂 Bostons are the best! Mine is super old and is now blind and I don’t know what I’ll do when he dies. Gertie makes me want another puppy.

  3. Now all I will be able to think about is that entry way bench at the foot of my bed! NEED IT! Happy Labor Day weekend!

  4. Thanks for the heads up on the sales! That wallpaper is just the ticket I’ve been looking for. Does Wallpaper Direct have a promo code or is the product already marked down this weekend? I really want to order so please reply! Thanks! tristiemangus@hotmail.com

  5. Ok first off, I love your blog!! Everytime I read it I have this insane itch to go treasure hunting. So thanks for that 🙂 second, you need to go to mad Greek. I’m pretty sure it’s close to the di down there. I live in slc and literally crave it daily. So please take advantage of if for me 🙂

    1. Bre we went there last night on your recommendation and it was SO good!! I got the spicy chicken gyro and I am super excited to go back! xox

  6. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those rugs and now I HAVE to have them! Girl, you just started my “got to, want to, have to” machine!
    I also WANT, but know I can’t have your little puppy girl. I have wanted one exactly like her since I lost my little schnauzer buddy a few years ago. Give her a squeeze and a kiss from me.
    Have a blast with Amy while she’s there! Love every single minute of it! I just finished a big visit with my sister, Pam. We live far away from each other and those visits are SO special. Thanks for showing us all the great stuff.

  7. Totally just bought that entryway bench from Target! Thanks for the tip on that one! I’d not seen it in stores, bc it’s only available online, and I’ve been looking for one to suit our style forever! Orders over $50 have free shipping, so I was in like Flynn!
    Thanks so much! 🙂


  8. u prolly already told us or its right in front of my face, but where is cara’s blog?:) tia

  9. ok, sorry, that post was so stupid it does not deserve an answer (my question). i meant where is jamie’s blog, not caras. cara’s is obvious.

  10. Thanks for the heads up on the rug sale! Bought two for my bedroom. Also checked out Furnish Studio and found a couple must-haves. You are bad for my pocketbook but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You inspire me.

  11. thank you for the heads up on the rugsusa sale! I have been looking for rugs for months and the sale allowed me to get everything I needed for a steal! I cant wait for them to come!

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